Under the gaze of thousands of eyes in the stadium.

Akashi has appeared in front of Bai Feng again with the ball.

Akashi's 'Emperor Eyes' were still full of coldness.

But Bai Feng seemed to see through the other party's wavering mind through the cold coat.

Bai Feng even doubted whether he had seen it wrong.

The Akashi Seijuro who always looked like he was the boss and the second in command would actually show a hint of such an attitude.

But then, Bai Feng was extremely sure of his judgment.

He combined the various targeted strategies he had made against Wei Tong since the start of the fourth quarter.

Under this targeting, Akashi was completely useless and couldn't even pass the ball.

Akashi was originally an extremely arrogant person, and his current personality was born for victory.

After being targeted suddenly without any room for counterattack, the personality born for victory was very likely to fall into self-doubt.

After seeing this clearly, Bai Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Akashi's personality is really too fragile.

How strong the appearance is, how weak the heart is.

Bai Feng Feng had actually thought before that the Era of Miracles would gradually adapt to the [same frequency] offensive rhythm.

However, Akashi might not be able to adapt in a short time.

Because as the ball holder, he would definitely be targeted by Bai Feng.

Akashi's fragile and sensitive personality would not be able to withstand this unprecedented rhythm.

Bai Feng saw this and it was just as he expected.

Then, Bai Feng prepared to continue to target Akashi and try to make him completely autistic!

After the plan emerged in his mind.

Suddenly, Bai Feng's originally calm expression changed.

He raised the corner of his mouth, with a hint of mockery: "Akashi, thank you for always giving me the ball. "

"Keep going, I can't catch it!"

After Bai Feng said those teasing words.

Akashi narrowed his eyes slightly, then frowned slightly, and the whole person burst out with a sense of oppression.

But he did not attack directly, but continued to control the ball, as if he was calculating how to attack next.

But Bai Feng saw it clearly. This guy couldn't burst out his momentum under his provocation.

But the aura suddenly revealed at this time, in Bai Feng's view, was more like stress.

Bai Feng looked at Akashi's cowardly appearance and continued: "I don't know if your eyes can see through your future,

Akashi heard Bai Feng's series of trash talk.

He was already unstable, and now he completely exploded.

I saw Akashi's 'Emperor Eye' jumping violently, and then he looked at Bai Feng, his expression showed a hideous look, and he said word by word: "Bai Feng, I will let you..."

"Recognize the gap between us!"

With an expression that was almost devouring, Akashi directly activated Emperor Eye and was about to launch a fierce attack.

Seeing this, Bai Feng's mouth curled up slightly and a smile appeared.

He knew that Akashi's mentality was in chaos.

This look now made Bai Feng suddenly feel that Akashi was like a beast fighting back before dying!

Teikō's other teammates had noticed that Akashi's condition was not right long ago.

However, they didn't expect that after being intercepted many times in the previous rounds.

At this time, he didn't change his strategy and was going to rush up and break through Bai Feng.

Midorima frowned: "Akashi this guy............

Not only Midorima, the rest of the teammates also didn't understand.

They really couldn't imagine why Akashi, such a calm person, would suddenly become so impetuous.

However, before everyone thought too much.

The thousands of spectators in the Tokyo Gymnasium burst into fierce noises again.

Kobayashi Ichiro: "Fuck, although Akashi was restricted in the first few rounds, it was also done by Jianguang through various cooperation. But this time it was completely one-sided!"

"After being double-teamed, he was directly intercepted by Bai Feng."

"Oh my God, this Teikō captain is getting worse and worse!"

"It seems that the top point guard in junior high school will be completely replaced after this game. "

The audience exclaimed because Bai Feng, who was on the field just now, double-teamed Akashi as soon as he took the initiative to attack, and then robbed him directly.

In the past, Akashi could always pass the ball in a hurry when Bai Feng made the final steal.

Although every time the ball was passed, it would be taken by Bai Feng's teammates in advance.

But this time, Akashi was intercepted by Bai Feng before he even passed the ball.

At this time, Bai Feng firmly controlled the ball in his hands and led his teammates to attack.

The moment Akashi was intercepted, he was stunned for a moment.

But then, the originally cold expression on his face was completely out of control, and then he burst out at a very fast speed to chase Bai Feng.

This time, Bai Feng did not directly launch a fast break, but deliberately slowed down his speed.

When Bai Feng deliberately slowed down, Yin Si defended in front of Bai Feng again.

Bai Feng could clearly feel Akashi's unstable state at this time.

Then, Bai Feng said directly: "`.With your current state, it is better to let Kuroko Tetsuya, come and defend me!"

After the words fell, Bai Feng did not continue to care about him.

He directly mobilized his teammates and once again showed the silky cooperation that made the audience dumbfounded.

Moving ahead, pick-and-roll, passing the ball without looking at people, passing the ball instantly after receiving the ball, continuing pick-and-roll...

After a series of tactical cooperation that does not require brain thinking.


Teammate assists Bai Feng, Gu Mingchen!

Score, 74:62.

As the basketball went into the net, the scene erupted with fierce responses again.

However, Bai Feng was not affected by the atmosphere and the goal.

Bai Feng turned around and found Akashi, and then walked to Wei Tong.

Bai Feng was no longer prepared to give the other party a chance to receive the ball safely.

He wanted to take full-court pressing defense against Akashi when he was in an unstable state.

Bai Feng wanted to grasp Akashi's state at this time and quickly catch up.

However, when Bai Feng should stand next to Akashi to defend him strictly.

He suddenly found that Akashi's eyes, which were originally sharp, were now dull.

As if his soul had been sucked out, he stood there motionless.

Bai Feng saw Akashi like this, and he also looked at him seriously for a while.

He finally determined that this guy must have a psychological problem.

At this time, Murasakibara, who was originally standing at the baseline preparing to serve, saw Akashi motionless.

He did not pass the ball directly, because if he served at this time, Bai Feng would definitely steal it.

At the same time, Teikō's other miracles.

All noticed Baotong's state at this moment.

This made the two teams, which had been fighting fiercely, suddenly become strangely calm.

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