Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 287 The Star Fruit Festival has begun!\r

"Then let you taste my craftsmanship!" Asta smiled slightly, his barbecue skills can be said to have reached the level of perfection over the years.

"Okay!" Dominai suddenly applauded.

"Teacher, although you are older than Asta, your survival skills are like that of a newborn child compared to Asta. In the future, we need to learn more for the sake of the teacher and us!" Mariella complained.

"Got it, got it!" Fan Jie'er scratched her head shyly.

"Asta is awesome!" Fana tilted her head and looked at Asta, who was skilled in making barbecue, and sucked the fragrance that was gradually wafting. She couldn't help but sigh that this is the outside world she yearns for!

After a barbecue, everyone was very satisfied. Before leaving, Asta said, "Tomorrow is the Star Fruit Festival. Are you "Qi Qi Zero" going to visit the capital?"

"Of course, I heard that the Star Fruit Festival is the biggest festival in the Clover Kingdom. The key is that the annual new ranking of the Magic Knights will also be announced at the ceremony. This time, you black bulls, cheer up!" "Dominai After taking a big mouthful of beef, he said excitedly.

"Sister, I like to join in the fun the most, and ignore that the more people there are, the more dangerous it is. At this time, the capital should be full of spies from the Diamond Kingdom." Mariella said.

"What Mary said is." Fana also heard a faint worry.

"Usually there may be troubles, but this time, don't worry about participating, not to mention that the defensive power of the Royal Capital has been greatly strengthened after the Eye of the Midnight Sun attack, just to say that Diamond Kingdom suffered two setbacks a while ago, plus Mars and Ladros have caused trouble for Morris, and even if Diamond Kingdom arranges spies in the capital, there will not be too many people." Asta laughed.

"That's true, after all, neither of my students is a fuel-efficient lamp. Now that they add the king, Maurice can no longer cover the sky with one hand like before!" Fanzell agreed.

"Alright then, let's go to the capital with us tomorrow, just because Finral's space magic can save you the hassle." Asta said.

"Then why are you embarrassed, we will arrive early tomorrow!" Dominai said shyly.

"Well, it's getting late, we'll say goodbye!" Asta stood up and clapped the meat residue on his hands.

"See you tomorrow!" Dominai and the others immediately said goodbye to Asta, and soon Asta flew back to see Noell and the others sitting on the sofa staring at the door without blinking.

"Where have you been!" Noell pouted in dissatisfaction when he saw Asta walk in.

"I had nothing to do in the afternoon. I remembered that I promised the Fanzell couple to build a new house, so I went over to help them build a house!" Asta smiled awkwardly, and suddenly had a sense of being asked by his wife.

"So that's it, I said earlier, I can help too, why go in secret?" Noell pouted.

"At that time, you were taking Kahono to visit the room. I thought it would be built soon, but I didn't want to build a big house!" Asta laughed.

"Noell found you not at dinner, but waited here for a long time!" Kahono raised his eyebrows at Asta.

"Haha, you are here to accompany her too!" Asta said.

"Of course, Noell has opened a paid company. When I go to the capital with my brother tomorrow, I finally have money to buy things!" Kahono smiled proudly. This time, she came out so quickly that she didn't have time. Go and get the money you saved.

"Then you guys continue, I'll go back to rest first!" Asta stretched, and it sure was the best thing to do after eating and drinking.

"Really, I went to bed as soon as I got back, and I couldn't even say a few words!" Noell angrily dragged Kahono back to the room, and then the two of them lay on the same bed and looked at each other quietly. I'm so excited, because she has slept alone since she was a child, and she has never slept with her best friend!

The same is true for Kahono. Although she is enthusiastic and lively, and the residents of the seabed like her very much, she has never slept with friends before, and she feels so safe!

"Kahono, tell me about your underwater affairs!" Noell broke his immersion.

"Okay, but if I say something about the ocean floor, you have to say something about the land!" Kahono said...

"I really know how to do business, okay!" Noell groaned, and the two women then whispered in the quilt, and from time to time there would be hearty laughter.

The next day, early in the morning, the four of Fanzell came over looking forward to it.

"Very good, everyone is here, have a good time today, but don't forget to participate in the knight order ranking on the square at night!" Yami reminded.

"Every time it's the last one, it doesn't matter if you don't go!" Magna said slightly.

"Bastard, this time we have made so much credit, how can we still be the last one? At least be more active than this year's emerald mantis!" Yami growled at Magna.

"I mean, I haven't heard that Emerald Mantis has participated in any mission this year. It must be another year of soy sauce!" Vanessa also nodded.

"Right!" Yami laughed, and that Dang Mao still wants to compare with him? Don't look at how awesome Asta he recruited this year, and Fana is the two super leaders of Eye of the Midnight Sun. rank cadres, can this credit be small?

"Okay, let's go! Yami waved his hand, and Finral immediately opened the magical passage to the capital. After everyone filed in, they found that early in the morning, someone had already started to warm up for tonight's celebration. There are more than three times as many people as usual!

"Tian 2.7, this is heaven!" Finral jumped up excitedly, and then rushed up to aim at two slender girls.

Yami and Magna also rubbed their hands and walked towards the casino. Today's casino has a special offer!

"Mary! My Mary!" Ge Xiu started shopping frantically, and then sent it to Mary. Although he wanted Mary to participate in such a ceremony, there were too many people, and he was afraid of Mary's accident, so he let Mary Better stay in church.

"Good food! Good food!" Charmy rushed out excitedly.

"Hey—!" Gray changed from Gordon's appearance to a big fat man, and then left with Charmy, while Luck wandered off to himself, leaving Vanessa, Asta, Noell, and Kahono in the army. Five with Chiat.

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