Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 415: Word Spirit Devil's Invitation!\r

"I can't let him say it any more!" Although Rhya didn't know why Yanling Devil wanted to provoke Patolli, but relying on his intuition and letting Yanling Devil talk, something bad might happen!

"Flame Spirit Magic!"

"Warcraft Elf Magic!""

"Painting Elf Magic!""

"Imitate light magic!

"Dream Elf Magic! 35 In an instant, Fana, Vetto, Rill, Rhya, and Dorothy attacked the Word Spirit ~ Devil together.

"Vacuum defense! After Yan Ling Devil said calmly, he saw a circle of invisible vacuum defenses appear around him immediately.

"Bang bang bang!" The magic of a group of elves slammed into the vacuum defense of the word spirit Devil.

"Bound them, seal their mouths, and imprison their magic book." Yan Ling Devil said very fast, almost in an instant, only seeing Devil magic bound Fana, Vetto, Rill, Rhya four. , Dorothy fled into the realm of illusion at the last minute.

"Are you pretty good?" Yan Ling Devil looked at Asta leaning against the wall.

"You continue, I'll just listen, I'm not with them." Asta looked like a bystander, but in fact he was also observing Devil's magic, and he found that this guy is completely a king of mouths Ah, you don't need a magic book to use magic, you can just move your mouth, for example, to bind them, and as a result, Rhya and the others are really bound, in short, this magic is very awesome!

"Hahaha!" Yan Ling Devil burst into laughter for some reason, then looked at Patolli, "If you elves and humans were as smart as that boy, how wonderful the world would be? No one bothers us now, then Let's continue the topic just now, by the way, what do you want to ask? I can tell you all!

After Dorothy escaped back to her realm of illusion, Yuno and others immediately attacked her, but Dorothy showed the outside world to everyone to watch.

"What kind of picture is this?" Noell suddenly became curious, she seemed to have seen a very annoying creature (Word Spirit Devil)!

"The horn on his head is the Devil's horn?" Meleoleona's eyes narrowed, and the royal family was no stranger to Devil, because there were a lot of stories about Devil in their growing environment. Compared with elves, Devil is the real human being. enemy!

"The situation seems to have changed. We are not the enemy. Look at the outside world. You are deciding whether to fight with me." Inspired by Meleoleona.

"Then let's see and talk!" After Meleoleona finished speaking, everyone immediately watched, and Noell saw Asta with sharp eyes!

"Why is this kid leaning against the corner to watch a play like a little bastard?" Noell couldn't help but complain.

"Now that the situation is unclear, static braking is really the best way." Mimosa excused Asta.

"Can you remove the drowsiness effect first? I'm so sleepy right now! Magna said.

"Okay." Dorothy paused the hypnotic effect of Realm of Illusion, and everyone suddenly felt much better.

"Hey, let me out first, I want revenge, how could this grandson Richter be so cowardly?" Rades' request was simply ignored.

"Hahaha, I'm much more comfortable seeing him like this now!" Sally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Be quiet, kid, and I'll kill you!" Meleoleona growled at Rades.

"Yes!" Rades stiffened in horror.

Looking at Patolli's side, at this moment he still can't believe that all this is true, he feels his values ​​are collapsing, he can't help asking, "Richter's last words are always echoing in my mind, who said that? of?

"If you are so full of ill will, of course I said it! I moved my hands and feet on the Forbidden Jutsu where you elves were reincarnated, and put a demon heart, so many of you elves who are not firm-willed have become violent. As for you, I don't have the devil's heart, the brutality you show is entirely your own!

"Impossible, I'm not like that!" Patolli said.

"Do you think you are really Richter? Let me tell you, you are far from Richter. Back then, I created the massacre of the elf genocide in order to bring Richter into despair, and only when four- When the user of the leaf clover magic book falls into despair and grief, the four-leaf clover magic book will be transformed into a five-leaf clover magic book, but at the last moment, he still relies on his firm will to communicate with his human friend, who is called Lemiel Silvamillion Clover of the original Magic Emperor!


"Because of the meddling of the two of them, this led to the delay of 500 years when I first appeared in the real world, but this time I chose your will is obviously not so firm, look at your The magic book, has it turned black?" Devil said triumphantly.


"All of this...I was used by Devil...What have I done all these years..." Patolli thought about what he had done all these years, he instantly felt that he was a joke, and now it is even more of a family Force unleashed Devil!

"Recognize the reality, a stepping stone is a stepping stone, no matter how much you struggle, it's just my stepping stone, you can't become Richter, hahaha, the feeling of deception and slaughter is really interesting!" Yan Ling Devil's last words were like being crushed to death. The camel's last straw generally turned Patolli's four-leaf clover magic book completely black, and the clover pattern on it also bloomed with a fifth petal!

"It turns out that the five-leaf clover magic book was born in this way. It seems that the previous owner of my magic book experienced this kind of despair before turning from the four-leaf clover magic book to the five-leaf clover magic book. However, these elves all said that my magic book belonged to Richter, so, under the obstruction of the original Magic Emperor and Richter, this book did not allow the word spirit Devil to successfully get it, but it was cheaper for another Devil? At this moment, Asta couldn't help but know what was going on.

"I feel the same kind of breath from you. The magic book in your hand used to be what I liked, but now that I have lived in other Devils, I will give it to you. How about it, are you interested? Go outside with me to make a scene?" Devil Yanling looked at Asta and invited.

"Not interested." Asta shook his head.

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