Jiang Xingnan reached out and rubbed his head, then shook his head.

"No ... what happened to me ..." she opened her lips and asked.

When I opened my mouth, I felt that the mouth was full of bitter taste and mixed with the smell of potion.

"You have a high fever and are in a coma. The bodyguards sent you back overnight, but fortunately the temperature has dropped now. It should be all right." Chu Xi took the thermometer and measured her forehead, then relieved.

"So it was ..." Jiang Xing paused, then turned to look out the window.

It's afternoon the next day ...

The weather in city A is sunny, unlike the rainy weather in the ancient town.

"Brother, have you checked the things in Guzhen?" Jiang Xingnuan thought of something, suddenly looked up, looked at the brother next to the bed, and asked.

Jiang Zixie nodded, and then replied, "Check, but the other party is acting too cautiously. There are not many clues yet."

"Then ... are there any other people injured?" Jiang Xingnon asked.

Shen Ye, has he been injured ...

After she fainted yesterday, she knew nothing.

It stands to reason that she is all right, it should not be a problem.

But I couldn't help but want to ask ...

"I haven't heard of it. But recently, you don't have to go to school. I will give you a home tutor to teach at home!" Jiang Zixie thought of something, and then said.

When I heard that I didn't have to go to school, Jiang Xingnun's face changed and he immediately quit.

"So how does it work, how can I learn well at home, I'm going to school!" She protested seriously |

As soon as her voice fell ...

Jiang Zixie and Chu Xi both showed surprised expressions at the same time.

"Xing Nuan, don't you usually hate going to school, why ..." Chu Xi asked in surprise.

She even wondered if she had a fever or amnesia ...

Actually take the initiative to go to the school that I usually hate!

As Chu Xi said so, Jiang Xingnuan realized his malaise.

"I think it's not that boring sometimes in school ..." She turned her head awkwardly and said.

At this time, Jiang Zixie aside frowned.

The bodyguard said that she seemed very concerned about a boy in high school in high school!

"Yes, sister-in-law, I'm hungry, so you can make me a bowl of noodles!" Jiang Xingnun then deliberately shifted the topic and said.

Upon hearing what she said, Chu Xi nodded quickly.

"Okay, wait, I'll do it for you!"

As soon as the words were finished, he didn't wait for Jiang Xingnun to say anything, and ran away in a hurry.

"Brother, you can go out too, I want to change clothes!" Then, she glanced at Jiang Zixie again, and then said suddenly!

"Okay, by the way, wash your face and wait for Ziyan and Ziyi to be home." Jiang Zixie glanced at the time on his watch and said.

As soon as the two guys heard that their sister was sick, they booked a flight without paying attention!

It should be in the car coming back from the airport now!

As soon as he had finished speaking, Jiang Zixie turned and left the room.


When I heard that my two brothers were coming back, Jiang Xingnan felt a headache ...

As soon as they came back, someone was going to hit her again!

Jiang Xingnan shrugged helplessly, and then pulled off the dripping needle on the back of his hand!

The pain on the back of the hand, she drew another breath!

The injection is ... it hurts!

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