"This is normal!" Su Bing was very clear at the words of Song Wenxin.

"Normal?" Song Wen looked at Su Bing puzzledly.

"Don't you watch TV? Now I say that the relationship between father and son is very rusty. Are there few parent-child shows on TV? Most of them are fathers who are busy with work and have no time to spend with their children. It ’s too few, so that ’s how it turns out. ”Su Bing took the biscuit in the hands of the children of Jiang Zixie and said while eating!

After listening to Su Bing's words, Song Wen couldn't help thinking ...

Too little time to get along?

Also ... Compared to the time she spends with children, Jiang Beihan does not seem to spend much time with her children.

"Actually, this is not difficult to do. Just leave Zi Xie to your cousin. The son is his own. He can't do anything to his biological son!" Su Bing said while eating cookies. I didn't notice her eyes that the children of Jiang Zixie disliked!

"It seems quite reasonable to say this!" After listening to Su Bing's words, Song Wen nodded heartily, and then said with a sigh!

What Su Bing said is not without reason ...

"Cousin, you just love to worry too much. Occasionally you have to learn to let go and let your cousin get along with the children so that he can grow up!" Su Bing continued.

Song Wenxin nodded and took a deep breath.

Does she care too much?

It is also said that every time Jiang Beihan eats the little guy's vinegar, it is because she is present.

And if you let them stay together, the effect may be different!

Thinking, Song Wenxin laughed suddenly, then got up and hugged Jiang Zixie from his chair!

"That, Su Bing, I'll leave it to you here. I have to go there!"

"Rest assured, no problem, as long as the bonus is given!" Su Bing finished eating the last biscuit, said easily!

Discuss everything as long as you have money!


Song Wenxin took his son out of the company, got in the driver's car, and let him drive to the JS group building!

"Warm" is not far from the JS group, so Song Wenxin came here in less than ten minutes.

After the car stopped, she pushed the car door, got out of the car with the little guy, and walked towards the building!

The little guy is here for the first time and can't help but look around with some curiosity!

Song Wenxin hugged him into the elevator and came directly to the top floor!

She pushed open the door of the secretary's room, and walked in with the child in her arms.

Several male secretaries inside saw her coming, and immediately changed her serious face at work into a smiley face!

"Mrs. Boss, are you here!"

Several male secretaries looked curiously at the fair-skinned, good-looking little boy in her arms.

"Is Jiang Beihan inside?" Song Wenxin glanced at Jiang Beihan's office door and asked his secretary.

"The boss has just gone out, and I don't know when it will be back. Why don't you go sit and take a rest?" Said the secretary with a smile.

But he thought, as soon as she knew that she was here, BOSS would be back immediately!

"Okay!" Song Wen nodded heartily, only now!

The male secretary quickly pushed the door open for her, and she walked in with her son in!


After receiving a call from the secretary to inform him of Song Wenxin, Jiang Beihan put down the matter at hand and returned.

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