
Chu Xi did not go directly to Mid-level Villa, but went home first.

She put a bunch of gifts on the sofa, paused for a long time, and sighed, wondering what to do.

Although she didn't want to do it in her heart, she didn't want to hand over the gifts from other girls to Jiang Zixie.

But now that she has promised to go, she will have to bite the bullet and give it away ...


After half an hour.

Chu Xi, holding a pile of gifts, appeared at the door of Jiang's villa.

"Miss Chu, you're here at last, my wife has been waiting for you for a long time." Seeing her coming, the maid quickly greeted her.

"Where's Aunt Wenxin?" Chu Xi nodded, and asked the servant.

"My wife is in the kitchen, and I'm cooking the last dish. Only when you come, my wife will cook so happily." The servant said with a smile.

Because she is the only one who loves his wife's cooking best. Every time, she will be happy to finish the food. This is the most different place between her and a few young masters and young ladies at home.

Hearing that, Chu Xi nodded.

"Miss Chu, I'll get it for you!" The servant said kindly when she saw her holding a bunch of things.

Chu Xi quickly shook her head. "No need ... I'll do it by myself." She smiled, and then looked around. There was no figure of Jiang Zixie on the first floor.

"Sister Xiaoxi!" At this time, Jiang Xingnuan, who had just returned from school, came downstairs, saw Chu Xi, and ran to welcome him.

"Xing Nuan!" Seeing Jiang Xing Nuan, Chu Xi immediately smiled.

"Why did you come here? I've been waiting for you for a long time. Let's go upstairs to play with me!" Xing Nuan stretched her hand and took her upstairs.

During the two months of summer vacation, Chu Xi didn't come, but she was stunned.

"Xing Nuan, wait for me, I have to send something!" Chu Xi glanced helplessly at the pile of gifts in her arms.

After hearing that, Jiang Xingnuan noticed the gift in her arms.

"Is it for my elder brother?" A strange smile appeared on the pretty little face.

She knew that she liked her big brother.

"Eh ... uh." Chuxi paused and nodded awkwardly.

These gifts were indeed given to Jiang Zixie, although not from her.

"Well, then you will come to my room to find me. I have a lot of fresh things to show you!" Jiang Xing'an, who has always been wayward, is very obedient here.

After nodding her head, she let go of her hand.


Jiang Zixie's study door.

Chu Xi, holding a bunch of things, came here, vacated a hand, and knocked on the door.


His cold voice came out.

"It's me ... Chu Xi." Chu Xi quickly answered.

There was no response in the room ...

At the time of Chu Xixi, Jiang Zixie's voice continued to ring.

"what's up."

"I ... I'll give you something." Chu Xi glanced down at the pile of gifts in her arms before answering.

"Come in."

He finally allowed her in ...

Chu Xi was relieved and pushed in.

As soon as the door was opened, Jiang Zixie saw his back to this side, sitting at the desk in front of the window, and looking at the books.

Seeing her come in, she did not look up at her.

Chu Xi held a pile of things and walked towards him, but didn't know how to speak.

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