The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Just as Shibuchi Reiyang was staring at Fang Jilai, a black shadow burst out from Fang Jilai's body and completely enveloped Fang Jilai.

A terrifying aura of a top hunter instantly swept through Shibuchi Reiyang's body, and Shibuchi Reiyang felt as if he was in an extremely dark space.

There was nothing in the space, only a pair of blood-red eyes staring at him.

"Sister Lingyang? Sister Lingyang!"

The voice of the first-year student woke up Shibuchi Reiyang, who instantly came back to his senses and gasped for air.

Even though he hadn't warmed up yet, his jersey was completely wet, wet with cold sweat.

Shibuchi Reo breathed in the air greedily, and her eyes immediately shifted, not daring to stare at Fang Jilai again.

Shibuchi Reo was terrified.

‘Just now… what happened… why… why do I feel that way…’

The first-year student saw Shibuchi Reo suddenly start to breathe heavily, thinking that Shibuchi Reo’s body was abnormal, so he shouted: “Teacher…”

Shibuchi Reo grabbed the first-year student’s hand and interrupted: “I’m fine…”

The first-year student looked at Shibuchi Reo worriedly and murmured: “But.”

“I’m fine!”

Shibuchi Reo shouted, scaring the first-year student and making him shut up.

The sudden shouting startled the coach, who turned around and asked, "Shibuchi, is there a problem?"

Shibuchi Reo took a deep breath and smiled, "I'm fine, coach."

The coach nodded, "Okay, go warm up and do your best to win this last game!"

All the people in Rokko shouted, "Yes!"

Shirogane Kozo looked in the direction of Rokko and made a decision in his heart.

"Akagi, Midorima, Aomine, Nijimura, Murasakihara will start."


The five people answered in unison, and then found something wrong.

Aomine Daiki asked in confusion, "Coach, did you call it wrong? Did you call me Alai?"

Shirogane Kozo shook his head, "No, Jilai is a substitute in this game."

Everyone couldn't believe their ears. Fang Jilai actually became a substitute.

Shirogane Kozo smiled slightly and explained the reason.

"Rokko's heavy firepower is basically on Reo Mibuchi. As long as Reo Mibuchi is silenced, Rokko will lose the threat."

"I plan to use Midorima and Jilai to alternate and completely silence Reo Mibuchi."

Midorima Shintaro pushed his glasses and made a suggestion, "Coach, if that's the case, you can let Jilai start."

Shirogane Kozo shook his head, "No, Jilai is a trump card used to completely seal Reo Mibuchi. I plan to save it for later."

Midorima Shintaro understood his role, but he had no complaints, because Jilai was stronger than him, there was no doubt about it.

"I know, coach."

That's what he said, but Midorima Shintaro also had his own pride, he wanted to.........seal Reo Mibuchi himself.

The game started.

Both sides prepared to fight for the ball.

Mibuchi Reo glanced at Fang Jilai and then at Midorima Shintaro, who was facing her, and was very confused.

‘Not playing? Do you have any plans? ’

The referee walked between Murasakibara Atsushi and Rokko center and threw the basketball up.

Murasakibara Atsushi and Rokko center jumped up.

Although Rokko center tried his best, he still didn’t win the jump ball from Murasakibara Atsushi.

After landing, Rokko center felt guilty, ‘Why did you jump so high! ’

After seeing that their center lost the jump ball, Rokko players quickly turned back to defend to prevent Teiko from playing a fast break.

Akashi Seijuro caught the basketball and looked at the Rokko players who had already returned to defense, and was slightly surprised.

‘Have you prepared the defensive line? ’

Seeing that the fast break could not be played, Akashi Seijuro dribbled slowly across half the court.

The other players of Teiko also stood in their positions and kept running while looking for opportunities.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being the finals. The defensive attitude of the Rokko players is completely different from that of the previous teams.

The Rokko players followed the Teiko players closely without any slackness.

As soon as Akashi Seijuro crossed the half court, the Rokko point guard immediately came up and pressed the defense.

In the audience.

"The pressure of defense is so strong,

Was it so intense right from the start? "

"Yes, yes, Liujia seemed to have tried their best."

"Of course, after all, this is the closest they have ever been to the national championship."

"By the way, why didn't 'Magic Cube' Fang Jilai play?"

"I don't know what Coach Teikou was thinking. I came here specifically to watch Fang Nanshen's game, but Fang Nanshen didn't play! ”

On the court.

Akagi Seijuro dribbled the ball quickly, avoiding the interference of Rokko's point guard. Suddenly, Akashi Seijuro accelerated and passed Rokko's point guard.

Rokko's point guard reacted quickly and followed.

Akagi Seijuro looked around and found that Murasakibara Atsushi was out of position, so he quickly passed the ball to Murasakibara Atsushi.

Murasakibara Atsushi caught the basketball and turned his back to Rokko's center.

Rokko's center gritted his teeth and held Murasakibara Atsushi tightly.

'Damn it, it's so difficult to just hold on. How much strength does it take!'

Murasakibara Atsushi seemed to feel the difficulty of Rokko's center and hit him from behind after the ball. Down.


The center of Rokko felt like he was hit by a speeding car and took several steps back.

Murasakihara Atsushi felt a little surprised, because he didn't even exert any strength, and the center of Rokko had already flown.

This is not the fault of the center of Rokko, because according to the physique of the center of Rokko, he would be a power forward at most in other schools.

Although Murasakihara Atsushi was surprised, he did not pause at all. After knocking away the center of Rokko, he turned around and jumped up, and dunked hard.


Teikou scored two points first.

In the audience.

After Murasakihara Atsushi scored a dunk, the audience cheered for him.

"Teikou! Teikou! Teikou!"

"So cool! Murasakihara Atsushi's strength is too strong! "

The audience kept cheering for Teiko and Murasakibara Atsushi.

Tetsuhei Kiyoshi sat in the audience and watched the game seriously.

'Shibuchi, your inside line can't withstand the impact of Teiko. What should you do now?'

On the court.

Rokko's point guard dribbled the ball through half court, and Reo Shibuchi immediately stepped forward to screen.

Rokko's point guard broke through with the help of Reo Shibuchi's screen.

Midorima Shintaro hurriedly followed up to make up for the defense.

Rokko's point guard noticed this scene, and with a fierce swing of his right hand, the basketball flew out from the top of Rokko's head.

Midorima Shintaro's eyes followed the basketball, and then he saw the person who caught the basketball............

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