Los Angeles, USA.

A bitter cold wind blew across the horizon and into a sealed stadium far outside the suburbs, with a crumbling wooden sign hanging from an iron gate that read, ‘No Entry for the Living.’

In a closed room in the complex, a blonde woman lying on a sofa took the remote control and turned on the TV to glance at the news, which broadcast the sixteen teams of the finals.

“Team Rockets from the eastern United States …”

“The Agnis from New York, USA…”

“…… Dream Team from Japan…”

After hearing the words of the Japanese dream team, the woman frowned, lost her concentration, the corners of her mouth rose for a long time, and said to herself: “I haven’t seen him for a long time, and I don’t know how he is?” ”

At the same time, there was a knock on the door, and there was an inquiring voice outside.

“Coach Garcia, Maddie, the number five, applied to go out and was rejected by the captain, and the two are arguing…”

Before anyone could finish speaking, the door was opened, and a scowl appeared on the blond woman’s face, “Bastard guy, where are they?” ”

“In the training room.”

The young man lowered his head and did not dare to meet the woman’s eyes, but replied with promise.

Don’t look at the woman in front of her is not old, but in less than a few months after coming to the team, she has put a group of players in order, and even the rest of the veteran coaches have praised her.

In the next second, the blonde woman closed the door and walked towards the training room.


Can you win?

Koyama Hataro, Netakeya Nagayoshi and others were all at a loss, whether they were lucky or unlucky to encounter such a powerful opponent.

Masako Araki muttered a little, knowing that she had to speak, otherwise her hearts would be scattered.

“Now, do you have any comments on my previous orders?” Masako Araki asked.


There’s a fart!

Nemuya Nagayoshi and the others hurriedly replied: “No, no…”

“Then, start the second team today to warm up and prepare for tomorrow’s game against the Lakers, I hope you can play perfectly, I don’t want the first team to play on the field at that time!” Masako Araki said coldly.

This is an experience, and it is also rare, and the members of the second team know very well that after experiencing this game, their strength will be honed, and even after a while, it will not be much worse.

Under the orders of Masako Araki, the two players left the room, leaving only Qin Fen, the Vulcan Great Self, and the original Miracle Age five people in the room.

Since the strength of the second team needs to be balanced, Tetsuya Kuroko and Tatsuya Ice Chamber joined the second team.

“The next is the personnel allocation, the starting team is composed of the original Qi five, Qin Fen, and the Vulcan Dame as substitutes, no opinion, right?” Masako Araki said.

The allocation of players was determined by Masako Araki after careful consideration.

Because the Age of Miracles Five used to be a group, tacit understanding, so the cooperation was quite perfect. However, the opponent is the God Team, and the physical exertion is quite large, so two strong players are needed as substitutes.

“I don’t have any opinions.” Qin Fen’s replied.

Preserving strength and observing opponents off the field, such a good thing, Qin Feng is naturally willing to do it, and he will definitely play.

On the other side, the Vulcan Dame, who was originally dissatisfied, didn’t say anything after seeing that Qin Fen’s opinion was nothing, only Huang Se Ryota patted Qin Fen’s shoulder and quipped: “Little Qin Fen, you just sit under the stage and watch how we defeat each other.” ”


Standing in the corner, Momoi May couldn’t help but laugh, and the one who could still joke on this occasion was the optimistic Ryota Huangse.

“Then, everyone disperse.” Masako Araki glanced at everyone, and finally said to Qin Fen, and Seijuro Akaji, “You two come with me.” ”

Watching Qin Fen, Akaji Seijuro and the two leave with Masako Araki, Ryo Huangse rushed to Momoi Mayo and asked, “What is the matter with Coach Araki looking for them?” ”

“I don’t know….”

Momoi May kept his mouth tight, and no matter how everyone asked, he did not let go.


The night sky filled with black veils, with stars shining through the clouds, emitted a faint glow, illuminating the dark earth.

The evening breeze blew away, blowing away the hair of Momoi May, who was holding the railing, and the other party’s graceful figure showed some signs of trembling under this cool breeze.

Behind him, Qin Fen, who came up the stairs, saw this scene, took off his coat, and then draped it over Momoi May’s shoulders.

“Stop freezing.” Qin Fen’s voice said softly.

Momoi May nodded, her bright eyes looked into the distance, there were neon lights in New York night, there was a lot of traffic, she said softly: “I can feel that Coach Araki attaches great importance to this game, as if it is more important than life…”

Qin Feng did not speak, but hugged Momoi May from behind, he understood what she said.

Momoi May suddenly broke free from Qin Fen’s embrace, turned to look at the other party and said, “Qin Fen, if you can, I hope you can win this match.” ”

“Good.” Qin Feng nodded and agreed to the other party’s request.

For this game, everyone paid too much, more than a month of life and death speed training, more than a month of hell experience, it is estimated that if others are allowed to experience, I am afraid that it will not be long before they will be tortured crazy, but they all persevered.

At this point, the reputation value can not give him to win the grasp, the system can only assist, the real rely is that he relies on his own skills, breaks the barrier, breaks through the bottleneck, and wins this final game.

Perhaps worried that Qin Fen’s pressure was too great, Momoi May stretched out his hand to hold the other party’s waist and continued: “Don’t have too much pressure, just do your best!” ”

When collecting information, she also participated in it, naturally understanding how strong the opponent’s strength was, so she did not dare to put too much pressure on Qin Fen.


Qin Feng squeezed Momoi’s hand, did not speak, and his gaze became firm.

Team of Gods, wait for me! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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