She is very cow?

"Well, yes!" Song Wenxin nodded firmly!

Unexpectedly, Wei Wei usually looks gentle and generous ... to deal with Jiangbei Mo in private, it is so powerful!

A few years ago, Qiao Weiwei was still a woman who was bullied by her husband. I didn't expect that now ... everything is reversed, so she can bully Jiangbei Mo?

Qiao Weiwei used her own experience to explain what is called counterattack and what is so impressive!


"So, how can I help her ..." Qiao Weiwei glanced awkwardly at Feng Miaoru who was drinking, and then asked Song Wenxin softly.

"You let people go, investigate the eldest brother's lawyer first!" Song Wen thought for a while, then said.

Knowing yourself and knowing yourself can be successful!

Although doing so, she will feel very sorry for Jiang Beicheng.

But this matter mainly depends on Ogawa's willingness to see if he is willing to follow his father or his mother.

However, at present, he seems to be more inclined to Feng Miaoru.

So ... this is one reason she wants to help Feng Miaoru.

At least, Feng Miaoru won't shut down Xiaochuan like his big brother, and won't allow him to see his father.


On hearing that, Qiao Weiwei nodded, as if thinking about something.

"I remember ... the Jiang family has a very powerful team of lawyers. For so many years, they have been responsible for all the disputes of the Jiang family and have never failed." After a while, Qiao Weiwei said suddenly.

When she was at the Jiang family, she also met those people several times.

"It is true that there is such a team, and I have checked it." At this time, Feng Miaoru dropped the wine glass in his hand and said suddenly.

At this time, she was a little bit more drunk ...

"That team is basically seamless ... So, this time, the possibility of my winning is very small, but as long as it is for Ogawa, I am willing to try no matter how difficult it is! So you do n’t have to worry too much about my business! Feng Miaoru smiled, then raised his glass, and then looked up again.

Song Wenxin looked at it, the two bottles of red wine on the coffee table were already empty.

And the remaining bottle ... not much left.

Feng Miaoru has a good drink!

"Give me two more bottles of wine to come in!" At this time, Feng Miaoru also found that the wine was gone, picked up the phone near the sofa, and ordered to go out.

After a while ... two more bottles of wine were sent in!

"Drunk again, get drunk, drink less." Looking at Feng Miaoru's look of sorrow by drinking wine, Song Wenxin could not help but have a little sympathy.

"Come, have some drinks with me!" Feng Miaoru picked up another wine glass, poured red wine, and passed it to Song Wenxin.

"I can't do it ..." Song Wen shook his head subconsciously.

She can't drink, something happens when she drinks ...

This is the painful experience she has summed up before!

"Also ... you are different from me. Your husband and children are waiting for you at home." Feng Miaoru nodded, and then took back the wine with a smile on his face.

Song Wenxin is different from her ...

She is a happy woman, but she ... the opposite is true!

So ... no matter how she drinks it, it doesn't matter.

Listening to Feng Miaoru's words, Song Wen softened his heart and finally brought the glass of wine.

"Okay, I'll have a drink with you." She nodded, then drank a sip of red wine.

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