Previously, in order to block Levi's attack, the witch in black used up all the magic power she had robbed, including the magic power to maintain her own appearance. As a result, the witch not only lost all her magic power, but also looked quite old. She was already several dozen years older than before.

"Ah, there is so much magic over there!! And he is a black bull guy, just right, just right, there is always a way out!!"

"Hahahaha!" said the witch in black with a big laugh.

"Black Bull, I have a very good fate with you today. I didn't expect that I was almost beaten to death by a black bull just now. Now I met another black bull kid."

"You sow, I'm going to suck your magic power dry and use it for myself!"

The witch in black licked the corner of her mouth, with a trace of greedy excitement on her face.


The witch in black looked at Chami carefully and saw Chami's shiny forehead.

"The magic here is so strong that it even emits an oily sheen!!"

"I'm gonna suck you dry, I'm gonna rob you!"

"Hand it over!!"

The witch in black tried to stand up and walked towards Chami step by step.

""Hand it over!! Quick!!"

Hand it over?

Chami was stunned for a moment, then seemed to understand something.

"You said to hand it over, do you mean to steal my job?"

"No, I won't give it to you!!"

Chami waved his hand and said

"Ah! Give me everything you have!"

The witch in black used her last bit of magic to cast her own magic.

To plunder!

At this time, in the sky, Levi was flying fast with the wings of light.

"I just feel something is wrong. Isn't it so easy for us to kill the witch in black? After the explosion just now, she didn't fall down at all!"

Levi said as he searched.

"Hehe, maybe my powerful attack directly beat it to the point where not even a trace of it was left. It's also possible, isn't it?"

Blanche Shelley said with a smile

"Maybe, but I believe my instincts. That witch in black is far from being so easy to kill."

"And after the explosion, we didn't see the witch, she didn't fall to the ground, nor did we see her running away, so there is only one possibility."

Levi said

"What is possible?"

Blanche Shelley asked

"There is only one answer. This witch must have used powerful magic to block our attack just now, and then this guy took advantage of the explosion to escape."

Levi said

"There are so many houses and people in this capital. If this witch hides, I think it won't be easy to find her, right?"

Blanche Shelley shrugged and smiled.

"We can only rely on the powerful magic coverage to search. This witch in black will definitely not stay. The degree of danger of this guy is far beyond our imagination."

"A guy who makes a living by plundering other people's magic. This kind of magic is really terrible. I have never talked about this kind of magic that can plunder other people's magic."

"Sure enough, this witch is on the same side as Brady. Their magic is all extreme dark magic."

"Their dark magic is different from my magic. Their magic not only represents evil, but also represents the dead."

"Killing and plundering are the focus of this magic"

"Just like Brady and the witch in black, their magic is like this, so for such people, they must not be kept. They torture others during their lifetime and do not let people rest in peace after death. No wonder such magic is considered a forbidden technique."

Levi said

"You are right. In this case, the witch in black must not be allowed to stay. However, I don’t know what the situation of Noelle and the others is like over there."

Blanche Shelley said

"It turns out that you saw everything that happened before. You have been by my side calling me. It's a pity that I didn't notice your existence before."

Levi smiled apologetically.

"No, it's not your fault, it's just that you didn't fully feel my call, so you only saw me for a moment at the banquet at the Magic Knights' headquarters, but now you can completely control magic, so there's nothing to worry about."

Blanche Shelley smiled.

"You are right, you are right. Now that Captain Feigen Leon is there, I think everything will be fine. There is no need for me to worry about it. It is completely unnecessary."

Levi then retracted his gaze and said,"Now, we have to find the witch as soon as possible."

"We can't let him harm people again. I think this witch in black has used up so much magic power to escape. I'm afraid he has almost used up all his magic power. If he can save his name, then the price he paid for his magic power must be huge."

"The witch in black doesn't have much magic power now, so she will definitely turn her attention to others. After all, for the witch in black, she has no magic power now and can only plunder."

"This is the magic of the witch in black, and it is also the source of her magic power. We must find her as soon as possible, otherwise we don’t know who will suffer because of it."

Speaking, Levi increased the speed of flight.


Suddenly, there was an explosion not far away. It was the sound of the witch in black knocking down the wall of the kitchen on the top floor of the Magic Knights.

At this time, the location of the wall collapse can be clearly seen outside, and Levi also felt a very strong magic power.

"This strange magic, this feeling, it seems that my analysis is correct, Blanche Shelley, that woman is still alive now."

Levi said

"Oh? Did you feel it? I noticed it too!!"

Blanche Shelley flew beside Levi and answered him.

"Now, we have to hurry up and never give them a chance!"

Levi said

"Levi, look, that magic power is expanding!"

At this time, Blanche Shelley pointed to the front and said.

(It's on the shelves, please support, please give flowers, votes, and rewards, the author thanks you~~~~~)

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