"What a weird smell? Really smelly!" Jiang Beihan bowed his head and could smell a smell coming from his neck ...

The smell of chemistry made him very uncomfortable!

And apart from this smell, he just felt uncomfortable around his neck!

A sticky feeling!

Women even like to use this kind of thing? !!

Fortunately, Song Wenxin doesn't often wear makeup!

"Weird? Is there?" Wen Yan said, Song Wen hesitated, then quickly sniffed and sniffed.

But weirdly she didn't smell it ... only a scent of liquid foundation.

And it has a very light plant taste, which is not pungent ...

But think about it, Jiang Beihan is so resistant to using liquid foundation, it is normal to hate this taste!

"Then you get off work early today and take a bath right after you come back, the smell is gone!" Song Wenxin sighed and said.

With that said, he honestly helped Jiang Beihan to fasten the buttons on his shirt!

"Okay, you're late, let's go downstairs!" Song Wenxin took the phone and looked at the time, and then dragged him off the sofa!

Jiang Beihan frowned. Although he was reluctant, he did not continue to dislike it in the end!


JS Group!

Jiang Beihan's office!

After finishing the morning meeting, he returned to the office!

Since the morning, my neck has been uncomfortable!

He leaned on the seat, raised his right hand, and unbuttoned one with one hand.


At this time, the office door was suddenly knocked.

"Come in!" Jiang Beihan raised his hand and fastened the button again, and then said quietly!

The door was opened, and Zhou Yiheng, who was grieving, appeared in the office!

It's been a while since the two last met ...

Because, Zhou Yiheng was sent to test the amusement park in person!

Jiang Beihan raised his eyes and looked at Zhou Yiheng's eyes!

I saw that his skin seemed quite dark ...

Well, it seems that the staff over there, according to his intentions, take good care of Vice President Zhou!

"I haven't seen you for a long time, is the amusement park interesting?" Jiang Beihan leaned on his chair and asked lightly!

Zhou Yiheng slowly walked over, then looked at him with a grudge.

"Thank you for curing my fear of heights!" Zhou Yiheng said fiercely!

In his life, the most annoying roller coaster was jumped off the building, but he was forced to sit countless times in just a few days!

He thinks he can go apply for the world record!

Even this problem of fear of heights was cured indirectly!

"Thank you!" Jiang Beihan said with a rude twist of thin lips.

It seems he did a good deed!


Looking at Jiang Beihan in front of him, Zhou Yiheng was resentful and helpless!

He is cruel!

He really sent his cousin to test the amusement park facilities!

And it's not watered at all!

This time, he felt the black belly of Jiangbeihan completely!

In the future, whenever things are related to Song Wenxin, he must guarantee ... that he can hide far away, so as not to be accidentally injured again!

"This is the selected list this time, but there is no name, only the code name!" Zhou Yiheng then remembered the business and left a document on the table!

On hearing that, Jiangbei Han paused, then raised his hand and took the document, opened it, flipped through a few pages at random, and closed the document aside.

There is not much expression on the cold and stern face.

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