Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 26: Mission Rewards, About To Evolve?

When the whole game was over, Bai Feng heard a prompt sound in his mind that the system task was completed.

However, Bai Feng was not in a hurry to check. He would wait until the current matter was over before checking.

After the game, the players of Panyan Middle School seemed to have their souls taken away, like a group of puppets.

People who watched the whole game process found them like this.

At this time, a trace of pity rose in their hearts.

It's too miserable. Don't make it bad, because one game will cause a shadow on basketball in the future.

The players of Panyan Middle School are now in two extremes compared to before the game.

When both sides shook hands and thanked each other, they were like eggplants hit by frost.

"Thank you for your advice!!"

"Thank you for your advice!!"

After greeting each other, Bai Feng returned to the locker room with a group of happy teammates.

The teammates are very excited now, but there is a sense of unreality in the excitement.

They have never had such an experience in the preliminaries before, and the opponent is a school that has beaten them before.

Everything was like a dream. Although they knew they could win, they still felt incredible.

After everyone went to the locker room, they all washed up.

After everything was over, they changed their clothes and prepared to celebrate the good start.

The coach was very generous this time. He also felt that everyone played too well today.

After waving his hand, he decided to reward these players well.

But when they pushed open the door of the locker room, they found a group of reporters waiting outside the door.

It turned out that there were many people in this group of reporters who did not leave early. They just wanted to interview them in person.

The people of Jianguang had never seen such a scene. Bai Feng was calm.

But his teammates were more nervous than each other, afraid that the reporters would look at them.

In the corridor of the locker room, there were not only Jianguang people at this time, but also many players who were about to play.

Everyone looked at Bai Feng and them curiously.

"What's going on?"

"Who are they?"

"You came a little late. They just won the game. The whole scene can be called a massacre."


The interview was over, and the whole process was almost asking the coach and Bai Feng.

The nervous teammates found that they had nothing to do with it.

This made them a little embarrassed.



After the players' request, the coach found a restaurant, and as expected, he spent a lot of money.

He was very generous at the beginning, and Bai Feng was not surprised in the end.

Coach Ham looked like he was in pain again.

Looking at the wolves in the team, especially after seeing the way Dahe ate, he hated his arrogance very much.

It was just a game, why did he get so carried away?

Remember it secretly, don't do this next time.

After the dinner, everyone went home.

When Bai Feng returned home, it was still early, and as expected, his cousin was not there, so no one disturbed him.

Bai Feng went into his bedroom and checked the task rewards to see what he could get.

He remembered that this task asked him to improve his data as much as possible.

It was precisely because of this that Bai Feng almost dominated every aspect of the court this time, and Bai Feng could be seen everywhere.

It was under this situation that he scored 56 points, 27 assists, 13 steals, 20 rebounds and 9 blocks, which was an incredible data.

He only needed one block to get all double digits. Even if we look at the history of basketball, this data is quite explosive.

Bai Feng excitedly called out the system to check the task rewards.

[Ding! The game task has been completed, and the rewards are now issued]

[Free attribute value × 3, development potion, and sense of protagonist have been issued. ]

Bai Feng looked at the system prompt, and he didn't react for a while.

Is this a direct three-reward? He originally thought that one would be given for each task.

This was beyond his expectation, and it was worth his explosive data.

Afterwards, Bai Feng carefully analyzed the improvement of the reward for him.

First of all, there are three attribute points, which can be allocated by himself, which is still good.

And after Bai Feng finished the duel with Aomine, he found that his speed was still not fast enough, and he also wanted to feel it improved.

If he only improved his speed through training, it would take a long time.

He was about to compete with Teikō, and there would definitely not be a big improvement in such a short time.

Now the system gave him 3 attribute points, and Bai Feng loaded all of them on the speed without any hesitation.

The next moment, Bai Feng felt a sudden warm current in his body, which made him very comfortable.

When the warm current disappeared, Bai Feng felt that his legs were as light as if they were weighted.

This also changed his panel at this time.

【Name: Bai Feng】

Static Talents:

【Height: 191cm】

【Wingspan: 206cm】

Dynamic Talents:

【Strength: 86】

【Speed: 87→90】

【Bounce: 86】

【Stamina: 90】

Basketball Attributes:

【Three-pointer: 85】

【Mid-range Shot: 86】

【Layup: 87】

【Dunk: 87】

【Pass: 90】

【Defense: 86】

【Rebound: 85】

Ability Extraction:

【Beyond Vision, Against the Core】

At this time, Bai Feng's speed has reached 90 points, which is the same as the attribute of physical strength.

Because Bai Feng's physical strength has reached 90 a long time ago, he knows very well that when the attribute exceeds 90, it is a qualitative transformation.

Bai Feng now can't help but want to compete with Aomine again to see who is faster now.

Then Bai Feng looked at the second reward, the development potion.

【Development potion: After use, the body will develop to a height of 201cm and a wingspan of 216cm within two months. At the same time, it will not affect the technical and dynamic talents. 】

When Bai Feng saw the first half of the introduction, he was still a little hesitant about whether to use it.

After all, he was quite satisfied with his current height, and he was afraid that growing too fast would affect his coordination.

But when he saw the second half of the introduction, Bai Feng did it directly. Damn, since it does not affect the technical and dynamic performance.

Then why hesitate? If you are so tall for nothing, only a fool would not do it.

At this time, Bai Feng couldn't help but imagine that he would play point guard with a height of more than two meters in the future, and he could even play a guest role as a center?

Bai Feng couldn't help but think of the NBA's Coach Yue, the center dealer, commanding the whole court.

This would be interesting.

Isn't Akashi awesome? Isn't he Emperor Eye? Let's see how the small one beats the big one.

One step will counter your three steps. Let's see who is faster or taller!

As for the third reward, Bai Feng feels that it is very similar to the wildness of Aomine.

【Protagonist sense: greatly enhance your intuition, allowing you to perceive the most reasonable way to deal with the situation at the moment. 】

Bai Feng looked at the reward and couldn't help but think of Aomine.

When they were fighting, the opponent's sense of smell became very sensitive after turning on the wildness.

He changed direction many times and did not show any flaws on Aomine, which was enough to prove the importance of a sensitive sense of smell on the court.

Bai Feng was very satisfied. It can be said that the reward this time was very generous.

The feeling of improving strength is so fulfilling!



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