The ball was thrown out, and the opponent was in the middle of the ball.

Fang Jilai slowly dribbled the ball to Shibuchi Reo, and looking at Shibuchi Reo who was ready, Fang Jilai's mouth corners slightly raised, and decided to give Shibuchi Reo a little imperial light shock.


Shibuchi Reo raised his head in confusion and looked at Fang Jilai who spoke.

Fang Jilai raised his mouth corners and slowly said:

"Have you ever been hit by your own trick?"


Shibuchi Reo spoke in confusion, and just when he was confused, Fang Jilai suddenly jumped up and prepared to shoot.

Shibuchi Rei didn't dare to hesitate at all, and suddenly jumped up, trying to block Fang Jilai's shooting route.

But when he jumped up, he found something wrong.

'Why... is it getting farther and farther away! '

Shibuchi Rei's pupils dilated, staring blankly at Fang Jilai who was getting farther and farther away from him, and he couldn't believe it in his heart.

'This... this is... [Heaven]! ! ! '

Shibuchi Rei witnessed Fang Jilai use his [Heaven] and then shoot.

The coach of Liujia widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

Not only the coach, everyone in Liujia widened their eyes and looked at the court in disbelief.

"That... that is Sister Ling's... [Heaven]..."

The first-year student was stunned and murmured in disbelief.

Another one swallowed his saliva, "But... why did he use Sister Reo's [Heaven]!"

No one could answer his question, only Fang Jilai himself understood.

In the audience, Yeshan Kotaro looked at everything that happened on the court and smiled with difficulty. He was shocked and felt pity for Reo Shibuchi.

'Shibuchi, you also understand my feelings. '

On the other side, Muji Teppei clenched his fists, and then loosened them.

All emotions finally turned into a helpless murmur.


After Fang Jilai used Reo Shibuchi's [Heaven] to score, the time for the second quarter was up, and the score on the field became 73 to 49.

In just two quarters, Teiko Junior High School led Rokko Junior High School by a full 24 points, which made the audience present feel incredible.

I thought the finals would be a thrilling battle, but I didn't expect the game to be so one-sided.

Rokko Junior High School was completely suppressed by Teiko Junior High School, and even Teiko's Fang Jilai used all the special skills of Rokko's ace Reo Mibuchi.

In fact, Fang Jilai didn't use any skills, just a regular fadeaway jump shot.

Reo Mibuchi's two shots were actually very simple.

[Heaven], which is far away from the opponent, uses a fadeaway jump shot to distance himself from the defender.

[Ground], which is a head-on collision with the opponent, uses the method of deceiving the opponent to jump, then jumping back and colliding with the opponent to make the opponent foul, thereby obtaining a 3+1.

Of course, [Ground] also requires a certain level of strength, otherwise, first of all, whether the opponent will be deceived into jumping, just colliding with the opponent and scoring a goal can stump a lot of people.

From this point of view, Reo Mibuchi is indeed a genius.

But now Fang Jilai still has a question in his mind, that is.....Has Reo Mibuchi's [Void]...been developed?


In the lounge of Teiko.

Everyone is resting and recovering their strength quickly.

"I didn't expect that the finals would be inexplicably easy."

Murasara Atsushi spoke slowly while eating a delicious bar.

Akashi Seijuro adjusted his shoelaces, "It's really incredible. Almost all of Rokko's points are from Michibuchi Reo. The other players are not even as good as our substitutes.

By the way, Midorima, Aomine, how is your physical strength recovered?"

Aomine Daiki stood up and jumped twice, "No problem."

Midorima Shintaro pushed his glasses and said expressionlessly, "I'm fine too."

Shirogane Kozo interrupted at this time, "In that case, Midorima will replace Haizaki, Aomine will replace Nijimura, Murasakibara will replace Shiraiwa, Jilai, are you okay with your physical strength?"

Fang Jilai was still talking about love with Momoi Satsuki. After being suddenly called by Shirogane Kozo, he shook his head, "I'm fine, coach."


Kanekozo nodded, "In that case, in the second half, Jilai, you continue to defend Shibuchi."

Midorima Shintaro suddenly interrupted and said, "Coach!"

Shirokane Kozo turned his head and looked at Midorima Shintaro, "Go ahead."

Midorima Shintaro stood up and said seriously, "Please let me defend Shibuchi."

Shirokane Kozo pondered for a while, and finally said, "Okay, then Midorima will defend Shibuchi."

Midorima Shintaro bowed seriously and said, "Thank you, coach."

Shirokane Kozo patted Midorima Shintaro on the shoulder, "Do your best."


Haizaki Shogo pushed open the door of the Teiko lounge and walked in.

Shirokane Kozo turned his head and asked, "How is Kuroko?"

Haisaki Shogo made way, revealing the figure of Kuroko Tetsuya, and said, "He's awake, coach."

Shirokane Kozo nodded and said nothing more.

On the other side.

The atmosphere in the Liujia lounge was extremely solemn at this time. This was the closest time for them to the championship, but also the farthest time.

When the people in Liujia thought of the score of 73 to 49, they felt desperate. They tried their best, but were completely crushed by Teiko by 24 points in the first half.

Even the trump card skills were used by the opponent, which cast a haze on the hearts of the people in Liujia.

Pa Pa Pa!

The coach clapped his hands and shouted loudly: "The game is not over yet, cheer up! Do you want to give the championship to Teiko!!!"

When the people in Liujia heard the coach's words, they clenched their fists.

They didn't want to, because this was the first time they were so close to the championship, even close at hand.

And some of them ended their junior high school career after playing this game. They didn't want to have regrets. They wanted to leave no regrets in their junior high school stage of life.

"No! I don't want to!"

The Liujia point guard shouted first, and then the other Liujia people shouted loudly:

"I don't want to either! I want to be the champion!"

"Yes! I don't want to either!"

There were roars in the Liujia lounge. No one wanted to give up easily. They wanted to win. They wanted to win the championship!

Seeing this, Liujia coach clenched his fist and raised it high, "Everyone! Show your fighting spirit! Go!"

Everyone in Liujia raised their fists and shouted: "Yes!"

The break ended and both teams returned to the court.


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