The game was played, but the players were busy.

Momoi Satsuki, who was off the court, kept recording the data with a pen.

Nijimura Shuzo looked at Jason Thibe hanging on the basket in shock, with mixed feelings in his heart,

'This kind of physical talent... is too scary...'

Nijimura Shuzo originally thought that Murasakihara Atsushi's static and dynamic talents were already very strong, but in front of Jason Thibe, Murasakihara Atsushi's current physical talent was completely not enough.

"Wuhu! Thibe's dunk is as explosive as ever!!!"

Alan cheered beside Nijimura Shuzo and kept waving a towel.

Nijimura Shuzo looked at the black man in front of him who was also a substitute like him. He knew in his heart that Allen became a substitute because Fang Jilai suppressed him.

It's not because of weak strength.

On the contrary, Allen's strength is stronger than Nijimura Shuzo, and is almost the same as Zach.

But such a person can only be a substitute in front of Fang Jilai, which makes Nijimura Shuzo sigh.

' are the most hidden among us...'

"Beep! The Black Emperor Dragon Team requests a timeout!"

The referee signaled a timeout, and Nijimura Shuzo looked at the court in confusion, and found that it was Fang Jilai who called for the timeout.

After Fang Jilai led everyone off the court, he said to Nijimura Shuzo: "Senior Nijimura, you go on the court."

Nijimura Shuzo was stunned and waved his hands repeatedly, "Jilai, you can still play, I........."

Fang Jilai waved his hands and said softly: "It's okay, Senior Nijimura, go on the court, I guess you have wanted to go on the court for a long time."

Nijimura Shuzo was silent. He really wanted to go on the court, but his strength was not very strong in front of everyone. He was a little afraid, afraid of losing face for Fang Jilai.

"Jilai, actually Alan.............."

"Hey Nijimura, don't say too much, just go on the court when Brother Lei calls you to go on the court, why so much talk."

Alan interrupted Nijimura Shuzo and said to Nijimura Shuzo.

Nijimura Shuzo turned his head to look at Alan, and when Alan gave him an encouraging smile, Nijimura Shuzo finally made up his mind.

He nodded to Fang Jilai and said, "I know!"

Alan then smiled with satisfaction.


The game started again.

The audience found that the Black Emperor Dragon team replaced the heir of the Fang family with a black-haired boy.

"Ah? Fang Shao is not going to play? Why did he change players?"

"I don't know, Fang Shao just stopped playing after exerting his strength?"

"Maybe the opponent is too weak, after all, the Jackets team has not scored a single goal!"

The audience discussed and analyzed the reason why Fang Jilai left the court.

On the court.

Nijimura Shuzo adjusted his jersey, his eyes were firm, and after looking at the players of the Jackets team, he took a deep breath.

He hadn't felt nervous for a long time, and he became nervous again.

Nash Gold noticed Nijimura Shuzo's mood, walked over and patted his shoulder and said:

"Nijimura, relax, you are not playing alone."

Nijimura Shuzo was very nervous, and his body trembled violently after being patted on the shoulder by Nash Gold. After seeing that the person who patted him was Nash Gold, Nijimura Shuzo breathed a sigh of relief,

"Thank you, Nash."

Nash Gold felt Nijimura Shuzo's body trembling just now, and whispered:

"Nervousness is good, but excessive nervousness is not good. Get ready, get ready to catch the ball..."

Nash Gold patted Nijimura Shuzo's shoulder again, then turned around to prepare for defense.

Nijimura Shuzo was silent for a while, took a deep breath, and prepared to start defense.

On the Jackets side, Isaac saw the Black Emperor Dragons change players and said:

"Change players, Fang Shao is off the court."

Blau saw Nijimura Shuzo on the court and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Next, give the ball to Isaac. I don't feel any sense of danger from that guy. He's not strong."

Isaac was immediately excited after hearing this, "Really? Then I have to attack well!"


Start serving.

After Babi crossed the half court, he immediately passed the ball to Isaac.

Isaac looked at Nijimura Shuzo who was defending him seriously, and looked at Nijimura Shuzo.

After realizing that Nijimura Shuzo really couldn't defend him, Isaac grinned.

Then he went down hard

The ball suddenly broke through from the right side of Nijimura Shuzo.

When Nijimura Shuzo reacted, Isaac had already broken through him and rushed to the inside.

Nijimura Shuzo thought to himself: "Not good!", and quickly turned around to chase and defend.

After Isaac broke through Nijimura Shuzo, he rushed out two steps and immediately made a jump shot, because he did not dare to challenge Jason Thibaud's defense.

Nijimura Shuzo tried his best to make up for the defense, but it was too late, Isaac had already thrown the basketball out.

At this moment.


A crisp blocked shot sound came out.

Isaac and Nijimura Shuzo both looked at the basketball in the air in surprise.

Nash Gordo, with blond hair, was seen flying in the air, and his left hand slapped the basketball away.

If you look closely at his eyes, you will find that his emerald green eyes are flashing a golden halo at this time, and he is in the state of [Eye of the Devil]!

"Hey Nijimura, I told you, you're not playing alone!"

Nijimura Shuzo stared at Nashgordo blankly, an inexplicable emotion emerged in his heart.

Zach picked up the basketball that was slapped away and shouted to Nijimura Shuzo who was still in a daze:

"Hey! Nijimura! What are you still doing? Fast break!!!"

Nijimura Shuzo reacted instantly and turned around and ran quickly to the front court.

Zach looked at Nijimura Shuzo who was running, and a smile appeared on his face, 'This kid. '

Zach swung the basketball violently and threw it into Nijimura Shuzo's hand.

Nijimura Shuzo caught the basketball and rushed to the front court with his right hand.

Malen immediately ran back and blocked Nijimura Shuzo.

"Stinky boy! I won't let you pass easily!"

Nijimura Shuzo had no expression on his face. He only had one thought in his mind now, that is! ! !

Goal! Goal! ! Goal!!!

Suddenly, the world around Nijimura Shuzo changed, and he came to a dark place, with nothing around except darkness.

There was only a solemn gate in the dark place.

The gate was very luxurious, standing in this dark place, Nijimura Shuzo seemed to see many faint figures in front of the gate.

These figures could not be seen at all if they were not carefully observed.

Nijimura Shuzo slowly walked to the gate, and instinctively pushed him with both hands to push hard, but after pushing many times in a row, he found that the gate could not be pushed at all.

At this moment.......

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