The stranger in front of him called out his name, and Natsuki Inoue was paused for a moment when he wanted to apologize, because he didn't remember who this person was at all.

Until... a furious shout rang out!

"Hanamiya Zhen!"

Not just one person, but a group of people gathered around!

Not far away.

Shigure Akito noticed that it was a group of angry junior high school players whose uniforms he had no impression of at all. Among them, the most eye-catching one was There were two conspicuous injuries.

One was on crutches, and the other was wearing a cast.

Needless to say , Shigure Akito's eyes turned to Hanamiya Ma.

Did it happen? Although the specific time is not clear, and the original plot is not described, but according to the content of the official novel, Hanamiya Makoto, a first-year junior high school student, was given a very"noble" character.

He left a good impression on his teammates, and everyone's favorability towards him continued to rise.


when Shoichi Imayoshi, who was very good at reading people's hearts, wondered why he couldn't hear anything bad about Hanamiya, he and his classmates.

Teammates will answer with a smile:

"What's the reason for"nine, nine, nine, nine, nine, zero"! Isn't it because there are no such rumors? Only a very twisted person would say bad things about that guy, right?"

Imakichi Shoichi, who believes in 'There are no good people in the world', this fox naturally doesn't believe it.

He doesn't believe it, a person would be surprised to hear only good rumors.

"Yeah? Just proves that he is a good person, right?"

The teammates all thought it was nothing strange.

That was at that time.

Akito Shigure only remembered the general content. It should be that during the team training match, Hanamiya really used small tricks to kill a player in the team. The reason is not yet known..

Maybe... it's because the player is the coach's son. Hanamiya Zhen pretended to be as usual and said something like"Senior, please cheer up", but no one responded.

He had doubts, but because of his fearful expression, he aroused the sympathy of his teammates. In the end, they just thought it was an accident

, but there was no doubt that it was all part of Hanamiya's plan. Although he couldn't hold back his laughter, Hanamiya. The corners of Miyazaki's mouth rose unconsciously.

Then... at that time, he was warned by Imayoshi Shoichi, who was completely convinced that Hanamiya was not a good person.

Imayoshi Shoichi, who quickly understood his true face, under a period of testing. , Hanamiya Shinya tore off his disguise when he sensed the coldness, because he knew that it was useless in front of this senior.


Although he didn't know the specific development of the situation, it was obvious that he had been promoted to the second grade. Hanamiya Makoto, despite the pressure of third-year senior Shoichi Imayoshi, still followed his plan and turned the basketball club into a club that he can enjoy himself.

The injuries that have begun to appear are the best proof.

The official national competition of the All-China Conference has not yet started.

So... the situation of this team is probably Hanamiyazhen's doing in the regional qualifiers. Considering that he still entered the national competition with injuries, the most likely thing is that he will be in the national competition. Killed in the round robin finals.


It made people hope to get the regional seeding, and then destroyed the opponent's hopes at the most critical moment.

It was so bad.


Jinka Academy where Hanamiya Makoto is located, and Senkou Middle School with injuries. at this time.

The confrontation between the two sides made the atmosphere at the scene quite depressing, especially the furious Qianguang Middle School, who felt that there was a danger of explosion and ignition at any time.

Sure enough, in the next second, there were very ungrateful juniors at Senko Middle School. In order to hurt their seniors in the regional qualifiers, they rushed towards the queue of Kinka Academy.

"hateful! Hanamiya Zhen!"

"After deliberately injuring the seniors……"

"How dare you, a despicable guy, show up!"

On the Jinjia Academy side, several team members lined up in front of Hanamiya Makoto to prevent him from getting close, but Hanamiya Makoto took the initiative to walk up in a very elegant manner.

His expression was calm, with a hint of calmness. A very strange doubt:


"Sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about. I just remember that we played a very good game in the preliminaries and finals. We were not booed and the referee had no objection at all. Is there any violation?"

"Don’t quite remember?"

"Have I done something outrageous?"

"If you are referring to the injuries suffered by your seniors, then I suggest them to go back and train properly. They are so fragile that it is unbelievable~"

No one of the members of Jinjia Academy paid attention to each other's hysterical expressions. Such a scene , they have seen too much this year.

Only the third-year players of Jinjia who were collectively pushed out of the starting position were very unhappy. They stood really far away from Huamong and did not want to get involved with each other.

