The warm-up ended quickly, and Shirogane Kozo began to arrange the players.

"Point guard Akashi, shooting guard Aomine, small forward Jilai, power forward Nijimura, center Murasakihara, go ahead."


Fang Jilai and others shouted, and turned around and walked onto the court.

The two sides stood face to face, greeted each other in a friendly manner, and began to prepare for the jump ball.

Muji Tieping looked at Murasakihara Atsushi, who was the same height as him, and sighed at Murasakihara Atsushi's physical talent:

'This is actually a first-year junior high school student, his talent is too terrifying. '

The referee threw the basketball high up.

Murasakihara Atsushi and Kiyoshi Teppei jumped up one after another. Perhaps Murasakihara Atsushi was careless and jumped a little later than Kiyoshi Teppei.

Kiyoshi Teppei won the jump ball over Murasakihara Atsushi.

Murasakihara Atsushi's eyes narrowed slightly. It was the first time he lost the jump ball.

Aomine Daiki said in surprise: "Hey, hey, Murasakihara actually lost the jump ball?"

Akashi Seijuro's eyes fixed, and he was also a little surprised.

Fang Jilai was not very surprised. The main reason why Murasakihara Atsushi lost the jump ball was that Murasakihara Atsushi was distracted.

Although it could also be due to other problems.

Kiyoshi Teppei had trained one year more than Murasakihara Atsushi, and his body had developed one year more.

But it was different from next year. Murasakihara Atsushi started to explode completely in the second year of junior high school. Kiyoshi Teppei, who was in the third year of junior high school, was even suppressed by Murasakihara Atsushi to the point of being unable to breathe.

Only now, Kiyoshi Teppei may be able to compete with Murasakihara Atsushi temporarily, but the difference in talent means that Kiyoshi Teppei cannot reach the height of Murasakihara Atsushi.

Murasakihara Atsushi's physical talent is too abnormal, it is completely a gift from God.

After receiving the ball, Teruei point guard quickly passed it to Teruei shooting guard.

Teruei shooting guard rushed to the inside of Teiko.

Aomine Daiki rushed out suddenly and caught up with the speed of Teruei shooting guard.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Teruei shooting guard's eyes condensed and threw the ball high up.

Aomine Daiki looked at the basketball flying over his head. He thought to himself: 'Oh no! '

Teruei small forward jumped high, caught the basketball passed by Teruei shooting guard, and prepared to dunk in the air.

Teruei small forward laughed, exerted force with his right hand, and prepared to dunk.

"This is a no-fly zone!"

Fang Jilai suddenly appeared and stretched out his hand to stop the dunk of the small forward Teruo.

Teruo competed with Fang Jilai in the air, but suddenly he found something wrong, because his hand could no longer hold the basketball, and his strength was completely crushed by Fang Jilai.

The pupils of the small forward Teruo contracted.

'The so strong! ! ! '

The small forward Teruo's arm completely lost strength, and the basketball was blocked by Fang Jilai.

Akashi Seijuro picked up the basketball that was blocked and threw it to the front court.

Nijimura Shuzo caught the basketball passed by Akashi Seijuro.

"You are dressed beautifully, Akashi."

Nijimura Shuzo laughed and dunked the basketball into the basket.

The score was 2-0.

"Teikou! Teikou! Teikou!"

"Nijimura is still playing steadily, worthy of being the No. 1 power forward in middle school."

"Yes, but our male god Fang is also very good at blocking shots."

The audience cheered passionately.

On the court.

Kiyoshi Teppei looked at Fang Jilai seriously, thinking to himself:

'Is this Fang Jilai, who is called the 'magic cube'? He is so powerful! '

The ball is changed, and Teruei has the ball.

After Teruei took the ball across half court, he began to observe the position of his teammates.

Kiyoshi Teppei blocked Murasakihara Atsushi's position and raised his right hand to indicate that he wanted the ball.

Seeing this, Teruei's point guard threw the basketball over, and Kiyoshi Teppei caught the basketball steadily.

Grabbing the basketball with both hands, with his back to Murasakihara Atsushi.

Kiyoshi Teppei tried to push it twice, but found that he couldn't hit Murasakihara Atsushi.

'I can't hit it! How could it be! ’

Helplessly, Kiyoshi Teppei made a right turn, and Murasakihara Atsushi hurriedly followed without losing his position.

After Kiyoshi Teppei turned around, he quickly passed the ball and turned his back to Murasakihara Atsushi again, then quickly combined the ball and shook his shoulder to the right.

Murasakihara Atsushi thought Kiyoshi Teppei attacked to the right, so he moved sideways to the right.

In fact, Kiyoshi Teppei just made a shoulder shake, but it was very realistic.

After shaking Murasakihara Atsushi away, Kiyoshi Teppei turned to the left, raised his right hand from the side, and hooked the basketball out.

Murasakihara Atsushi knew that he was shaken, so he quickly filled in the position

, jumped high to try to block the shot.

However, the arc of the basketball was too high, and Murasakihara Atsushi's block was in vain.


Kiyoshi Teppei made a hook shot in the paint, and the score was 2-2.

After scoring, Kiyoshi Teppei turned back to defend.

Murasakihara Atsushi made a "cut" sound and served the ball again.

Akashi Seijuro dribbled the ball through half court and passed the basketball to Murasakihara Atsushi.

Murasakihara Atsushi turned his back to Kiyoshi Teppei and began to exert force.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Kiyoshi Teppei resisted with difficulty, making Murasakihara Atsushi's back-to-back attack extremely uncomfortable.

Murasakihara Atsushi turned around and tried to put the basketball into the basket.

'Huh, the power is quite strong, but this technique is a bit too crude. '

Kiyoshi Teppei was puzzled for a moment, then jumped up and threw the basketball out.

Murasakihara Atsushi's face changed, and anger burst out from his heart.

Fang Jilai grabbed the basketball that was deflected, sprinted forward, and then suddenly retreated to the three-point line, and threw the basketball with an extremely fast shooting speed.

The small forward of Teruoei was completely shaken by Fang Jilai's sprint. When he came to his senses, Fang Jilai had already thrown the basketball.

The pupils of the small forward of Teruoei trembled, and he watched the basketball enter the basket.

'What kind of shooting speed is this! '

The small forward of Teruoei was shocked. Fang Jilai's shooting speed, even if the small forward of Teruoei stood in front of him, he might not be able to intercept it.

The ball was transferred, and Teruoei used tactics to let the shooting guard of Teruoei run out of a large open space.

The basketball was passed to the shooting guard of Teruoei very accurately, and the shooting guard of Teruoei hit the basketball steadily despite everyone's expectations.

The ball was transferred.

Akashi Seijuro continued to pass the basketball to Murasakibara Atsushi.

After receiving the ball, Murasakihara Atsushi no longer restrained his strength. He hit heavy back shots, knocked Muji Teppei away, and dunked the basketball into the basket.

Muji Teppei touched his chest, his face a little serious.

‘His skills under the basket are terrible, but this strength is too outrageous! ’

The ball was transferred.

Muji Teppei caught the ball at the free throw line. Knowing that he couldn’t compete with the opponent in strength, Muji Teppei didn’t choose to blindly block the ball in the inside.

Instead, he pulled Murasakihara Atsushi to the outside for a singles.

After Muji Teppei found that Murasakihara Atsushi was one and a half steps away from him, Muji Teppei chose to blow the ball back and put the basketball into the basket.

Murasakihara Atsushi was careless for a moment, allowing Muji Teppei to put the ball into the basket.

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