"What do you want to drink? I'll get it for you." She thought he was thirsty and wanted to drink ...

"Where's the brown sugar." Jiang Zixie stopped his motion, turned to look at her, and asked.

brown sugar……

It turned out he was looking for this.

Is it because at school, the doctor said she was asked to drink brown sugar water?

Thinking, Chu Xi could not help feeling a little more joyful mood.


"My family doesn't seem to have brown sugar ..." Chu Xi thought about it carefully, and she didn't have it at home.

She didn't have dysmenorrhea before, so she didn't prepare for it at home.

Jiang Zi paused and closed the door of the refrigerator.

Chu Xi smiled, then went to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator, and took out two bottles of tea drinks!

"You're thirsty, drink this, it's delicious!" She handed him one of the bottles and said.

Jiang Zixie looked down at the drink handed to her, pursed his lips, and walked a lot behind her, and he was really thirsty.

So he reached for his drink, opened it, and took a sip.

With jasmine tea fragrance and a light sweet drink, it is not very delicious, but it is good to quench thirst.

Seeing that he opened the drink, Chu Xi quickly reached out and took the hand where he was holding the bottle cap.

"I see if I win!"


After hearing that, Jiang Zixie looked at the bottle cap in her hand with some doubt.

I saw that she wiped the water stain on the bottle cap with her finger and looked at the light.

"One more bottle! Great!" Chu Xi smiled happily, as if she had picked up a baby.

"..." The winning ticket she was referring to was the beverage?

It was just a few dollars a bottle of drink, but she was so happy.

He never understood Chu Xi's smile. She seemed to be smiling all the time ...

At this time, Chu Xi then pointed at the drinks in the refrigerator, saying joyfully.

"These are the ones I participated in in the supermarket last month and drank a lot of drinks in one breath to win the prize!" She was proud of her face!

At that time, her belly was about to burst, and she even connected to the toilet several times ...

"Don't you say that you have been busy reviewing these two months?" After listening to her, Jiang Zixie asked wryly.

He still remembers how she said to him at the beginning of the school!

People who are busy reviewing, still have time to go to the supermarket to participate in activities?

Chu Xi froze, knowing that the filling was exposed, and smirked, trying to hide something.

"It's too boring to review, so I didn't hold back from going to the supermarket with my friends ..." she said, covering her belly.

"My stomach hurts a bit. Go to the sofa for a while." She shifted the topic and walked out of the kitchen holding another bottle of tea drink.

Jiang Zixie glanced down and glanced at the half of the bottle of drink left in his hand, bowed his head and took a sip, and then followed.

After Chu Xi sat down on the sofa, she reached out and touched the belly that was still hurting. She licked her lips and was thirsty.

She looked down at the scented tea drink that was still cold in her hand. She couldn't wait to drink it, so she directly held the drink bottle with both hands. She wanted to bring the temperature of the drink back up, and then drink it after it was no longer cold.


Jiang Zixie strode over and reached out and snatched the drink from her.

"You can't drink beverages during menstruation." For some reason, his expression suddenly became a lot more serious, unlike the usual indifferent cold expression ...

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