Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 289 Become the Magic Emperor of the whole world!\r

"I'll go too, just to see what you've built the Dominican House!" Noell asked curiously.

"Okay!" Asta nodded, and then the group filed in, and then they were all shocked.

"This... this is the room you built in one afternoon?" Noell raised his face and fell into contemplation as he looked at the new house more than ten meters high. This kind of construction ability is too perverted, which village would have Asta as a neighbor Friends, I am afraid that the houses in the whole village do not have to worry about being outdated, as long as the relationship with Asta is good, then are you afraid of not having a house to live in?

"Oh my god, this is a work of art!" Finral's jaw dropped in shock.

"If, I mean, if someone hired Asta to build a house like this, how much would it cost?" Kahono looked at the house that looked like a well-decorated house.

"How about tens of millions?" Dominai said casually.

"Then if I act as a middleman, I only need to draw a small amount, and I can't have hundreds of thousands of dollars?" Kahono twisted his body excitedly.

"Sister, don't just think about getting rich at this time!" Chiat was a little embarrassed at this time.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, it's not impossible. If Kahono can really find clients in the future, then it's not impossible for me to play. After all, the money I earn can also subsidize the children in the church!" Asta thinks this is also a good idea The money-making project not only exercised his own body, but also earned more money so that more church children could be free from hunger.

"Brother, you can see that Asta has agreed. In the future, our income before becoming a big star will finally come to an end!" Kahono said excitedly.

"Would you like to come in and sit down, Asta has built the interior very nicely, and the new wooden floor will not make a creaking sound when you walk on it." "!" Dominai invited as the hostess.

"Anyway, it's still a while before the order of the knights is awarded, so it's good to go in and rest!" Noell rubbed his sour feet.

"Come, come, take one sip per person, don't drink too much!" Asta was not stingy at this time and immediately took out the healing spring water. After everyone took it, the body immediately began to recover, and the fatigue was swept away immediately, and everyone was instantly refreshed.

"Wow, this potion is a magical medicine!" Chiat was speechless in shock, "I feel like I'm full of power now!"

"Me too! I didn't expect my throat to be so comfortable after singing for a day!" Kahono also opened his hands excitedly.

"There's still a sofa in the house, and a bright magic lamp!" Noell is satisfied with the interior of Dominay's house, after all, these woods are the best woods that Asta selected in the forest.

"I'll buy these things later, but I bought a lot of bedding today, including comfortable mattresses, fluffy quilts, and soft pillows. I also made a lot of money. I'm so happy!" Dominai looked gratefully. Xiang Asta, they were still sad about the dilapidated old house yesterday morning, because such a house could not even do the most basic cold protection and waterproofing, but it is different now. Motivated!

"Originally, I thought Asta's dream was out of reach. After all, who can truly make everyone happy? The Magic Emperors of Clover Kingdom's past dynasties are all great, especially the first generation Magic Emperor, but none of these people can make everyone happy. Everyone is happy, if Asta can really become the Magic Emperor, I feel that he will really change the whole world!" Mariella looked at Asta with a sigh.

"If possible, I hope Asta can help Diamond Kingdom too!" Fana's face is also filled with a happy smile, these days are the happiest life she has lived, not only met her childhood friends, but also teachers, Teachers, even classmates, and these are inseparable from Asta!

"Yes, the Magic Emperor I will be is not just the Magic Emperor of the Clover Kingdom, but the Magic Emperor of the entire world!" Asta raised the corner of his mouth and said.

"Okay, so lofty!" Fan Jie'er looked at Asta in shock, and remembered that his teacher had also taught him. If you want to see how far a person can go, it depends on how lofty his aspirations are. He has seen a lot of People, the grandest ideal is to become the king or noble of the current kingdom, and no one has ever dreamed of becoming the Magic Emperor of the world!

More importantly, Asta is indeed capable of realizing this dream, and I am firmly on this path!

"If you need me in the future, just tell me!" Fan Jie'er said with a serious expression.

".~ Didn't we all retire!" Dominai pouted and was a little unhappy, because they had experienced so many life and death before they had the stable life they have now, it's only been a few days, if they are involved in dangerous tasks Can they still have such good luck?

"Just talking!" Fan Jie'er scratched his head embarrassedly, "Obviously he had already decided to retire, but he was suddenly infected by Asta again, is this the legendary personality charm?

"Asta is indeed very charming, I just heard it and my blood boiled!" Noell sighed with a blushing face, Asta has not become so charming before becoming Magic Emperor, and if he becomes Magic Emperor in the future Great?!

Noell has even figured out the scene where Asta is chased by a group of girls!

"No, no, I must strike first!" Noell clenched his fists to cheer himself up.

At the same time (Zhao Zhao's), a splendid fireworks bloomed over the entire capital from the capital, and this Star Fruit Festival officially started!

But Asta and the others were unaware that there were several girls in Dominai who were diligently slicing fruit, and Asta and the others started roasting meat, and soon a sumptuous dinner was done.

"Would you like to go get the rest of the regiment!" Finral thought.

"Yes, as long as you can find it!" Asta nodded.

"Uh, let's forget it!" Finral thought of the crowded square, and it would be rare to be able to try not to lose himself by then!

"Haha, anyway, let's eat quickly!" Dominai greeted quickly.

"Asta's barbecue is delicious!" Noell happily tasted the food that was grilled by Asta and handed to her mouth. This is the taste of happiness!

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