"She's just like you, pretty and cute."

Seeing the smile on his face when Aunt Xiao mentioned her daughter, Chu Xi could not help but raise an envy ...

For her who never knows what it feels like to be loved by her mother, she will naturally have a gap.

Fortunately, she has been happily living with her father all these years ...


Noon, half past eleven.

At this point, Chu Xi had been lying in front of the window of the room for several hours.

Her eyes have been staring at the outside road, looking at each passing vehicle with anticipation.

Although Jiang Zixie has not appeared yet, her expectations remain undiminished ... the whole person is still very excited.

And finally ...

A silver sports car entered the path outside the villa and appeared in Chu Xi's vision.

In the end, the car stopped in front of Chu Xi's yard.

The door was pushed open, wearing a simple white T and slender figure in casual pants, striding out of the car.

When he saw that figure, Chu Xi was excited.

Jiang Zixie is here!

She quickly turned around, carrying her own bag, and hurried downstairs.

"Aunt Xiao, I'm out." Leaving such a word, Chu Xi hurried out.

At this time, Jiang Zixie was preparing to enter the door ...

"..." Looking at Chu Xi's haste in front of him, he stopped, his expression was helpless ...

In front of him, she never seemed to know what the holdover was.

Thinking so, he couldn't help lowering his head and smiling.

But when he saw her dress today, his eyes were bright ...

The feeling of youth flying is probably her best adjective at this time.

"I'm ready, let's go!" Chu Xi grinned, showing a signboard smiling at him.

"Well, get in the car." Jiang Zixie nodded and turned around.

Chu Xi quickly followed ...

Jiang Zixie opened the door of the front passenger seat and let her get in.

Chu Xi stood outside the car, leaned her head, looked around to the left and right, and was confused when she didn't see the driver.

"Why didn't you see the driver?"

"I'll drive today." Jiang Zixie answered her patiently.

Chu Xi was surprised for the first time that Jiang Zixie would drive.

However, she was not too surprised. After all, Jiang Zixie was a genius, and it was easy to learn anything.

She nodded, and obediently got into the car.

Jiang Zi closed the door, walked back to the other side, and opened the door.

"When do you get your driver's license?" Chu Xi looked around at the car and asked, curiously.

"Last year." Jiang Zixie glanced at her before answering.

"Oh ..." Chu Xi nodded.

Jiang Zixie's eyes suddenly stopped on her, as if looking at something.

"How ..." Just when Chu Xi was going to ask him out loud, he suddenly leaned over.

Chu Xi's voice stopped abruptly in her throat ...

At this moment ... the breath on him, all of a sudden ...

Chu Xi's brain was blank for a while.

I saw Jiang Zixie raised his hand, pulled the seat belt, and buckled Chu Chu's waist.

With a light beep, the seat belt is fastened.

Jiang Zixie retracted his hand and straightened up ...

Chu Xi turned her blushing face, lowered the window, and exhaled outward.

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