"Jiang Beimo, you can't go!" Qiao Weiwei flushed and asked him angrily!

He cheated her so hard, he was so embarrassed!

"Wife, we have something to talk about!" Looking at her angry, Jiangbei Morton suddenly felt a terrible feeling, a handsome smile barely squeezed out ...

If you have something to say, don't leave him alone ...

Knowing that she would be so angry, he would not deceive her!

Okay now ... finally managed to coax his wife back to drive him away!

"I have nothing to tell you, you liar!" Qiao Weiwei gritted her teeth and said, glancing at his right hand, even more angry!

She was so worried about him, for fear that his hands could not be cured, leaving behind sequelae or something!

In the end, he lied to her!

And I've been cheating for so long, and the doctor is planning to lie to her!

Let her satisfy him?

When did Jiangbei Mo become so rogue? !!

Seeing her angry, Jiang Beimo had no choice but to be patient and explained to her seriously.

"Vivi ... you have to believe me, I lie to you, I'm really just afraid you won't accept me!" That handsome face was full of serious expression at this time!

He deceived her, but he wanted to use this to bring closer the relationship between the two ... In a short time, he wanted to make her affection deeper and deeper!

In this way, she will never leave him again!

"Then why did you continue to lie to me after I agreed to accept you?" Qiao Weiwei looked at him with an angry look, and did not believe his words at all!

She had agreed to marry him again, agreed to have children with him ... and he worked very hard to make children ...

In this case, why did he continue to deceive her with the doctor today?

If she didn't have a little thought at the time, she might still be tricked by him to feed him water and food ...

"This is me ..." Facing Qiao Weiwei's questioning, Jiangbei Morber suddenly wondered how to explain it.

He confessed that he had not confessed to him, but had been indulged in her tenderness ...

Seeing that he was speechless, Qiao Weiwei even confirmed her thoughts.

He is bullying her!

"You leave me, I don't want to see you now!" She gritted her teeth and pointed angrily at the door.

"Wei Wei ..." Jiang Beimo sat on the sofa, looking forward to her expectant sympathy.

Last night they were so close | close ... Today she would drive him away?

"Otherwise I'm gone, I'll let you never find me again!" Seeing him not willing to leave, Qiao Weiwei was also confused by anger, and simply said something threatening!

When Jiang Beimo heard this sentence, the whole person froze with it ...

She said she was leaving so that he would never find her again ...

When he heard this sentence, his heart was full of panic.

He was afraid ... afraid of the feeling, the loneliness of her not being around!

More than a year and a half, he never wants to feel it again!

"Okay, let's go!" All the expressions on his face faded, leaving only a serious expression.

She let him go, he just left ... just she can't go! In any case, can't go!

When the words fell, he got up quickly and strode out of the apartment.

The door was closed, and Qiao Weiwei hadn't recovered.

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