Black Basketball: Blue Lock Yoichi First Skill At The Start

Chapter 85: The Evolution Of The King's Domain

The chaotic scene on the field did not last long.

All the idlers left.

In the warm atmosphere of the audience, the two teams began the final process.

The two teams thanked each other.

"Thank you for your guidance!!""

"Thank you for your guidance!!"

Even in the finals, the final mutual thanks process still needs to be carried out.

When both sides finished thanking each other, Bai Feng was about to leave the field with his teammates.

Aomine Daiki walked out of the Teikō team and walked towards Bai Feng.

Bai Feng also saw him and stood there waiting for him.

When Aomine came to Bai Feng, Bai Feng spoke first.

This time, Bai Feng did not use the tit-for-tat arrogance on the field.

He has returned to normal and said to Aomine with a faint smile: "Congratulations, Aomine, you won again."

Aomine was a little worried about Bai Feng's state after the loss.

But now seeing Bai Feng like this, he also put down his worries.

Aomine: "Thank you. "

Aomine seemed a little silent, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Then he exhaled, looked at Bai Feng and said seriously: "Bai Feng..."

"High school, let's compete!"

Bai Feng smiled and responded: "Okay, but you won't be so lucky next time."

"Don't neglect training, Aomine, otherwise you will lose miserably. ”

Aomine: “You are still as arrogant as ever………………

Bai Feng: “I wonder if it is my honor to be called arrogant by you.”

Aomine: “......

After the two chatted for a while, Bai Feng was ready to leave.

Bai Feng walked towards the player tunnel. When he stood at the entrance of the tunnel, he looked back at Teikō Junior High, who were preparing for the final award ceremony on the court.

Then, he turned around and went into the tunnel.

Bai Feng had adjusted his mentality at this time, although the feeling of losing was indeed unpleasant.

However, the matter was a foregone conclusion, so there was no need to continue to waste his mind on it.

Although Jianguang lost the game, it was the second in the country after all.

This was enough to make a strong mark in the history of Jianguang Middle School.

So after the game, the coach took everyone to relax in the name of celebration.

During the meal, many third-year players were also emotional and cried.

After all, for this group of people.

They were about to say goodbye to Jianguang and enter high school.

Bai Although Feng didn't cry like them, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The next game, these familiar teammates won't be in front of him.

Time flies so fast.

When everything was over, Bai Feng returned home.

He switched out of the system as soon as possible.

[Ding! Mission completed. ]

[In the fourth quarter of the game with Teikō, the score difference was successfully narrowed to within 10 points. Now there is a reward lottery!]

After Bai Feng saw the prompt sound of the system, he felt relieved.

Although losing is not a good feeling, fortunately there is still the comfort of the system.

"Draw!" Bai Feng gave the order without hesitation.

In an instant, the familiar roulette appeared in front of Bai Feng's eyes,

and then the roulette began to spin rapidly.

During this period, Bai Feng saw a lot of props and character abilities in it.

There were so many that Bai Feng couldn't help but be greedy.

However, he missed it under the rapid rotation of the roulette.

Not long after, the speed of the roulette slowed down until the pointer stopped at a Bai Feng was on a familiar capsule.

[Extraction completed: Evolution Capsule. ]

[Evolution Capsule: can upgrade Lv1 skills by one level]

When Bai Feng drew this auxiliary item, his eyes lit up.

Bai Feng certainly remembered that [Same Frequency] was obtained because of the Evolution Capsule.

Although this capsule can only evolve primitive skills, it is also very powerful.

Bai Feng didn't think much about it, and then he made up his mind.

This time, he planned to use it on the skill [King's Domain].

Bai Feng has always been very concerned about this ability.

Bai Feng has always believed that the potential of [King's Domain] is not lower than that of Beyond Vision.

At this time, Bai Feng did not hesitate at all.

"System, evolve the King's Domain for me.

The moment Bai Feng gave the order, the details of the evolved skills appeared in front of Bai Feng.

[Ding! Skill evolution completed.]

0‧Please give me flowers...

[King's Domain LV2]

[Ability 1: You can specify two points on the court, so that the initial hit rate of these two points is at least 60% without interference.]

[Ability 2: Hit rate display is not only effective for yourself, but also can observe the opponent's real-time hit rate.]

Bai Feng looked at the introduction of the skills after evolution seriously.

Not long after, he had a clear understanding of the current King's Domain ability.

Then, Bai Feng couldn't help but get excited.

It's too fucking perverted!

The first point alone is enough to make Bai Feng exclaim awesome.

Specify two fixed points to improve the hit rate.

Bai Feng can already imagine his future game scenes.

Bai After Feng calmed down and thought for a while, he fixed these two points at the top of the three-point line and the right side of the restricted area. First, by placing the points on the three-point line, Bai Feng can directly use his physical advantage to pull up the opponent. In this way, the defender has to defend him closely. The moment the opponent steps forward, Bai Feng can directly speed up and pass the opponent. Then, he breaks into the restricted area, and with the help of the restricted area points, Bai Feng's finishing ability of layups and dunks is greatly improved. It can be said that the combination of these two points is enough to make the defenders in a dilemma. As for the change in the second point of [King's Domain]. Although you can see the opponent's shooting accuracy, the ability does not seem to be very good at first glance. However, Bai After careful consideration, Feng found that it was still very abnormal.

Especially for a player like him who has strong defensive ability, he can bring out the maximum function of this ability.

Imagine that when you know the opponent's shooting hotspot in advance.

You can force the offensive player to withdraw from the hot spot.

In this way, you don't even need to block or steal, and you have already succeeded in defense for half of the time.

At this time, Bai Feng imagined the scene of facing Aomine in his mind.

Under his defense, the opponent's Formless Shot might really become a few random shots!


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