Upon hearing her, Jiang Beihan held her hand tightly.

He didn't want to let her have children anymore ...

He didn't want to happen to her again when he walked through the ghost gate!

So ... he does things every time!

"Are you sure, in case my daughter sticks to me?"

He could see her mind at a glance, and deliberately raised his eyebrows and asked!

"This ..." At the ear of Jiang Beihan's words, Song Wen's heart stunned ...

It is indeed possible ... this is a sad topic ...

While she was sad for herself, the bedroom door was knocked suddenly ...

It's that kind of light knocking, and the maid knocks on the door differently than usual, so Song Wen knows who the person outside is!

In addition to Jiang Zixie, who else can there be!

"Dad, mum, get up!" There was a little guy's voice outside the door.

Upon hearing his son's voice, Song Wenxin immediately got up and prepared to open the door, but Jiang Beihan held his arm in time.

"You're going to open the door like this?" He asked, glancing at her body without clothing at this time.

"..." Song Wenxin froze, his face flushed!

She quickly took the quilt to cover herself!

Jiang Beihan looked at her little movement, and smiled a little more in her eyes!

He had looked thoroughly last night. What was she shy about?

"Zi Xie, wait for a while, we will get up immediately!" Song Wenxin shouted towards the door!

This is the first time the little guy came to this bedroom to find her and Jiang Beihan after the room was allocated!

Song Wen was inevitably rejoicing ...

"Little Master, let's go to the restaurant first, and wait for Mr. Hui and his wife to get up." Then, a patient voice came from the door.

A light footsteps sounded, and the peace suddenly restored outside the door!

Song Wenxin quickly picked up the nightdress thrown on the floor, put it on, and got up.

Jiangbeihan on the side, lying on the bed very enjoyably, was staring at her.

"I'll help you find clothes!" Song Wenxin gave him a glance, then said, and walked towards the cloakroom!


After half an hour, Song Wenxin and Jiang Beihan came to the restaurant!

When they came, Jiang Zixie was holding a spoon and drinking porridge!

When they saw them coming in, the little guy said obediently, "Dad, mom!"

"Good morning!" Song Wenxin came over and bowed his head to kiss the little ...

But the boy suddenly turned his head ... Song Wenxin's movement stopped, and his face was full of heart expression.

My son hates her?

"Cough ..." Jiang Beihan, who walked in, suddenly coughed.

At this moment, the little guy seemed to understand something suddenly, and raised his mouth full of porridge, and kissed Song Wenxin's face.

"Good morning mom!"

"Zixie is really good!" The expression on Song Wenxin's face immediately turned into a smile. Although there were some wet marks on the side of her cheek kissed by the little guy, she didn't care!

"Let's have breakfast!" After getting his son's kiss, Song Wen sat down contentedly and began to eat breakfast!

Jiang Beihan sat down beside her ...

"Dad, when are we going out?" At this time, the little guy who took a bite of porridge suddenly put down his spoon, and then asked Jiang Beihan with a look of anticipation.

"When do you want to go out?" Jiang Beihan didn't look up, and asked casually.

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