The only exception was last year's second-year players. At that time, Imayoshi Shoichi, who had a lot of doubts about Hanamiya, went straight to Hanamiya.

"We met Di Guang in the group stage.~"

"What are you going to do?~"


Huamong Zhen raised his eyebrows, and he responded with disdain to the shady senior's yin and yang aura:"Emperor Guang? Is there any surprise?"

Hanamiya Zhen answered easily, but he has never forgotten Shigure Akito's disdain and arrogant contempt for him last year.

"Teiko's jersey"

"I've been waiting for a year~"

At this point,

Hanamong Zhen smiled slightly,"Everything will be within my plan, there won't be any surprises. Apart from that, the only thing that may be a little unexpected is……"

He looked past the defeated Qianguang Middle School.

Facing Emperor Guang who is watching the theater not far away

"Haha~ There are not only one or two guys with a strong sense of justice, but also many who don’t look like good kids. It will probably be interesting.~?"

"This is the only thing that people are looking forward to~"

As for the Teiko Twin Stars?


Geniuses may be so smart, but if they break, they are just garbage~

Hanamiya Zhen lowered his head slightly, and the incandescent lights on the dome of the gymnasium suddenly lit up. Half of it was covered by his long hair, and half of the shadow was cast.

When he grinned, the sinister look in Teikou's direction immediately aroused the displeasure of Teikou's first-year students, especially...

Haizaki Shogo!


"Who is that idiot?"

"Can I kill him now?"


Kurono Shinji shook his head speechlessly,"Haizaki...what are you thinking about? Of course it's not possible. They will be the first ones in the group stage. Let's talk about it during the game."........."

Haizaki Shogo nodded, and after reacting, he immediately looked strangely at the tall center next to him with short beige hair and a rather fierce appearance..........

He had actually wanted to complain for a long time. In Teikou's starting lineup, every one of the four second-years counted, whether it was Akito Shigure, Shuzo Nijimura, Shinji Kuroko, or even Reiji Fukaya, who started ruthlessly. It's all pretty scary.

And each is terrifying in its own way.

Where are all the villains~


That Hanamiya Makoto, I don’t know what he is pretending to be!

When the competition comes, I’ll give you a good look! the other side.

Hanamiya Zhen's first appearance after winning the title of"Five Generals" gave everyone present an extremely impressive impact, especially when set against the tragic situation of Qianguang Middle School, it gave people a feeling of extreme danger.

"Let's go and deal with them tomorrow."

When Hanamiya Zhen led the team past him, Inoue Natsuki came back to his senses from the conflict just now. If it was because the other party called out his name before, he was stunned for a moment and could not apologize.

So now, after hearing the information that Qian Guangzhong said, the uncontrollable rage, and the injuries that he saw with his own eyes,

Inoue Natsuki wanted to apologize for just bumping into him. He couldn't say anything anymore.

Then... he heard what Hanamiya Zhen said as he passed by.

"Champion Diguang~"

"It should be fun to lose an upset on the first day, right?~"

"It would be even more interesting if the Teiko Twin Stars 'disappeared' at the same time~"

At the same time, Hanamiya seemed to have just noticed Inoue Natsuki, and then said with a kind smile:"I am also looking forward to playing against you. , Natsuki Inoue’s classmate~"


"With Inoue-kun's strength, he may not be able to make it to the group stage, right?"

"But it doesn't matter anymore~"

"after all……"

"It’s only the first grade, please keep up the good work."

Natsuki Inoue...



This kind of waste really makes people 0.5 not interested at all. Only a guy like Shigure Akito can give serious guidance to this kind of waste~

What is it~

Waste and Is that a waste of sympathy?

No wonder he ignored me.

That bastard Shigure Akito!

Hanamiya Makoto was still resentful of Shigure Akito’s contempt and neglect last year, so he went there in person because of the staggered competition days. I watched the Tokyo District finals.

By coincidence, I heard the words of Akito Shigure and Natsuki Inoue at the members' passage. Hanamiya completely scoffed at the content, because from that conversation, he couldn't believe it. I only heard about one person’s arrogance, career

, and stepping stone.


The pile of funny words makes people laugh. Idiot, listen seriously

"Since I like to look back on the past so much……"

"Then tomorrow, with my own hands, I will mark your ridiculous glory with a name that is so impressive that people will recall it even in their dreams!"

"Hanamiya Zhen, I want you to remember these three words.".

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