Looking at the current Chu Xi, Song Wenxin seemed to see himself many years ago.

After being humiliated at the time, she was fired helplessly. Later, Jiang Beihan helped her out ...

"How did you come."

At this time, Jiang Zixie on the side showed a helpless expression ...

When she comes, things may become ... troublesome.

"Why, can't I come to see my son?" In the face of his son's seemingly troublesome situation, Song Wen said in his heart that he was very upset.

"..." He was not surprised, because he knew that the eyeliner she had arranged had already been in the school from the first day he entered the school.

So she knew the first time every time, what happened to them in school. Last time he remembered Chu Xi, she was extremely clear.

This time the incident was so big that she must have known the first time.

"Principal, Pei Xue's parents are here!" At this moment, a teacher outside the door came in and said.

"Let them come in!" The principal waved quickly.

Not long after the remarks were made, two middle-aged men and women came in with Pei Xue, who also wore school uniforms and lowered his head without talking.

"Principal, what happened, my daughter has been bullied, you have to tell me! I give you so much tuition every year, but it is not my daughter who is wronged!" As soon as I entered the door, Pei Xue ’s father, The middle-aged man with a blissful body first spoke aggressively.

"Yes, my daughter is crying like this. If you do n’t give an explanation today, do n’t expect us to pay a penny for the celebration of your school this year!" Mother Pei Xue, a beautifully dressed woman, did not even care Show weakness.

As soon as the family entered the door, the entire principal's office became lively.

"You said enough!" The headmaster was obviously impatient with this family.

There are a few people who look down on people for bad money, they see more.

"Don't let them continue." At this time, Song Wenxin at the side waved his hand and said funnyly.

After marrying Jiangbeihan, she can be regarded as a woman who has experienced many storms in these years.

The middle-aged couple in front of her made her feel funny.

She has already inquired about the incident, and even saw a video recorded by Chu Xi's classmates. It is clear that their daughter was the first to be aggressive and insult others.

When they got here, their daughter was bullied.

Sure enough, Pei Xue's conceited character is the epitome of her parents at home!

She wanted to see how much the other party's ability to distort the facts ...

"Who are you, is this girl's mother?" Song Wenxin, who suddenly made a noise, made Pei's mother notice Song Songxin.

At first glance it looks like a woman of extraordinary temperament.

"Yes, I am Chu Xi's mother." Song Wen nodded heartily.

The future mother-in-law is also a mother, so the meaning is the same!


Upon hearing this, Chu Xi looked up in surprise at Song Wenxin, who looked up.

The moment she saw her smiling and admitting to be her mother, her eyes suddenly burst into tears ...

As a child, whenever someone asked her mother, her answer was that she had no mother.

Because at that time she didn't know the meaning of mother, and when she grew up, she would never answer this question again.

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