And Jiangbeihan reluctantly sat on the pony cart that looked very pretty with a stinky kid!

Song Wenxin was sitting on the wagon, holding the handrail in one hand, and taking out the camera in one hand, and wanted to take pictures of the father and son!

But Jiang Beihan smelled a face all the way and had no intention to cooperate with her.

The little guy in his arms was very calm, but he turned around strangely and looked at the spinning horse ...

The calmness of the father and son, and the excitement of Song Wenxin, formed a sharp contrast!

Song Wenxin still took such a picture ...

After a while, the carousel finally stopped.

Three people came out of it!

"Zixie, is the merry-go-round fun?" As soon as Song Wen came out, he couldn't wait to ask the little guy.

But the little guy looked at her, and sighed as an adult, learning Jiang Beihan's tone, "naive."

In addition to the tone, the little guy even learned Jiang Beihan's look when he despised her!

"..." Song Wen felt the stagnation in his throat, an urge to vomit blood!

She is often despised by Jiangbeihan, which is already miserable enough ...

Now she should be despised by her two-year-old biological son ...

This kid ... even if Jiangbeihan talks, it is necessary to learn his contempt eyes!

My son has been sticking to Jiangbeihan for a long time. Even his behavior seems to be more and more like this man!

"Dad, let's play something else!" At this moment, the little boy hugged Jiang Beihan's neck, and then suddenly said.

He wants to have fun.

"What do you want to play?" Jiang Beihan glanced at the stinky boy and asked!

With a little discomfort in his eyes, the boy dared to hit his wife, after he agreed? !!

"That!" After seeing the child Jiang Zixie turned around and looked around, he finally extended his finger and pointed not far away, the high rail!

The whirling roller coaster looks very exciting!

"That you can't play, you're still young!" Song Wenxin glanced at the roller coaster, and then quickly refused!

How can a child less than two years old play a roller coaster!

This kid is daring, and he thinks the carousel is childish, but he wants to play this exciting thing!

"Mom | I'm bolder than you!" At the ear of Song Wenxin's words, the children of Jiang Zixie retorted dissatisfied!

"You can't be more daring than me!" Song Wenxin slipped his lips. He is as daring as a darling, and a kid!

Seeing that Song Wenxin was serious, the little guy was a little bit frustrated and could only lean on the broad shoulders of Jiangbeihan obediently.

"There's a shop there. Why don't we buy some popcorn!" Seeing this, Song Wen softened his heart, looked at the small shop in the amusement park not far away, and asked the little guy.

When he heard about popcorn, the little boy raised his frustrated face and looked over there.

"Ma'am, let's go!" At this time, the bodyguard suddenly came out of nowhere.

The sudden appearance of the bodyguard almost surprised Song Wenxin.

When did they come?

She didn't even notice the presence of bodyguards around, and at the same time, she was a little surprised ...

Since the affairs of Jiang Yuan's father and daughter last year, she always feels that the bodyguards around her seem to have increased a lot, and many of them are in the dark ...

This change made her a little suspicious.

Obviously the matter has been resolved ...

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