The old man was in a mess, but he was still very young.

"It's been 12 years, and it's been 12 years."

Fang Jilai walked aimlessly in the city.

There were all kinds of pedestrians around the city, some were working, some were studying, and everyone was busy with their own lives.

"No way, isn't that a junior high school student? He can actually dunk!"

"Yes, he is a junior high school student at first glance, his physical talent is too explosive!"

"You are new here, right? That person is Qingfeng Dahui. Don't look at him as small, his strength is the strongest in our area."

When Fang Jilai passed by a wild basketball court, he was attracted by the noisy sound inside.

He slowly turned his head and saw a young man with blue hair and dark skin, jumping high and dunking the basketball into the basket.

"Huh? Qingfeng Dahui? Just like in the anime, he can dunk in junior high school." Fang Jilai looked at this scene deeply.

Seeing a junior high school student dunking in reality is completely different from seeing it in anime.

After crossing to this world, Fang Jilai has been playing badly and has never played a real one-on-one with others.

Now seeing one of the protagonists in Black Basketball, his fighting spirit slowly rose in his heart, and he wanted to have a one-on-one with Qingfeng Dahui.

Qingfeng Dahui seemed to feel the breath of a beast. He turned his head suddenly and stared at Fang Jilai.

Who is that person? Why is he so wild?

Qingfeng Dahui stared at Fang Jilai and invited him: "Brother, are you interested in a one-on-one?"

Huh? He actually took the initiative to invite me.

Fang Jilai didn't expect that Qingfeng Dahui would take the initiative to invite him before he even opened his mouth. Did he know that I was very strong?

"Okay," Fang Jilai smiled and walked into the court.

Since he invited me, I certainly wouldn't refuse. It was a good opportunity to try out the ability I gained from playing badly.

"Really? That guy seems to be a kid, too."

"Yes, he actually dared to challenge Qingfeng alone, and even we didn't dare to do that."

"Let's make a bet, Qingfeng will shut him out."

"Do we still need to bet? Isn't this the fact in front of us?"

There were bursts of ridicule around, no one looked up to Fang Jilai, everyone thought Fang Jilai would be shut out.

Fang Jilai didn't care about these, because he knew that he was very strong now! !

"How many balls?" Qingfeng Dahui asked with a smile.

"Five, in a row." Fang Jilai replied lazily.

"Continuous fire? That kid dares to fire continuously? He probably can't even get the ball."

"Yeah, once Qingfeng gets the ball, that kid is useless."

Mockery was heard all around.

Qingfeng Dahui frowned.

Continuous fire? So confident? Or does he look down on himself?

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Qingfeng Dahui casually threw the ball to Fang Jilai.

To be honest, Qingfeng Dahui was very interested in the fighting spirit that Fang Jilai just exuded, and he couldn't wait to fight with such a person.

"Well, then I'll start." Fang Jilai took the ball and prepared to serve.

"Hey wait, don't you warm up and change your clothes?" Qingfeng Dahui looked at Fang Jilai in confusion.

The reason is simple. Fang Jilai is wearing casual clothes now, and his shoes are not basketball shoes.

Can he really fight with himself like this?

The more Qingfeng Dahui looked at Fang Jilai, the more he felt that he was unreliable. He had a feeling that Fang Jilai was good-looking but useless.

"Well, no, let's just leave it at that." Fang Jilai said indifferently.

"Since you are so persistent, let's start." Qingfeng Dahui's tone became flat.

In his heart, he already regarded Fang Jilai as a good-looking but useless player who liked to brag.

Even if Fang Jilai was wild, in Qingfeng Dahui's heart, Fang Jilai's wildness might just happen to be possessed.

"No way, he actually challenged Qingfeng like this? Isn't this courting death?"

"Another one who likes to brag, just wait and see, Qingfeng will teach him a lesson."

"I hope he won't cry later, hahahaha."

Fang Jilai observed Qingfeng Dahui's position, which was half a body length away from him.

Let him shoot? Does he think I'm a rookie?

Fang Jilai looked at Qingfeng Dahui speechlessly. He originally thought that Qingfeng Dahui would take the one-on-one challenge seriously, but now it seems that he has underestimated him.

He tried to make a fake shot, but found that Qingfeng Dahui had no intention of jumping. He said:

"Do you know? Letting go of the shot in a one-on-one challenge is equivalent to death."

After saying this, Fang Jilai shot the basketball with his right hand.


The basketball drew a beautiful arc in the air.


The basketball went into the net, it was a three-pointer.

"No way! He actually scored over Qingfeng's head."

"It was luck, Qingfeng didn't defend seriously. If Qingfeng defended seriously, that kid would definitely not get any points."

"That's right, isn't it just a fluke that hit the three-pointer."

Qingfeng Dahui listened to Fang Jilai's words, and his expression changed slightly.

Is it a fluke to let the ball go in a one-on-one duel? Was it a fluke?

No, it wasn't a fluke. The action was very standard and the shooting speed was extremely fast. This was not an action that a weak person could do.

"Good shot."

Qingfeng Dahui stood up and applauded, staring at Fang Jilai with fiery eyes: "Come again!"

He threw the ball to Fang Jilai, and his body stuck to Fang Jilai to prevent him from continuing to shoot three-pointers.

Seeing that Qingfeng Daihui was defending him so closely to prevent him from shooting a three-pointer, regardless of whether he would break through, he spoke again:

"Do you know? Being too close in a one-on-one match means..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Jilai took off instantly and rushed over like a flash of lightning.


Qingfeng Daihui looked at this scene with a surprised face, and he immediately reacted and wanted to chase Fang Jilai.


The next second, the sound of a basketball being poured into the basket came from behind Qingfeng Daihui.

At the same time, Fang Jilai's voice came from behind: "It means you will be passed by one step."

"No... No way... That kid... Actually... Actually passed Qingfeng... And dunked."

"No... It's not just a dunk... That dunk is a 360-degree dunk!!"

"Who... Who is he? Even Qingfeng can't limit him."

Just now, after passing Qingfeng Dahui, Fang Jilai rushed to the basket at a high speed, jumped up with his left foot, turned in the air and dunked the basketball into the basket.

So... So strong....

Qingfeng Dahui stared at this scene blankly. He didn't expect that someone of his age would suppress him.

Interesting... So interesting!!

He became more and more excited. It was not easy for a person of his age to suppress him. He would go all out for this game.

At this moment, he exuded a special aura, like a beast hunting prey.

"Hmm? He's already wild now?" Fang Jilai looked at this scene with an interested expression.

He didn't expect that Qingfeng's wildness was already there during this period.

"Come on!" Qingfeng Dahui's eyes were sharp, and his eyes were always fixed on Fang Jilai's movements.


Fang Jilai looked at Qingfeng Dahui with interest.

At present, Qingfeng Dahui no longer sticks to Fang Jilai on defense, leaving a very small space.

The space is very small, which makes it convenient for him to jump at any time. This position can not only defend against shooting, but also against breakthroughs. It is a very standard defensive posture.

But can this posture really defend Fang Jilai?

(ps: Newcomers are on the road, you can spray but please don't leave, I will listen to the suggestions given, the main point is to listen to advice!)

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