Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 19: Opponent Confirmed, Aomine Daiki!

Bai Feng was also a little impressed when he saw so many people at the scene.

However, unlike his teammates, Bai Feng was simply impressed by the fact that these people came so early.

He thought that his group was already active enough.

Ignoring so many eyes, Bai Feng calmly led his teammates to sit in their own positions, waiting for the draw to decide the opponent.

In fact, these people at the scene should not pay attention to Jianguang and others.

After all, they are a group of small transparent people and do not deserve such treatment at all.

But who made Jianguang beat Teikō last week?

As the strongest school in the junior high school world, they are always paying attention to Teikō.

The news of Teikō's loss was transmitted to all major teams in a very short time.

Even if they learned in the end that it was only Teikō's second team that lost, it was enough for them to pay attention.

"Is it them?"

"It should be, I don't think it's anything special!"

"Yeah, it's different from what I imagined."


The discussion at the scene continued until Teikō appeared.

The whole audience became silent.



The draw began, and everyone stepped forward in order.

Teikō had never been drawn, which made many schools very nervous.

It was the turn of the representative of Panyan Middle School to draw lots, and he was very nervous.

He put his palms together and closed his eyes: "God bless, God bless! I hope to draw a good lot."

After a set of preparations, he reached into the box.

Then he grabbed a piece of paper, which was written by Jianguang Middle School.

Looking at the words on the paper, the Panyan representative was stunned for two seconds, and was so excited that he couldn't control his emotions.

What did he see?

Isn't this the team that Panyan Middle School has defeated more than once.

He said happily: "The luck is too good! Tomorrow's game is sure to win."

Since they were drawn, Bai Feng and his team certainly didn't need to go up to draw lots.

At the moment when the opponent was determined.

Bai Feng remembered the voice of the system in his mind.


[System task: For the first time participating in the competition, you must win the game and try to improve your personal data. The specific reward is determined by the final data. 】

The system suddenly issued a task, which instantly sobered up Bai Feng, who was still absent-minded.

When he learned about the opponent just now, he didn't show any interest. He thought that he would just play casually tomorrow and win the game.

After seeing the task requirements clearly, Bai Feng decided that he must go all out tomorrow.

Give the opponent a big gift.

Since the opponent has been decided, they didn't stay at the scene to waste time.

Even though Teikō hasn't decided on the opponent, Bai Feng doesn't care about that kind of thing.

Leading his teammates out of the venue, everyone was not in a hurry to return.

It's hard to come out once, so take this opportunity to relax.

It just so happens that this place is very close to Yoyogi Park, where the basketball atmosphere is very good.

Everyone wants to go over and take a look and feel it.

But when he was about to act, Bai Feng saw Satsuki Momoi and a tall dark-skinned man walking towards him not far away.

The other party obviously came to find Bai Feng on purpose.

Coming to Bai Feng, Satsuki said happily: "Bai Feng, we finally meet again."

Bai Feng was a little speechless: "It's not long, don't say it as if we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Oh, anyway, I've been thinking about you these days."

"Don't say such misleading words, you want to see me play!" Bai Feng had to explain in front of everyone, otherwise it would be bad to tarnish his innocence.

And seeing his teammates' faces full of gossip, Bai Feng had to do it even more.

There are many people who want to chase my buddy, you should line up first, otherwise it will be unfair to the other girls!

Looking at Bai Feng's handsome face, Satsuki blushed a little.

Just as she was about to speak, the dark-skinned man next to her, Aomine Daiki, interrupted.

"Hey, you beat Kise?" Aomine's words were very direct, without too much courtesy.

The sudden interruption did not surprise Bai Feng.

While talking to Satsuki, Bai Feng had been observing him.

This ace in the Age of Miracles, Bai Feng had imagined the scene of meeting him many times.

The opponent was the first one to "bloom" among the miracles, the first one to enter the Zone, and he could enter at will.

It is conceivable how terrifying Aomine Daiki's strength is.

Bai Feng looked at the other party calmly, with a smile on his face: "It's me, I heard that Kise has always regarded you as a target?"

Aomine: "Who knows about that kind of thing." He looked indifferent.

"But you can beat Kise, so I think your strength is pretty good."

Bai Feng could feel the arrogance of the man in front of him, and this arrogance was different from the small fish he had seen before.

Aomine is a real strong man, and this attitude is accumulated step by step through his own strength.

Bai Feng felt that playing with the other party must be very interesting.

After feeling the strong aura of Aomine, he actually felt a little itchy at this time.

Bai Feng: "Satsuki Momoi called me that day and wanted me to play a 1V1 game with you."

"I didn't agree, and left her a message."

"I don't know if she told you."

Hearing this, Aomine looked at Satsuki with some curiosity.

Satsuki obviously didn't tell the other party about this look.

But it's normal, after all, Bai Feng's words were not polite at all.

Just when Satsuki was embarrassed about whether to say it.

Hearing this, Bai Feng's voice came to his mind: "It's okay, you explain what I said that day to him."

Hearing this, Satsuki no longer hesitated and said to Aomine: "Bai Feng said that if you want to fight him one-on-one, you have to go to him as a challenger."

After hearing this, Aomine was a little confused and couldn't recover for a while.

When did I have to fight the other party one-on-one, why didn't I know?

And as a challenger, the ace of the Miracle Era is so embarrassed!

His simple mind couldn't think that Satsuki had already fought for him.

Aomine came back to his senses and said: "It seems that defeating Kise has made you very arrogant."

Aomine is now also aroused. He feels that the person in front of him is a little too arrogant.

Bai Feng: "In my opinion, there is no difference between you and Kise."

The provocative words made Aomine look serious.

Although he didn't care about other people's opinions, the other party compared him to Kise, a model who only started playing basketball in the second grade of junior high school.

Aomine still couldn't stand it.

Aomine narrowed her eyes: "Before you beat Kise, I don't know how many times I beat him."

"It's been a long time since we played basketball, so let me make you face reality."

Bai Feng looked at the other party pretending to be cool, and suddenly thought of the other party's classic lines.

Bai Feng: "Forget it, the only one who can beat me is myself!"

Aomine: "Huh?"

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