After Akaashi's smile faded, all the first-year candidates present, including Haizaki, felt vaguely as powerful as Captain Nijimura.

Then, Akashi's smile faded, and the words that came from his mouth made everyone follow his plain words, as if they were immersed in the scene and saw the scene.

In fact.

Akashi is indeed simply painting a picture.

After the game yesterday, when everyone was leaving the field, he was very rude and overheard a conversation in the tunnel.

From Natsuki Inoue.

With Shigure Akito


"I'm very disappointed with your performance in the second half, Natsuki Inoue."

"Sorry, senior……"


"So, can you tell me? I asked you in the second section 'What are you thinking about now?’"


At the players' tunnel, Inoue Natsuki took the initiative to wait here. When he actually stood in front of Shigure-senpai, he stumbled into silence after a brief conversation. in the corner.

Out of etiquette, Akashi Seijuro wanted to speak out. After all, this was the only passage to the locker room, but just when he was about to speak, he suddenly heard the words coming out again in the silence.

Inoue Natsuki's voice.




"Very common, right?"

Inoue Natsuki's voice trembled slightly as he spoke.

"In fact, before I was in junior high school, I did have the arrogant idea that 'I might be a genius'. No... maybe after junior high school, until that day at the Tianqiao Stadium, I would still have it.……"

"Therefore, facing the two seniors of Diguang Twin Stars, at that time, I could still confidently stand up"

"In that game, the strength of the two seniors goes without saying. I can also comfort myself by saying that they are seniors, but the first-year Teikou players on the court at that time……"

"Midorima, Haizaki, and……"


"The so-called 'genius' idea in my mind began to waver from then on. Then, until I met Qingfeng today, it took more than three months for Qingfeng to leave me."

"Judging from the speed of growth in strength, there is a fundamental difference in talent between us."

When Inoue Natsuki said this, Shigure Qiuto nodded clearly, without giving any comfort, but confirmed his words,"At that time, was this what you were thinking about?"


"Then I can tell you for sure"


"There is a clearly visible gap in 'talent' between you and Qingfeng. This gap will not only cause your strength to increase at a completely different rate, but may also limit the height you can reach."


"Do you want to give up?"

Shigure Akito's voice was like a dull hammer, hitting Natsuki Inoue's heart heavily. At that moment, it seemed as if the beating of the heart had stopped.

In the ears... only the last words were echoing.


‘Do you want to give up? '

Give up...



"Senior, I don’t have……"

Shigure Akito shook his head,"No, you have, at least, you have, otherwise the person you are blocking now won't be me, but the idol you are too ashamed to face because of your retreat in the second half, Nijimura Shuzo."

The accurate and direct attack penetrated Inoue Natsuki's defense line, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Looking at Natsuki Inoue in front of her, she saw that the other person came to talk to him about the 'simple' troubles of a junior high school student because he regarded him as a close senior.

Akito Shigure was not stingy and gave the answer based on his broader experience of basketball in his previous life.

"What is the so-called 'talent'?"

"Based on my impression, there is no doubt that basketball is a competitive game that focuses on 'height'. The fundamental 'talent' is height, so……"

"Is it time for short guys to despair?"


"That would be a negative factor, but it is by no means a decisive factor. In the professional arena, there are also players who are two meters tall, two meters ten, one meter nine or even below."

"And not a few"

"Obviously, they didn't give up in junior high school"

"Basketball has also gone from the era where centers dominated, to the era when shooting guards dominated basketball, to the era where power forwards dominated.……"

"single core……"

"Dual core……"

"Good at teamwork……"

"Very good at defense……"

"Countless precedents have proven that basketball is an interesting sport with more possibilities and so-called 'talents' than anyone imagined.’……"

"The ultimate pursuit of 'personal ability' is 'talent'. Being able to make good use of and develop certain techniques and tactics is also 'talent'. In this arena, the so-called 'talents' are diverse."

"That basket, suspended at a height of 3.05 meters, was doomed……"

"Everyone should look up"


"Think clearly"

"‘Talent naturally has high and low levels, but it does not simply refer to personal ability. Wait until you really can't find anything before saying that you have no talent."

"Having said that, you are so fragile. Will I not be able to see you at all by the time I reach high school?"

Natsuki Inoue:"……"

A few words.

Let Inoue Natsuki stay in place, brainstorming fiercely.

Akito Shigure, who was chattering away, did not let him go yet and continued to output,"Guess why Nijimura and I attacked with such brutal strength when facing opponents like you who are obviously inferior to us?"

Not far away.

Akashi, who had already had doubts about this issue, suddenly widened his eyes.

"Because of Nijimura's obsession with victory, he regards every goal as a victory that needs to be ensured with all his strength. While satisfying his own hunger, he also respects the efforts of his opponents."

"but me……"


"Just like a basketball game"

"A self-constructed character created by hand, on the road to glory all the way to the top, every step he takes is in pursuit of a perfect resume."

"Therefore, when we look back, we will be satisfied with our past glory."

"And you……"

"As a stepping stone on my journey"

"I believe that my future self will never be able to remember today’s game. It will only turn into a cold data and rush through my memory."

"Thinking back on it, I might just sigh……"




"I also played perfectly in this game.~"

"As for the opponent, I can’t remember his name. There is a high probability that he is just an ordinary person. Like others, he was beaten until he completely lost his fighting spirit. Maybe……"

"The guy who was so scared that he gave up basketball.~"

"Just barely, can it be regarded as a small part of the glory of the past, right?".

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