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"Haha, you have no chance of winning!"

"Why don't you give up?"

Sis looked at Levi with a calm expression, as if he was looking at a dead object.

"Then show me your crude magic, young man!" said Sith.

"Haha, poor? You are lucky to be able to say this word."

Levi shook his head.

""Go to hell, you rubbish!"

Sith waved his hands suddenly, and countless ice blades appeared in the air.

Levi had never appeared in front of him before, so even if Sith saw Levi, after fighting for so long, it was obvious that Sith had almost forgotten about Levi.

When he saw Levi, at first glance, it seemed that Levi didn't have much magic power, so Sith didn't take it seriously at all.

""Bone element, bone system creates magical ground spikes!"

Levi muttered.

Instantly, huge white bone spikes protruded from the ground, blocking Levi's way.

And Sith's ice blades clanged and hit the white bones.

""Wow, that's amazing!"

Noelle exclaimed

"Levi is so strong!"

Before, when Magna and Levi were fighting at the baptism ceremony for new members, because of Lark, and Lark was fighting Levi in close combat, Magna was still very safe.

In addition, Magna was always on the periphery, constantly throwing fireballs, so for Magna himself, he did not feel too much pressure from Levi!

Therefore, although Magna knew that Levi was very powerful, he did not know that Levi's power was beyond his imagination.

Of course, even Noelle did not expect that the ice blade that had made Magna and Asta so tired and busy before could be easily blocked by Levi!

"You kid, you're a little weird!"

This was the first time Sith saw Levi's bone magic, and he was obviously a little surprised. More importantly, Sith was very surprised!

Although his ice blade was not a very strong move for Simon, it was at least enough for someone like Levi to deal with for a while. But why did Levi have a power that didn't belong to him at such a young age?

Sith didn't understand!

"It's not that I'm weird, it's that you're too ignorant!"

As Levi's voice ended, the fragments of the Ice Blade fell to the ground.


Just like Simon's self-esteem, it was trampled and crushed by Levi.

"Very good, you kid, I'm going to kill you with this move!"

Sis waved his hand suddenly, and a huge icicle rose from the ground behind Sis. The icicle cracked, and then a huge ice spike rushed directly towards Levi.

Seeing this scene, Levi smiled faintly.

Then, he suddenly inserted the flaming demon sword Levadin into the ground.

"Hmm? Giving up bulky weapons? Is this a choice of compromise and surrender?"

"However, I am afraid it is too late. I can no longer stop, so you just die!"

Sis said coldly.

"Surrender? There is no such word in my dictionary."


The ice cone hit the flame demon directly!

The ground shook violently.

Then there was a crack!

"What's that cracking sound?"

Noel said

"It won't be Levi's sword.……"

Magna said with some worry.

Crack! Crack!

The sound of shattering became louder and louder.

The next second, there was a crash.

In front of Levi, Sith's magic ice cone shattered after hitting the flaming magic sword!

It broke into powder and scattered all over the ground!


"This black bull guy is so awesome!"

"He actually blocked the opponent's attack twice in a row!"

"This young man has something."

"How can he be so strong?"

The villagers of Suoxi Village exclaimed

"No, it's impossible. How could this happen to my magic ice hammer?"

Sis was shocked, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Are you tired of fighting? It's my turn!"

Levi stomped his feet suddenly, and the ground cracked.


Like an arrow from a bow, Levi shot out instantly.

"What a fast speed, is this a strengthening magic?"

Sith's pupils dilated.

When passing by the Flame Demon Sword Levatin, Levi pulled it out!


The Flame Demon Sword Levatin flashed a dark red light.

"Strengthening magic? Sorry, this is my magic power! I didn't use any magic!"

Levi laughed.

"Magic power? Could he reach such a terrifying level just by relying on magic power?"

"How strong is your magic?"

Sis couldn't believe it, but his eyes would not deceive him. Levi's figure flashed by.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of him.

"The flaming sword Levatin's final blow!"

Levi raised the flaming sword in his hand and chopped it down!

"No, no!"

Sith quickly summoned the magic ice crystal defense

"I can't stop it! If I can stop it, I won't be called Levi!"


The magic defense ice crystal shattered directly!

"Oh no!"

Sis's face was filled with despair.

"Lord Sith, be careful!"

When Levi's flaming sword was about to hit Sith, one of the blue-robed wizards behind Sith quickly cast a spell.

"Water element, fog creates magic fog attack!"

Swish, swish, swish!

The fog around Levi suddenly became thicker, and in just a moment, Levi was slightly distracted, but it gave Sith the opportunity to dodge the fatal blow.

"Damn, I was a little slow!"

Li Wei thought to himself.

"It’s not over yet!" said the wizard who released the mist.

"Levi, be careful!"

At this moment, Noel's voice sounded behind him.

A chill came over Levi's back.

"This is!"

"A sneak attack from behind!"

Levi subconsciously sensed the danger and cast his magic without thinking.

The magic book turned pages frantically.

""Bone element, bone creates magic white dragon defense!"

Just when the white dragon skull came out, a crackling sound came from behind.


Levi's white dragon defense was broken.

However, in return, the opponent's attack was also dispersed.

"Damn, this fog is too weird, and there are many dangers in it!"

Levi thought

"Hahaha, kid, although you are weird, but if you are inside such a weapon, I think you can only do what? I guess you have no other choice but to wait for death quietly. In this fog, we are invincible!" Sith

's voice came from outside the fog.

(On the shelf, please support, please give flowers, votes, and rewards. The author thanks you~~~~~)_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation

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