Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 417 The strongest mouth magic!\r

"I polished my mercury magic into light, and then reflected the damage caused by the light magic. It's a good idea, worthy of my brother's best friend!" Meleoleona glanced at Nozel in admiration, and then chased after Yanling Devil.

"Sister, that's not a close friend, that's a rival!" Fuegoleon corrected deliberately.

"Is there a difference? Meleoleona stopped Fuegoleon at once.

"Magic Light Elf Magic, Light Whip of Punishment!" Patolli frantically swung the black light whip in his hand. This move was originally powerful, but when it turned black, it became even more powerful, causing Nozel's shield to retreat. Some were even blown apart by the black light whip.

"Hey, Nozel, are you okay? No, I'll help you!" Yami still sneered when he turned around.

"Shut your stinky mouth!" Nozel was instantly pissed off by Yami, and at the same time strengthened the power of magic, "Mercury creates magic, the silver whip of justice!"

"Shhh!" I saw that Nozel developed his own moves based on Patolli's moves, and achieved the effect of restraint. I saw that the silver whip was not only sturdy, but also exceptionally bright on the surface, and 14 could reflect most of the power of magic light magic.

"The magic light elf creates a magical Underworld clone!" Patolli was also making frequent moves at this time, and hundreds of Patolli clones appeared in an instant.

"This guy seems to be very difficult to deal with, my brother should be okay?" Noell couldn't help but start to worry, after all, their brother and sister had just revealed their hearts.

"Don't worry, Noell, your brother's words should be fine!" Vanessa patted Noell's shoulder and smiled, "At this point we should be more concerned about Devil! 35

"Rhya, Fana, Vetto, how are you?" The reincarnated Dorothy wanted to rescue Rhya and the others, but she couldn't remove the Devil's magic. Just when she was at a loss, Asta ordered a Shadow Clone to hold the The Demon Sword came directly to their side, and one person and one knife removed the Devil's magic.

"Thank you!" Dorothy couldn't help saying, because Asta had no obligation to treat them.

"Devil is our common enemy." Asta's Shadow Clone floated away after saying this, while the Devil inside Asta grabbed Asta's pigtails.

"Didn't you say you don't need my magic? Why do you use it again now?" Devil in Asta sighed like a child.

"Really? I just said that you don't need to use anti-magic to deal with the Devil, and I didn't say that you don't need to use anti-magic to do other things. It's your own misunderstanding, and it's none of my business." Asta rolled his eyes and said.

"I've never seen such a shameless human being like you. Are you a Devil or I'm a Devil?" The Devil in Asta was speechless.

"Thank you for the compliment! 33 Asta smiled slightly and continued to snip at Devil Yanling, but Devil Yanling is worthy of being the king of mouths. With his extraordinary mouth speed, he was stunned to be on a par with everyone, and even had the upper hand. In fact, Devil Yan Ling didn't want to fight with everyone here, because after he took out his body, the Shadow Demon Palace would be closed within half an hour.

If he doesn't take advantage of this time to go out, he will be banned here forever, this is not what he wants to see, so he fights and runs.

And everyone saw through his mind, and they all fired at Yan Ling's Devil.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!!! If I hadn't been able to stay here for a long time, I would have to kill this group of people!" Yan Ling Devil gritted his teeth, at this moment his situation was very embarrassing, because the people in front of him were all four-leaf The elites in the Clover Kingdom can't be solved with just a few words.

"You're really ugly!" With a Huabei knife, Yami of course refused to let Yanling Devil stand in front of him.

"Where do you want to escape?" Fuegoleon blocked the Devil's left side.

"Humph!" Yan Ling Devil snorted coldly and wanted to fly away from the sky, but Meleoleona fell from the sky and suppressed him back into the encirclement.

"Kakaka, you can't pass me!" Jack stood on the right side of the word spirit Devil with excitement, he was using his own magic to perceive the magic of the word spirit Devil, as long as he completely read the word spirit Devil's magic, he can split the word demon Devil with one knife!

Yan Ling Devil wanted to escape from behind, but Asta blocked it, so that the strong men beyond the head level blocked Yan Ling Devil in front of him.

"This is what you forced me to do, I didn't want to pay attention to you, but you are so deceitful, don't blame me for killing me here!" Yan Ling Devil's eyes were red and he started to use his magical powers, " Crack the earth, squeeze the space, flood, torrential rain, lightning, ice, fire, heart, lung, hammer, knife mountain!

Yan Ling Devil is worthy of being a high-ranking Devil. In just one second, he issued countless orders. It was as if he alone was an army of thousands of horses, only to see countless Devil magic rush towards the crowd.

"Crack!" I saw that the ground where everyone was standing was cracked at 880 points. Fortunately, everyone could fly, so except for a few ordinary knights who sprained their feet, everyone basically had no loss in this magic, but the Devil magic that followed That's great.

I saw a few members of the Silver Wings Giant Eagle Troupe, and their bodies were suddenly squeezed into a ball by the suddenly squeezed air. If Lu Jiu hadn't rescued them in time, these people would have died long ago, but even if Lu Jiu changed It was only fate that the death was changed to serious injury, and these people lost their combat effectiveness in an instant.

Afterwards, the sudden flood that rushed out severely injured several members of the Emerald Mantis team, but through Lu Jiu's timely treatment, the minor injuries were transformed. Although they could still fight, they were unable to exert 100% combat power.

"Water Magic, Sea God and Valkyrie's Hagoromo Armor!" Noell had to turn on his Hagoromo Armor in this battlefield where Devil Magic was flying around, otherwise he couldn't avoid the Devil Magic that appeared suddenly.

"A lot of knives!" Some ordinary knights were completely powerless in the face of Yan Ling Devil's knife mountain, and Yuno stood up at the critical moment.

"Wind elf magic, Sylph's breath!" Yuno used the wind elf magic directly, and only then did the mountain of swords released by the word spirit Devil casually scatter.

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