The referee opened his eyes, but it seemed that this eye only existed in Fang Jilai, and no one else in Teikoku had it.

When he knew that he couldn't hurt Fang Jilai, Hanamiya's face became extremely ugly, but there was nothing he could do because the referee was too outrageous.

After understanding this, Hanamiya took a deep breath, turned his head and said to the players in a deep voice:

"Don't foul Fang Jilai anymore."

Mingcheng people exclaimed, not knowing why, but they didn't dare to raise any opinions, and could only play the game according to Hanamiya's wishes.

Among all the people, only Seto Kentaro knew why, because he also found the referee strange.

Hanamiya didn't care about the mood of the crowd, and slowly uttered a few words with gritted teeth:

"Except him, everyone else, give me........."

Mingcheng nodded to show that they understood.

The game started again, and Fukuyama had the ball.

Hanamiya looked at the last minute of the first quarter, and his team was already 11 points behind.

Hanamiya knew that he could only shoot three-pointers this time, so he took the opponent Ji Lai behind half court.

Hanamiya tried to move Fang Ji Lai's center of gravity with continuous tentative steps, but Fang Ji Lai was not shaken at all.

Hanamiya made a "cut" sound, and then passed the basketball to the shooting guard.

There was no way, Hanamiya couldn't break through Fang Ji Lai's defense, and there was no way to use small moves, because when Hanamiya faced Fang Ji Lai just now, he glanced at the two referees with his peripheral vision.

He found that when he just started to do the crotch dribble, the two referees' eyes were already fixed on him, and their whistles were already in their mouths.

Hanamiya Makoto had a feeling that he might be called for a foul if he used his ball-guard to break through.

Hanamiya Makoto looked extremely ugly, staring at Fang Jilai with resentment, and was very confused.

‘What did you do? ’

The shooting guard faced Aomine Daiki after receiving the ball.

Aomine Daiki looked serious and half-crouched to defend the shooting guard.

The Mingcheng shooting guard turned his head slightly, looked at Hanamiya Makoto, and waited for Hanamiya Makoto's eye signal.

Hanamiya Makoto immediately glanced at the two referees and found that the referees' eyes were still on him, so Hanamiya Makoto nodded and winked at the shooting guard.

The Mingcheng shooting guard started to attack after receiving the hint.

The Mingcheng shooting guard did not break through immediately, but dribbled the ball with his right hand and kept probing forward with his left foot.

Aomine Daiki did not move at first, but then Aomine Daiki found that the Mingcheng shooting guard was probing his feet.

So Aomine Daiki moved slightly afterwards, and that was it.

Mingcheng's shooting guard quickly broke through.

Aomine Daiki reacted and quickly caught up, but then, Mingcheng's shooting guard suddenly swung his left hand to the side.

Aomine Daiki quickly dodged.

Because he dodged the attack, Aomine Daiki's action was a beat slower, allowing Mingcheng's shooting guard to break through into the inside.

Aomine Daiki's face was full of anger, and he quickly chased after him to make up for the defense.

'Damn guy. '

After seeing this scene, Hanamiya Makoto winked at Seto Kentaro.

Seto Kentaro understood and ran out of the inside.

Murasakihara Atsushi wanted to catch up, but Mingcheng's shooting guard had already rushed in, so Murasakihara Atsushi had no choice but to make up for the defense.

Seto Kentaro successfully ran to Fang Jilai's side and then made a pick-and-roll.

After Seto Kentaro was in position, Hanamiya Makoto quickly rushed from the left.

Mingcheng shooting guard saw Hanamiya Makoto run out of space and passed the basketball.

Hanamiya received the ball in a vacuum, curled his lips slightly, and then threw the basketball.

Fang Jilai quickly passed by Seto Kentaro after the pick-and-roll, but when he passed by, Seto Kentaro's feet moved slightly.

This movement caused Fang Jilai to trip slightly, causing Fang Jilai's defense to be a beat slower, and he could only watch Hanamiya Makoto throw the basketball.


The three-pointer was valid.

The score was 20 to 12.

Fang Jilai didn't care, because Seto Kentaro's movements just now were very subtle, and his stride was very small. If Fang Jilai had gone a little bigger, he wouldn't have been tripped.

However, in order to quickly make up for the defense, Fang Jilai almost stuck to Seto Kentaro, and Seto Kentaro also seized this point and made this move that deceived the two referees.

What a move.

To be honest, Fang Jilai couldn't even tell whether it was intentional or accidental.

Fang Jilai sighed slightly, looking at Seto Kentaro's back and muttered:

"What a talent."

There were only more than 30 seconds left, and Fang Jilai rushed over quickly after receiving the ball.

He broke through Hanamiya Makoto with a change of direction, and then faced with Seto Kentaro's backup defense, Fang Jilai knocked Seto Kentaro away with a physical confrontation.

After knocking him away, Fang Jilai gently picked up the basketball and put it into the basket.

There were still 28 seconds left in the game, and this was Fang Jilai's preparation to leave the last effort for himself.

Hanamiya Makoto knew Fang Jilai's thoughts. At this time, the last effort would be Teiko's possession anyway, unless he missed the shot intentionally, and then Seto Kentaro would grab the rebound, but this possibility was almost small.

Because at this moment, Murasakibara Atsushi was completely angry and kept physically colliding with Seto Kentaro.

Kentaro Seto's strength is definitely not comparable to Atsushi Murasakibara's. Just resisting Atsushi Murasakibara's strength is a bit difficult, not to mention stepping on Atsushi Murasakibara's feet to grab rebounds.

So Hanamiya Makoto gave up this idea and decided to drag out this attack for a little longer, so that the time of Teiko's last attack can be shortened.

Hanamiya Makoto controlled the ball and stood two steps away from the three-point line, waiting for the time to pass.

Finally, when there were only eight seconds left for the attack, Hanamiya Makoto winked at the players.

Kentaro Seto and the shooting guard immediately ran over and stood on the right side of Jilai Fang.

Hanamiya Makoto immediately broke through. Jilai Fang knew that there were two people on his right side at the moment, so he gave up the pursuit and waited for Daiki Aomine and Atsushi Murasakibara to make up for the defense.

Daiki Aomine wanted to rush over, but suddenly a pulling force came over.

Daiki Aomine turned his head and found that the shooting guard was grabbing his clothes at the moment.

However, this action only lasted for a short time. When Aomine Daiki turned his head, Mingcheng shooting guard let go.

He used Seto Kentaro and Fang Jilai to block the referee's view. The referee's attention was always on Fang Jilai and Seto Kentaro, so he ignored him.

Aomine Daiki remembered Fang Jilai's words, so Aomine Daiki suppressed his anger in his heart and watched Hanamiya Makoto rush to the inside.

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