"Can you tell me something about you and your elder brother?" Qiao Weiwei couldn't help asking.

Upon hearing her mentioning the man, Feng Miaoru couldn't help but hold up his glass and took a sip.

She is indeed drunk. Although she is trying to keep calm ... but in her head, she has already been attacked by alcohol.

Seeing that she didn't seem to want to mention those things, Qiao Weiwei didn't ask any more, but could not help but sigh.

"I also stayed at the Jiang family for a few days, and I knew a little bit about the eldest brother ... He didn't seem to be such a ruthless, cruel person! I didn't expect you to be like this now."

This is where Qiao Weiwei is most puzzled.

The husband and wife of the past, now they are so troubled that they become enemies ...

"Isn't he merciless?" Feng Miaoru burst into laughter when he heard Qiao Weiwei's words.

Then ... she slammed the wine glass on the ground!

"I gave him the best years, but ... in the end, he never believed in me! What I got from him was just chills and sadness! You said ... if he is not ruthless Yi, in this world ... who else can be regarded as ruthless and innocent? "Feng Miaoru leaned over and the beautiful mature face dangled in front of Qiao Weiwei, asking by drunkenness.

She was already full of wine ...

Qiao Weiwei looked at Feng Miaoru in surprise, and for a moment did not know how to answer her words.

Feng Miaoru, she seems to hate older brother than she imagined!

And it is impossible for a person to say something drunk!

"Yes! Brother is ruthless and ruthless, he is a bastard!" At this time, Song Wenxin suddenly sat up suddenly and patted Qiao Weiwei angrily!

Qiao Weiwei was taken aback by her ... She quickly checked her situation and finally determined that ... she was getting drunk ...

"Wen Xin, you still understand me ... This suggestion is good!" Feng Miaoru listened to Song Wenxin's words, and his face was filled with an agreeable smile, and he patted Song Wenxin's face.

Song Wen nodded his head fiercely, and then said with a smile on his face, "In the future ... I saw the big brother once and hit him once! Help you out!"

Upon hearing, Feng Miaoru laughed again, and at this time, Song Wenxin's voice rang again.

"Special face!" Song Wenxin stretched out his palm and made a gesture in the air, as if hitting Jiangbeicheng!

"Wenxin ... you are so energetic." Feng Miaoru was sitting on the sofa propped up, shaking his head with a smile.


The two were in a drunken conversation, and Qiao Weiwei on the side felt helpless and funny.

Fortunately, she was pregnant and didn't drink ... otherwise, I don't know what the scene will look like.


Outside the club house.

Jiangbeihan who got the news came here quickly!

He pushed the car door and got out, and frowned when he saw the sign of this club ...

Where the rich have fun!

Almost everything inside!

But it's too messy. Men can come here to find women. Women can also come here to find men.

Thinking, his stern face was dark.

The woman's skin is so thick that she dared to come to such a place to enjoy it!

It seems that he has been too indulgent with her recently!

"Boss, is your wife really here?" Shangguan, who followed him, glanced at the clubhouse in front of him and asked with suspicion.

Based on his understanding of his wife, she should not like to come to this kind of place.

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