Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 316 Solve the battle!\r

"No, no, I was blocked by that newcomer!" Lick of the coral peacock said with a sad face.

"How is it possible that my stone crossbow was stopped at such a fast speed?" Casta's face was full of disbelief.

"Actually, it is true, this newcomer is horrible!" Lick of Coral Peacock stammered, after all, this was the only way they could win!

"Under such conditions, he can actually react!" Xerx looked at Asta in shock.

"As expected of Asta!" Mimosa looked at Asta admiringly.

"Look, I'm right, you can always trust Asta!" Vanessa smiled proudly.

"This kid really has two strokes!" Magna couldn't help but complain.

"It really is the limit of the body's reaction. Although it is not magic, it is equally pleasing to the eye!" NovaChrono said in amazement.

"I knew it wouldn't be so easy to solve this guy!" Leopold couldn't help but complain.

"Such a reaction speed is definitely a war machine on the battlefield!" Meleoleona couldn't help but comment.

"Cut! Untouchables!" Guluoba thirteenth said Nunu.

"Asta, come on!" Noell shouted boldly.

"What a shame to have a sister like that!" Noell's brother Solid looked at Noell in disgust.

"It's a shame to shout cheers for a pariah in a big crowd!" Noell's sister Nebra said even more disgustedly.

"Mimosa, where are they?" Asta asked casually, after all, this was just his normal operation.

"They're in the forest!" Mimosa had already released his plant perception magic and quickly locked the positions of the three of Frudi!

"Very good, the crystal will be handed over to you to guard!" Asta said and walked towards the three of Frudi very quickly, this time he did not use Eight Inner Gates or black state, just pure body speed Plus the speed of Wind Spirit Boots!

This speed is as slow as a turtle to Asta, but as fast as lightning to others, especially Lick of the coral peacock, who can clearly see how Asta is moving towards him through his crystal magic crystal observer. Came flying!

"He's coming, so fast!" Lick said in horror.

"Where is the location?" Casta of the Silver-Winged Giant Eagle said calmly.

"It's right in front of us!" Lick said.

"Look at me giving him two shots!" Casta said, adjusting the direction of the stone crossbow, and Frudi suddenly stopped when he shot accurately.

"Wait a minute! It's useless for us to attack him now, but he is rushing towards us, which represents our second chance!" Frudi excitedly said.

"What chance? According to his current speed, he will rush over in less than a minute!" Lick said nervously.

"When the time is enough, Lick immediately finds the position of the crystal opposite, Casta, we directly aim at the crystal opposite, and now that Asta is not there, I don't believe that the opposite can be defended! 39 Frudi said.

"Good way! Casta's eyes lit up immediately, this is almost a good strategy for the Jedi comeback!

"I found it, and it's still in the previous position, but the plant magician on the opposite side has planted plant magic around the crystal!" Like said.

"It doesn't matter, one minute is enough time for us to shoot five ultra-long-distance flame arrows!" Casta pulled the trigger immediately after speaking, and saw a flame arrow headed towards the crystal on Asta's side at a fast enough speed. call.

"Bang!" Although Mimosa had some defenses this time, their crystals were inevitably hit, but fortunately Mimosa put a layer of plant defense on the crystals, so the flaming arrow didn't explode. The crystal on Asta's side.

"It's so dangerous!" Noell and the others were immediately relieved when they saw the crystal that didn't explode.

"Golden Dawn, you immediately moved with the crystal, there is definitely a high-precision perception mage on the opposite side, what we have to do now is to buy time for Asta! 35 Xerx changed his indifferent attitude.

"Yeah!" Mimosa nodded, and immediately acted, and Xerx also detonated the surrounding trap magic, raising a cloud of dust to cover Mimosa's position.

"Damn, they interfered with magic, and I can't see them anymore!" Lick gritted his teeth.

"In that case, let's move quickly, how far is Asta from us?" Frude asked.

"Let's see! Lick turned his eyes back to the track of Asta's running, and then he fell to the ground in fright, because as soon as he moved his eyes, he saw Asta's enlarged face smiling at him, followed by The back of a sword slapped him, and although he was not seriously injured, this blow also sent him flying five or six meters away.


"Where is Asta?!" Frudi asked angrily, and then saw Lick flying out of his eyes.

"I wipe!" Casta also saw this scene.

"Sorry, I've accepted your crystals!" Asta made a force with one foot, and suddenly rushed out more than ten meters away, directly smashing the crystals of group a with a single sword.

"Win!" Noell hugged Vanessa immediately.


"Although I knew that Asta would definitely win, I couldn't help being nervous!" Gordon sighed while recording.

"Just lost?" All three of Frudi knelt on the ground in disbelief.

"Next time try! Asta finished and walked towards Mimosa.

"Asta-kun, you are really amazing!" Mimosa said excitedly looking at Asta who came back.

"You're pretty good too!" Asta patted Mimosa's little head.

"If I had known that my teammates were so powerful, I wouldn't have worked so hard to set up traps in advance!" Xerx had mixed feelings at this time. He was happy that he advanced so easily, but he was worried that he didn't exert any strength!

"Although it ended quickly, it was also a wonderful game of wits and courage, and the second group of groups c and d are ready to enter the field!"

"The members of Group C are Magna, Blue Rose Sol and Kirsch!" When Nova Chrono read his name, the space magician had already accurately delivered the three Magna to Asta's field.

"Asta, watch me perform next!" Magna said energetically to Asta.

"Come on!" Asta smiled and looked at Sol at the same time, this girl is really a bit tall!

"Look at me!" Sol didn't know how to be shy at all, and when he realized that Asta was looking at himself, he immediately looked at Asta and looked at Asta.

"It's nothing, good luck!" Asta touched his nose and smiled at the joker.

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