The game continued, and Fukuyama had the ball.

The point guard passed the ball across half court and immediately passed it to Hayama Kotaro, who faced Haizaki Shogo after receiving the ball.

Hayama Kotaro observed Haizaki Shogo carefully, and saw that Haizaki Shogo had white hair and a strange smile on his face.

‘He’s a dangerous person.’

Hayama Kotaro muttered to himself, but now was not the time to think about these things.

Bang! ... ’

Shogo Huizaki thought to himself, then licked his lips to prepare for the thunderous dribbling of Kotaro Hayama.

“Four fingers!!!”

In an instant, Kotaro Hayama broke through Kotaro Huizaki, and immediately made an emergency stop and threw the basketball.


After the basketball was thrown in, Kotaro Hayama turned back to defense. When he returned to defense, he looked back at Kotaro Huizaki. He thought Kotaro Huizaki would be slightly shocked.

But unexpectedly, Kotaro Huizaki was not shocked at all at this moment, but had a wicked smile on his face.

Kotaro Hayama was stunned, a little confused.

Kotaro Huizaki had a wicked smile on his face, and thought silently in his heart:

‘Thunderous dribbling, sooner or later I will grab it’

The game continued, and in the next round, Fang Jilai dribbled across half court and found that Kotaro Huizaki was in the best position, so Fang Jilai passed the basketball to Kotaro Huizaki without hesitation.

Fang Jilai was not a person who brought his own contradictions to the court, not to mention that he and Huizaki Shogo did not have much contradiction. After teaching Huizaki Shogo a lesson, Fang Jilai had no interest in Huizaki Shogo.

Huizaki Shogo was flattered to touch Fang Jilai's pass. He was a little confused. The two of them clearly had contradictions, but Fang Jilai still passed the basketball to him.

He looked at Fang Jilai in doubt. After seeing Fang Jilai give him an encouraging look, Huizaki Shogo nodded seriously.

One was because of the shadow Fang Jilai had cast on him, and the other was because he really wanted to attack on his own.

Huizaki Shogo held the ball with both hands and looked at Hayama Kotaro with a wicked smile on his face.

Huizaki Shogo would only be honest in front of Fang Jilai. In front of others, he was still the lawless bad guy.

Huizaki Shogo kept hitting the basketball, and the strength gradually increased.


'Can't you do it? ’

After dribbling the ball vigorously once, Huizaki Shogo gave up because he found that he had no way to control the basketball while dribbling vigorously.

‘Since Lei Ming’s dribbling can’t be ‘robbed’, then rob others. ’

Thinking of this, Huizaki Shogo began to dribble quickly, and then suddenly broke through from the left.

Hayama Kotaro was not shaken and quickly followed Huizaki Shogo’s footsteps.

After seeing Hayama Kotaro catch up, Huizaki Shogo suddenly stopped and retreated, and then started shooting.

Huizaki Shogo’s sudden step back made Hayama Kotaro react a beat slower. Hayama Kotaro himself didn’t expect Huizaki Shogo to suddenly choose to step back.

After reacting, Hayama Kotaro quickly rushed up to prepare to block the shot.

But Hayama Kotaro’s action was a step slower, and the basketball was thrown out by Huizaki Shogo and successfully entered the basket.

The two points were valid, and Hayama Kotaro was not discouraged and prepared for the next attack.

But Fukuyama's shooting guard was stunned, because the action just now by Haizaki Shogo was exactly the same as the action he used when he was against Midorima Shintaro before.

'Is it a coincidence? '

The Fukuyama shooting guard thought silently in his heart.

In the next round, Hayama Kotaro continued to use the four-finger thunder dribble, effortlessly breaking through Haizaki Shogo and scoring the basketball.

Fang Jilai was not to be outdone, and continued to use the five-finger thunder dribble to tear apart the Fukuyama defensive lineup.

The court became a personal show for the two, or to be more precise, a personal show of thunder dribbling.

Fukuyama's yellow lightning and Teiko's black lightning kept blooming in the stadium.

The score remained deadlocked.

The people of Teiko were not in a hurry at all, because they were the ones leading, but the people of Fukuyama had to panic. If they continued like this, they would definitely not win the game.

So they changed their tactics, no longer just breaking through the inside line, but chose to bloom outside and use three-pointers to get rid of the score difference.

After three consecutive three-pointers, Fushan's team got the score back a little, but then they were desperate.

Because Fang Jilai no longer used thunderous dribbling, but used his

The super fast shot was shot from the outside, ignoring the defending Totani, and shot three-pointers over Totani's head, creating waves.

After Fukuyama knew about it, they immediately chose to defend Fang Jilai, wanting to defend his shot.

But in this way, Teiko's second shooter was released.

After Fang Jilai was double-teamed again, he took advantage of the opportunity to pass the basketball to Midorima Shintaro.

Midorima Shintaro lived up to expectations and shot three-pointers one after another, hitting the heads of Fukuyama people like a heavy hammer.

This is not over yet. With three minutes left in the fourth quarter, Aomine Daiki no longer restrained himself, releasing his wildness and improving his speed and intuition.

In these three minutes, Aomine Daiki kept tearing Fukuyama's inside line, and Fang Jilai and Midorima Shintaro threw three-pointers from the outside, creating waves.

The explosion of the three completely killed the game.


The whistle sounded at the end of the fourth quarter.

The score was 124 to 97.

Teiko beat Fukuyama by 27 points.

When the whistle sounded at the end of the game, Kotaro Hayama smiled weakly. This game was too much of a shock to him, and only he knew how sad he really was.

But he still walked up to Fang Jilai and stretched out his hand.

"You are very strong. Next time, I will beat you."

Fang Jilai looked at the hand stretched out, smiled gently, and shook hands with Kotaro Hayama:

"I look forward to it."

After the two shook hands in a friendly manner, they left the court one after another, each following their coach back to their own school.

Kotaro Hayama walked to his teammates who had been waiting for him and said, "Let's go, everyone."

Everyone in Fukuyama nodded and followed the coach to the locker room.

Fang Jilai returned to the Teiko team and returned to the locker room with everyone else.

During the fight, Aomine Daiki kept waving his fists, and said excitedly:

"Haha, it's so cool! This is the first time I've had so much fun playing. Coach Platinum really didn't lie to me. That Kotaro is really strong, haha."

Akagi Seijuro nodded with a smile, "Indeed, he did cause us a lot of trouble."

Aomine Daiki's smile never stopped, "Yeah, he's really strong."

Then Aomine Daiki hooked Fang Jilai's shoulders, laughed and asked, "Alai, let's have a one-on-one fight when we get back."

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