Not only watching Chu Xi eat, but also staring at their brothers and sisters to finish the food.

If anyone of their three brothers does not cooperate, the next day, they will be punished by their father for various reasons!

The light ones are deducted from pocket money and the like. The heavy ones can be directly cancelled by the driver, walked to class, and thrown into the pool for winter swimming in the winter ...

You know, it's not close to school!

Of course, this kind of corporal punishment is not effective for the younger sister, only for their three brothers!

"Dad said, if you dare to show upset and let your mother down, then in winter, the three of you will be thrown to the island for the winter vacation." Jiang Xing'an shook his head, then deliberately slowly Said.

As soon as she had finished speaking, Jiang Ziyan's face changed again ...

He didn't doubt the words of his sister.

Every time when I'm on vacation, my father will use various reasons to spread their three brothers away from their mother ... the farther the better ...

Watching the change in the expression on Brother Er's face, Jiang Xingnuan smiled deliberately, "Second Brother, do you want me to help you tell your mother?"

"No need ... I'll go down now." Zi Yan took a sip of water, and then pretended to be calm.

Then he turned calmly and left ...


dinner time.

Because of Chu Xi's arrival, Song Wenxin prepared a 'rich' dinner.

The family sat there, and no one dared to show an unhappy expression.

Especially Jiang Ziyan and Ziyi, the smiles on their faces are particularly obvious, and they dare not show any trace of unhappiness.

Seeing this, Jiang Beihan only smiled, reaching for a piece of chicken in his wife's bowl.

"Eat more." In the eyes of outsiders, Jiang BOSS, who was extremely popular, could only do this in front of his wife ... softly.

"Dad, mine." Jiang Xingnan said coquettishly, every time there was a mother, his father's eyes must be on her.

Even if it is her, the outside world claims that Jiang Beihan's most painful little daughter can't take it anyway!

In fact, only she knew that the reason why Dad hurt her was because she had touched her mother's light.

"Let your brother give you a clip!" Jiang Beihan glanced at the few boys sitting next to Jiang Xingren and said.

"Sister, eat more!" At this time, Jiang Ziyan and Ziyi both reflected at the same time, one after another, filling the meat and vegetables in Xing Nuan's bowls.

Jiang Xingnun was satisfied, and didn't say anything more.

This picture is quite fun ...

Only Chu Xi and Jiang Zixie were as if they were not in the same world as the family.

Jiang Zixie, like in the past, calmly and elegantly ate food without being affected by people around him.

Chu Xi, on the other hand, stared at the food on the table. She ate deliciously and enjoyed ...

Dad is busy with work. She usually eats food from the hotel, and cooks with babysitters.

Every time I come to Jiang's house, I can eat such delicious home-cooked food, and I don't want to live up to the hard work of Aunt Wen Xin, so she always eats everything for her face.

"Eat slowly, there are many more, don't be too anxious, you'll be stunned ..." Song Wen reminded softly, watching Chu Xi's hurry, can not help but a little funny.

This child's food is so cute, much cuter than the kids in her family ...

"Um ..." Chu Xi nodded, which slowed down.

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