Black Bellied Husband’s Indulgence: His Wife is not Allowed to Hide

Chapter 1621: Grow up together, grow old together ...

She waited for her response.

"Stand up, don't move."

The familiar voice with a bit of coldness sounded in her ears.

It's Jiang Zixie's voice ...

After determining that it was Jiang Zixie, Chu Xi laughed suddenly, and the whole person relaxed.

He held her hand ...

"I found the score in the afternoon ..." She wanted to tell him the result of the college entrance examination.

He didn't finish talking, but he was interrupted.

"I know." He lowered his voice, as if whispering to her.

But there should be no one around here?

And just then ...

The lights ... all at once.

Then a few beeps, the sound of fireworks opening ...

In the air, many colored petals and pieces of paper fell down.

Only then did Chu Xi realize that they were in a hall at this time.

And around ...

All of them are people!

Moreover, all of them were dressed in formal and extremely dressed costumes.

"..." Now Chu Xi's brain was completely blank.

She didn't figure it out at all ...

"Welcome everyone to Jiang Zixie and the engagement dinner with Chu Xi!" At this time, a slightly formal voice rang out in the hall.

Chu Xi looked up and saw that on the steps in front, I don't know when a host holding a microphone appeared.


This is not the point.

The point is ...

"The engagement banquet?" Chu Xi reached out and covered her mouth, screaming.

Is she dreaming, an engagement party?

And ... or her engagement with Jiang Zixie?

She opened her eyes in shock and turned to look at Jiang Zixie beside her.

I saw him at this time, a white suit, short black hair, neatly combed, handsome, very handsome ...

That handsome face was looking at her with a faint smile at this moment.

Facing Chu Xi's shock and disbelief, he was calm and unsurprising.

Chu Xi turned to look at everyone again ...

Her dad, also wearing a black suit, stood and looked at them with a smile.

And Aunt Wenxin ... Jiang Zixie's father.

Ziyan and Ziyi, as well as Xing Nuan, looked at them there.

Seeing these familiar people made her unrealistic at first, all of a sudden ... gone.

"Put on the engagement ring first." At this time, Song Wenxin came over and said to Chu Xi and Jiang Zixie.

Immediately afterwards, someone sent two rings ...

Two silver rings, one large and one small, have the same style.

The design of the ring is very simple. There is no exaggerated diamond decoration, just simple English letters.

Jiang Zixie took the female ring, looked down at her, then lifted the hand she was holding, then put the ring on.

All the right size, just right!

Chu Xi raised her finger, only to see the letters on the ring.


"This letter ..."

"It is the first letter of the last word of your name and Zi Xie, they are all the same! You are a natural pair!" Song Wen smiled, looking at his son and daughter-in-law, only to feel very beautiful.

Green plum bamboo horse, grow up together, and grow old together ...

Think romantic.

"So it was ..." Chu Xi smiled sweetly at Song Wenxin's explanation.

She also found out that her own name, Xi, and Xie in Jiang Zixie's name all started with X.

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