That's the most well-known university in China, and the admission score is so scary ...

"For ... why?" She opened her mouth, puzzled, and asked her.

Chu Xi couldn't figure out why he made such a request.

He seems to be very concerned about her future college ...

"No reason! There are two and a half years left, you have time to prepare!" Jiang Zixie said lightly, at this moment, his eyes seemed to be shining with a strange light.

"But ... Z University is too ..." Chu Xi gritted her teeth, hesitating.

This is too difficult.

Didn't he always say that she was stupid, why did he suddenly expect so much from her?

She was afraid she couldn't do it ...

However, when she was hesitant, Jiang Zixie suddenly came over and reached out to pick up the map in her hand.

"That `s a deal!"

When the words fell, he spread out the map, looked at it seriously, and looked for the location of the lake.

"Ah ... but I haven't ..."

"So, you don't want to go?" Jiang Zixie frowned, his forefinger stopped at the location of the lake on the map, and suddenly asked him.

"..." Chu Xi froze, his eyes stopped on the map, and he couldn't move away for a long time.

"But, just the two of us ... would it be dangerous." She looked around, Dad, they had all gone.

"I hate noisy crowds!" Jiang Zixie's face suddenly felt a little unnatural, but Chu Xi didn't notice it.

After hearing what he said, she nodded her head. This was clear to her.

From an early age, Jiang Zixie basically did not interact with his peers ...

"Okay, let's go now ..." Chu Xi nodded, and immediately regained vitality, said expectantly.

Anyway, there are still two and a half years, she will work harder later, I believe that the university in Z city is not a problem!

Jiang Zixie nodded, and after confirming the direction, he took the compass and map directly and shifted away.

Chu Xi followed him carefully, for fear of losing it.

The two just left the team!


There is only one thing that Chu Xi has been unable to figure out.

While on the road, she finally couldn't help but ask Jiang Zixie.

"Why should I be admitted to the University of Z?"

If it is because he cares about her studies, he makes such a request, why isn't it a city university!

Although the city of A is not as good as the city of Z, for her primary school slag, which does not have much academic performance, the city of A is already very big.

"Don't you always want to be my friend?" Jiang Zixie was impatient with her questions, and finally stopped, asking her instead.

Chu Xi nodded.

She has asked many times since she was a child if they were friends.

However, his answer is always ... No, he even said that he would not be a friend to a fool.

And this sentence made her sad for a long time ...

"So ... you mean, as long as we enter Z, are we friends?" After thinking about his question repeatedly, Chu Xi's mind finally turned and she asked him with surprise.

"Well." Jiang Zi nodded and wanted to add something, but ended up saying nothing.

"Okay, I see!" Chu Xi suddenly understood!

He meant that as long as she was admitted to Z City University, would she be eligible to be his friend?

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