A designer who has not graduated from a university, she was so easily selected as the best designer of Jinding ...

All this seemed too incredible to her!

She is not negating her abilities, nor is she not confident, she just feels that ... all this is really amazing.

Listening to Song Wenxin's peculiar request, Su Bing hesitated, and then gave a fierce blow to Song Wenxin's arm!

Song Wen felt pained and pushed her away ...

Raise your hand and take a look, the place where she just struck has become red!

"You're too heavy to start with!" She gave Su Bing a glance and complained.

Is this a pro-cousin? Why is it so heavy!

"Don't you let me sting ..." Su Bing looked at his hand and said innocently.

She also did what she ordered, how could she blame her!

"But cousin, I really congratulate you, I believe you will win the prize!" Su Bing smiled and looked at Song Wenxin sincerely.

From an early age, she always felt that this cousin was stupid, and she was very timid, and she always despised her!

I didn't expect that it was this stupid cousin with little courage who went to the peak of her enviable life so easily!

Marrying a giant, the husband is particularly handsome, the son is particularly good-looking, and even the designed work is so perfect!

All this, really makes Su Bing's envy not envious!

"I'm very happy to be shortlisted ..." Listening to Su Bing, Song Wenxin smiled.

Since the last time she was short-listed, but she hasn't lost the prize, she has become quite calm about her.

Last time it was just a small award, she was not selected.

And this time ... it was the Golden Tripod Award!

You know, this award, but all the top designers in China, are very much valued, intensely chasing the award!

"You must be!" Su Bing said to her with confidence.

"Thank you for your encouragement!" Song Wen could not help but smile.

"So ... Is the bonus this month upstable, cousin?" Su Bing stepped forward suddenly and looked at Song Wenxin with anticipation.

"I just gave you a bonus ..." When hearing the words bonus, Song Wen couldn't help glaring at her.

Her monthly bonus now adds up a lot!

"Those bags of perfume cannot be eaten as meals, and don't be too extravagant." Song Wenxin sighed, and suddenly said to Su Bing carefully.

She knew that Su Bing was almost obsessed with bags and perfumes ... so she couldn't help but persuade me.

"I swear, I haven't bought a bag of perfume this month!" Su Bing quickly raised his hand and swears firmly!

"So where did your money go?" Song Wenxin didn't believe it!

"I didn't just make a boyfriend ... you know, dating ... costs money, so ... use more!" Su Bing smiled!

"Has a boyfriend? Did they know about this?" When Su Bing said that he had made a boyfriend, Song Wenxin couldn't help asking.

Although Su Bing is not too young, but like her, she is also a good girl at home ... So when she heard that she had a boyfriend, Song Wenxin couldn't help but care about this cousin!

Besides, how can a woman spend so much money on a boyfriend ...

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