"I'm still waiting." Jiang Zixie lowered his voice and said to his classmates.

The other side made an OK gesture to him, and then followed.


Jiang Zixie turned and sat next to Chu Xi, looking at her sideways.

I don't know if it was because someone was talking just now, or if I felt more people beside me, Chu Xi suddenly rubbed her eyes, then opened her eyes.

At a glance, Jiang Zixie was beside him, and his face was suddenly filled with bright smiles.

"You guys are done."

"Well, go." Jiang Zixie got up when she woke up.

Chu Xi nodded, and then quickly stepped forward and followed.

"Zixie, wait a moment." Just then, behind them, a girl's voice suddenly came.

Chu Xi stopped and turned to look back.

A girl in a pink jacket, short skirt, high-heeled boots, and a curl of mature curly hair followed.

She glanced over Chu Xi and stared straight at Jiang Zixie.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Zixie glanced at each other and asked coldly.

There seemed to be some impatience in the voice.

"This is the parcel you lent me last time and returned to you ..." The girl slowly came over holding a light-colored parcel, ignored Chu Xi, and stopped in front of Jiang Zixie, Pass him the parcel.

Chu Xi on the side froze, her eyes fixed on the papa ...

Such patterns of papas are indeed often used by Jiang Zixie.

Ask her why she knows so clearly, because she has one everywhere. She keeps saying she wants to return it, but then she forgets it and stays.

It wasn't until later that she knew that this papa was a collection from Aunt Wenxin's clothing brand.

Looking at the papa sent by the girl, Chu Xi's heart couldn't help but tighten.

She hasn't been with him for the past two years, so she doesn't know what happened here ...

"No need to pay it back." Jiang Zixie glanced down at Pa Zi, but did not intend to reach out to take over.

"How does this work? Thank you for your help last time. I've washed the parcel." The girl said with a smile on her face.

Facing her entanglement, Jiang Zixie didn't say anything, but turned and walked away ...

Chu Xi was in situ, looking at the girl who passed the post, and she was also a little cyanotic.

The girl looked at Jiang Zixie's figure a bit lost, and then turned to look at Chu Xi, who was ignored by her at the beginning, and handed Pazi to her.

"You help me give him, thank you."

Chu Xi froze for a moment, and with a flick of her head, she reached out to take over.

She turned for a few seconds before turning around, trotting to keep up with Jiang Zixie's figure.


Out of the teaching building, Jiang Zixie slowed down.

Chu Xi followed, and his eyes stopped for a moment on the papa she was holding.

On the beautiful face, it was a little bit more ... unhappy.

Suddenly remembered that two years ago, she was like this, holding things that other girls gave him, appeared in front of him.

Seeing Jiang Zixie's face seemed a bit wrong, Chu Xi was just a stimulus, remembering the previous events.

"Don't you want this? ..." she asked suddenly, turning her head.

"Don't!" Jiang Zixie watched as she held the hand of Pa Zi, as if she was about to burn the Pa Zi ...

"Oh ... let me lose it for you."

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