He reached out and took out his mobile phone for a look. The name clearly showed Qiao Weiwei.

His hazy face now became even more ugly!

He held the phone and threw it towards the co-pilot, and let the phone continue to ring!


Qiao Weiwei made several phone calls, but Jiang Beimo did not answer ...

This can't help anxious her.

But he refused to answer the phone, and she couldn't help it!

She stayed in the parking lot for a while and then hurried upstairs again!

When she returned to the apartment, Yang Xiu had disappeared, leaving only a few drops of blood on the ground ...

Qiao Weiwei didn't have time to manage that much, quickly found the key to open the door of her apartment, and then hurried up to the second floor!


Back in the bedroom, she started rummaging through her luggage.

When she left Jiang's house, she took away some luggage, including a small book she used to record phone calls.

When she went abroad, she didn't bring anything, and when she returned, her brother brought her luggage with her.

Above, there is Xu Hui's phone!

Jiang Beimo could not be reached. The first thing she thought of was Xu Hui!

During the two years in the Jiang family, whenever she could not find Jiang Beimo, she would call Xu Hui ...

Xu Hui can always find where Jiangbei Mo is quickly!


Qiao Weiwei messed up all her luggage, and it took a long time before she finally found a familiar little book.

She rejoiced and quickly opened the book to find Xu Hui's name.

Finally ... is found by her!

Qiao Weiwei quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed out according to the number on the book!


The phone rang twice and was connected.

"Hey, this is Xu Hui!"

"It's me ... Xu Hui!" Qiao Weiwei's voice was a little sharp.

"Grandma Second?" He heard her voice, froze for a moment, then asked.

"Yes ... Where is Jiang Beimo now, do you know?" Qiao Weiwei then asked!

"Master Er? Is he with you?" Xu Hui asked in confusion!

"He just ... left! I want to know where he went!" Qiao Weiwei's voice was full of haste!

Jiang Beimo was angered by her, and she didn't look back and didn't answer her phone call. She didn't know where he was. Was she angry and went straight to Jiang's house?

"Gone?" Xu Hui was surprised at Qiao Weiwei's words.

The young master managed to find her, how could he easily walk away?

"Grandma, don't worry, I'll check it right here! You can rest assured, Master's mobile phone has GPS positioning, I believe that I can find out the location soon! When I find the location, I will find you immediately!" It is a person who has passed the great world. Compared with Qiao Weiwei's anxiety, he is very calm.

"Okay, that's all it can be!" Qiao Weiwei nodded.

After the call was hung up, she did not sit directly at home waiting for Xu Hui, but went out again and waited at the gate of the community.

At this time ... it was already evening outside and the sky was gradually getting dark.

Night city, the lights are brilliant ...

About forty minutes later ... her cell phone rang again.

"Grandma, we have found the position of young master, I will be there in ten minutes!"

"I'll wait for you at the gate of the community!" When Xu Hui said that he had found it, Qiao Weiwei was happy and said quickly!

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