Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 3: Playing With Your Brain? Learn Well!

After a brief silence on the court.

Everyone also reacted. The player who just dunked the ball was a little too arrogant.

They are Teikō Junior High, a school that has dominated the junior high school world for three consecutive years.

And it is the kind of school that is undisputed. Who dares to be arrogant in front of us?


"Too arrogant."

"I don't even know which school you are from, why are you pretending!"

"You will have a hard time in the future."


The aggressive noises are endless.

But there are also many girls who fall for this.

"Damn Gu Yi!"

"Wow, I didn't realize that this boy is also handsome just now."

"Yes, and he is so manly, I feel like he can pick me up..."

I have to say that these girls' vision is still good. Bai Feng's appearance in this life is beyond reproach.

And for these adolescent girls, the hormones that Bai Feng shows on the court can also stimulate them more.

Many girls who originally paid attention to Kise Ryōta now turn their attention to Bai Feng.

Among the fans who came to watch the game, girls accounted for a small half. Their chattering also aroused the dissatisfaction of the boys.

This also made the whole stadium more lively.

And the coach of Teikō's second team did not panic after seeing Bai Feng complete the dunk, and he still looked calm.

"It seems that my judgment is correct. It is indeed very strong, but the score gap is too big."

"If you want to blame, blame your coach, and..."

Then he made a gesture to the Teikō players in the court.

Bai Feng also noticed his actions. He understood that as the coach of Teikō, even if he was a second-team coach, he was very professional.

It must be different from his own coach. After seeing his own strength, he will definitely take corresponding countermeasures.

Sure enough, after a brief confusion, the opponents quickly got into the state after seeing the coach's instructions.

And after reacting, they all felt an inexplicable sense of shame.

As a player of Teikō Junior High, he was humiliated by a third-rate player from an unknown school team in his home court.

This is something they have never thought of. Although they are only the second team, that is only in the special school of Teikō.

If Teikō Junior High is excluded, they are enough to be the main force of any junior high school team.

The more they think about it, the angrier they are, especially when they hear the noisy sound in the stadium at this time.

The ball handler who just played against Bai Feng has a gloomy face at this moment.

"Just now I was just careless. This ball let these third-rate guys on the opposite side really see Teikō."

"Yes, I originally said to play more restrainedly and give them some face, but now it seems unnecessary."

"Third-rate is third-rate, shameless."

The court is very large. Although Bai Feng is a little far away from them, their voices can be vaguely heard by Bai Feng.

He was not angry, but a little excited, and that kind of bad taste appeared on his face again.

Bai Feng is only interested in two situations on the court.

One is the resistance of the weak, and the other is of course encountering a real strong man.

"Okay, finally we have some fun before Kise comes on the court."



At the offensive transition, the opponent passes the ball to the point guard.

Bai Feng did not press the ball, he was waiting for his opponent at the top of the arc of the three-point line early.

The opponent changed the rhythm of his left and right hands, and it can be seen that the opponent's ball control skills are very solid, and his eyes are always on Bai Feng.

He was ready to pass Bai Feng, but it was useless. Bai Feng did not give him any chance at all.

Although Bai Feng did not step forward to steal the opponent, he dared not move too much just by relying on his momentum.

This made him feel a little embarrassed after he just finished talking big.

But there was no way, he could not let him be willful, their status in the second team was not as good as those first team perverts.

The coach is the sky for them!

This can't continue, it's too slow.

He finally called his teammates to come forward for pick and roll, and the next moment, the center also stood beside Bai Feng smoothly.

At the same time, Bai Feng's teammates were also mobilized. When he saw that the opponent blocked Bai Feng, he was ready to actively make up for it.

Their cooperation was excellent. It was obvious that they had used this tactic countless times and were extremely skilled.

According to their past experience, Teikō's center could now go down, and the point guard could pass the ball steadily to him, allowing him to make a layup.

"Heh, you are indeed a third-rate team. I can fool you with a little bit of brains."

The opponent had already imagined the joy of completing the attack with his exquisite conduction.

"This is what a point guard should be like, learn from him."

However, all this was within Bai Feng's expectations.

At this moment, the Transcendence Vision was activated, and Bai Feng's vision instantly rose, and the entire court suddenly appeared in Bai Feng's mind.

Yes, it was a God's perspective.

At this moment, the situation on the court was like a pattern in the palm of your hand.

What's more abnormal is that Bai Feng instantly analyzed the direction of the ball in 0.5 seconds in a clear situation of the court.

Bai Feng had insight into the trajectory of the basketball.

0.5 seconds is very fast on the court, but at this moment it is enough for Bai Feng to appear on the route of the basketball in advance.

"Snap!" A crisp steal sounded.

The basketball was firmly grasped by Bai Feng's big hand.

"Here it comes, this familiar feeling again."

"How dare you pass the ball like this in front of A Feng!"

Teammate who are familiar with Bai Feng showed an expression of being accustomed to it at this time.

They had seen Bai Feng's magical steals many times in their usual training.

And this scene was very strange in the eyes of everyone in the audience.

It was as if Bai Feng had known how the ball was going to go.

Coach Teikō frowned slightly at this time.

"Predicted? He is not just a reckless man, he also has a strong basketball IQ."

The expression on the face of the player who was intercepted froze from the initial arrogance in an instant.

Now what was frozen on his face was a slightly distorted and funny face.

He didn't have time to make too many movements in his heart.

Bai Feng had already taken the lead with Kazuma, pushing the ball to attack.

He could only defend hard, but the familiar feeling was entangled with him again.

Although he didn't sit on the ground this time, he was eaten by Bai Feng's speed.

The feeling of despair was no less than the last ball.


Another dunk, Bai Feng didn't pity Teikō's basket at all.

But how could the whole audience not react to such a cool dunk?

After landing, Bai Feng looked at the audience seats around him, and then he reached up with both hands.

After seeing Bai Feng's actions, the boys in the audience didn't have time to react.

The girls took the lead in interacting.

"Wow! So handsome!"

"So handsome, really so handsome!"

"I want his phone number, who knows his information?"

"No, I can't stand it!"

It was very passionate, some blushed, some squeezed their legs.

Bai Feng didn't reject this feeling, it was great.

He turned his head and looked at the opponent who caught up with him.

"Is this what you call playing with your brain?"

"You are lucky, study hard, there are not many opportunities."

The other party heard his face twisted a little.

"What are you crazy about? We still have the advantage. It's only 12 to 24 now."

After holding it in for a long time, he finally let out a harsh word.

Bai Feng didn't continue to look at him, it was a bit boring.




The first quarter ended, and the whole court was really silent at this moment.

The big screen showed the score.


That's right, after Bai Feng came on the court, the opponent only scored one goal.

Almost all of it was Bai Feng's rhythm, and the opponent's coach called a timeout during the period.

But it was useless, and it became worse and worse.

The four players from Jianguang's team escorted Bai Feng off the court and prepared to rest.

When passing the Teikō area off the court, Bai Feng looked at Kise Ryōta who was sitting on the opponent's bench.

A smile appeared on his face and he spoke calmly.

"You can sit there like this, are you ready to lose at home?"

"If you are afraid, you are allowed to notify the other main players now, haha!"

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