The next day, in the Teiko Basketball Hall.

Fang Jilai and Tao Jingsui walked into the hall together.

In the hall, the Teiko First Army had been training for a long time.

Akashi Seijuro remembered the method that Fang Jilai had said before, and after discussing with Shirogane Kozo, he actually bought a machine specifically for practicing passing.

Akashi Seijuro would practice passing the ball to the hole in the machine every time he trained.

Aomine Daiki was swinging around in an empty basket, practicing indefinite shots.

After Shirogane Kozo checked Midorima Shintaro's injury and confirmed that his injury had healed, Shirogane Kozo agreed to let Midorima Shintaro play in the next game and participate in training.

There was a basket of basketballs in front of Midorima Shintaro. Midorima Shintaro kept picking up the basketballs, throwing them, picking them up, throwing them, repeating the action, practicing three-pointers.

Murasakibara Atsushi was standing outside the court eating potato chips, and it was obvious that he was being lazy.

Nijimura Shuzo and Shirogane Kozo were talking to each other, and for a moment they didn't notice Murasakibara Atsushi's actions.

Shirogane Kozo seemed to see something out of the corner of his eye, and turned his head and scolded:

"Murasakibara! Who told you to bring snacks to the training ground!"

Murasakibara Atsushi was startled, and quickly hid the potato chips in his clothes, not daring to look directly at Shirogane Kozo, and said in a tone without confidence:

"No... no snacks..."

Shirogane Kozo obviously didn't believe it, and stretched out his hand to ask Murasakibara Atsushi to hand over the snacks.

Murasakibara Atsushi took the snacks out of his clothes in frustration and handed them to Shirogane Kozo.

Shirogane Kozo grabbed the snacks and said, "Train well! There are two days left before the game!"

Murasara Atsushi nodded honestly, with a slightly frustrated tone: "I know, coach."

Haisaki Shogo was playing a one-on-one match with a second-year senior.

As for Kuroko Tetsuya... Fang Jilai didn't see him, it seems that he asked for leave.

"Here you are, Jilai."

After Akashi Seijuro passed the ball, he turned his head and smiled at Fang Jilai.

Fang Jilai walked into the court with a smile on his face and nodded, "Here you are."

Aomine Daiki and others stopped training and walked in front of Fang Jilai.

"Alai, why are you here so late?"

Fang Jilai shrugged, "I'm not late."

Zihara Atsushi walked up to Fang Jilai, grabbed Qingfeng Dahui's head with his hand, and helped Fang Jilai to speak:

"Yes, Qingzi, Fang Qin is not late."

Qingfeng Dahui slapped Zihara Atsushi's hand away and said impatiently: "Zihara! Don't touch my head!"

Zihara Atsushi: "No, I want to touch it."

"Let go!"


Fang Jilai looked at the two people flirting in silence, not knowing how to start.

Akashi Seijuro came over and said with a smile:

"Ji Lai, you already know the opponent in two days."

Fang Ji Lai nodded, "I know, it's Rokko Junior High School, right?"

Akashi Seijuro nodded and said:

"Rokko Junior High School's trump card is Mibuchi Reo, who is called 'Yaksha'. It is said that he is a three-point shooter."

Fang Ji Lai raised the corner of his mouth, looked at Midorima Shintaro who was walking towards him, and said softly:

"So what, we also have a three-point shooter in our team! Right, Little Green."

Midorima Shintaro walked to Fang Ji Lai, pushed his glasses, and said calmly:

"I'm just doing my best."

Shirokane Kozo and Nijimura Shuzo came over.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Shirokane Kozo clapped his hands, attracting everyone's attention.

"Everyone, the official competition will start in two days. After training today, have a good rest tomorrow and be fully prepared for the finals the day after tomorrow."

"I hope everyone can win the championship instead of falling on the stage of the finals!"

Everyone in Teiko nodded and answered in unison: "Yes!"

Shirogane Kozo nodded, gathered everyone in Teiko together, and combined with the information of Momoi Satsuki, he told the details of Rokko Junior High School.

"The trump card of Rokko Junior High School is Mibuchi Reo, who is called 'Yaksha'. He is best at three-point shooting and plays as a shooting guard."

"In the game the day after tomorrow, Midorima, you will match up with him, pay attention to his three-pointer."

Midorima Shintaro nodded seriously, "I will."

Shirogane Kozo said "um" and continued:

"Most of Rokko's tactics rely on scoring from the outside. Their inside line is relatively weak, and even he

Our center is not as tall as Aomine Daiki, so Murasakihara, I hope you can show your strength in the interior. "

Murasakihara Atsushi nodded lightly, "I understand."

Shirogane Kozo repeated the other tactics, and after confirming that there was no problem, he told everyone to train according to the rhythm.

Fang Jilai slowly warmed up and moved his body.

Momoi Satsuki followed the assistant coach to record the data of the Teiko team.

After Fang Jilai moved for a while, when he was about to train casually, Midorima Shintaro came over with a basketball.

Fang Jilai looked at Midorima Shintaro in confusion, "What's wrong, Xiaolu?"

Midorima Shintaro pushed his glasses, "Jilai, thank you for the bandage."

Fang Jilai waved his hand and smiled, "Just this? We are all brothers, there is no need to say that."

Midorima Shintaro shook his head and continued, "Actually, I have another request... I hope you can compete with me in shooting. "

Fang Jilai thought for a while, and seeing Midorima Shintaro's determined eyes, Fang Jilai nodded and said:

"It's okay, but how do we compete?"

Midorima Shintaro thought for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Let's throw 100 balls and see who scores more."

Fang Jilai nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you, let's go."

Shirogane Kozo noticed the actions of the two, but did not stop them. As long as they were not going all out in a one-on-one duel, Shirogane Kozo would not stop any other competitions, but would encourage them instead.

"You, go and help pick up the balls. "

Shirogane Kozo called the two first-team substitutes beside him to help Fang Jilai and Midorima Shintaro pick up the ball.

The two first-team substitutes ran to pick up the ball excitedly without hesitation, after all, the competition between the first-team regulars is not common.

Fang Jilai and Midorima Shintaro each chose their own positions. Midorima Shintaro initially chose the position of the three-point arc on the right.

However, when he saw Fang Jilai standing on the left baseline, he immediately changed his position and stood on the right baseline.

Fang Jilai looked puzzled, "Little"

Midorima Shintaro interrupted seriously, "I think since we are going to compete, we have to be fair. If you stand on the baseline, I will stand on the baseline too."

Fang Jilai shrugged and smiled helplessly, "I really can't do anything about you. Okay, let's start."

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