Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 422 Devil King!\r

"Yes, everyone goes all out, this is our real enemy!" Rhya also shouted hysterically.

"Hey hey hey, what I like most is watching people die full of fighting spirit. Let's have some fun! Language Magic - Soldiers in Devil's Abyss!" Yanling Devil's voice just fell, and he saw more people near the sea of ​​​​purple mushrooms. Countless tunnels connected to Underworld, only to hear shrill screams coming from the depths of the tunnels, and everyone who heard this sound trembled.

"Gudong!" Noell and Mimosa couldn't help but move closer to Asta.

"Language Magic - Illusory Heart!" Devil Yan Ling directly cast the strongest defensive magic, and saw a small palace like a crystal and diamond appeared above everyone's head, so Devil Devil flew in like this. "Good performance!"

"This one is really finished for you!" Asta opened Shimon instantly, raised the Sword of Suppression, and anti-magic surged out with the red blood steam of the Eight Inner Gates, everyone saw Asta turned into a bloody shadow, and then directly Cleave open the seemingly indestructible illusory heart!

"How is this possible? My 14 is not magic, but a real crystal palace. The walls are so solid that even the highest-ranking Devil can't break it!" The strong defense was so vulnerable in front of Asta.

What's even more terrifying is that he has no defensive magic now, isn't this being slaughtered by others!

"Bound it, move it, language magic, illusory avatar!" The word spirit Devil immediately released a bound shortcut voice command towards Asta, but Asta was so fast at this time that he evaded the voice command in an instant, and Yan Ling Devil's move is not to restrain Asta, he just buys time for himself to escape!

I saw the Spirit of Words Devil move, and it was dozens of meters away from Asta!

"Light magic, light thorn penetration!" Lemiel was always concerned about the battlefield, his light magic penetrated the word spirit Devil at an unparalleled speed.

"Recover!" But Yan Ling Devil didn't care about the injury, he just used the language to instruct his pierced body to quickly recover.

"Hiraishin flashes!" Asta took advantage of this time, and saw that Hiraishin Kunai, who was on the rock beside the Devil, came to Devil, and slashed with a heavy sword.

But at this time, Word Spirit Devil's language magic and illusory clone had also been used. When Asta slashed Yan Ling Devil with his sword, Yan Ling Devil immediately separated a circle of phantoms.

This is another life-saving magic of Yanling Devil. Each of these illusory clones is him, and each of them is not him. As long as all the clones are not resolved in an instant, there will be no damage to him.

When Asta and others dealt with Devil, the other people didn't feel well, because the language magic that Devil had released before. The soldiers in Devil's abyss had already started to explode, and they were all mutilated, but their eyes were evil. The Devil soldier swung his rusted sword and slashed at the member of the Magic Knights or the Spirit in front of him.

"Steel Elf Magic, Rotating Steel Gun!" Klaus and the others were instantly overwhelmed by a large number of Devil soldiers, but Klaus and the others were not jealous, everyone burst out with super explosive power, but these Devil soldiers Because the soldiers are from the Underworld, they also have a certain degree of magic resistance to the magic of this world, so it is still very difficult for Klaus to fight the Devil soldiers.

"Water Magic - Hagoromo Armor of Poseidon and Valkyrie!" Noell also used his own brand new magic. At this moment, she was as agile in the battlefield, as beautiful and deadly as a dancer. Nozel was stunned at this moment. , because Noell is so much like his mother!

"As the head of the regiment, you actually lost your mind on the battlefield?" Fuegoleon appeared beside Nozel and joked.

"What nonsense!" Nozel said and confronted a Devil general. He saw that Devil generals appeared on the battlefield, and each of them had strength beyond the commander level.

"Devil magic, pitch-black spear!" I saw another Devil general charging towards Nozel.

"Mercury Magic·Silver Shield!" Nozel released a series of silver shields without turning his head, and General Devil with a spear was also a ruthless character. Holding the long guns, they smashed them one by one until they rushed to Nozel's side!

And Nozel himself just used the silver shield to buy himself time, so even if the spear General Devil finally rushed to Nozel's side, these silver shields still bought Nozel precious time.

"Mercury Magic - The Roar of the Silver Two-Headed Serpent!" Nozel aimed at a Devil general with one hand, and the powerful quicksilver magic rushed out and sent the two Devil generals through his body.

But then a Devil King rushed out of the tunnel. As soon as this Devil King came out, he was full of devilish energy, with two-meter wings growing on his back, and holding a fork in his hand, he forked 880 towards Nozel!

"Mercury Magic・Silver Overlord Spear!" This was the first time Nozel showed his melee magic in front of everyone. When the two weapons intersected, there was a strong roar, and the surrounding air was full of noise. Transformed by them!

And Nozel's right hand holding the Overlord Spear was also injured in this pair of attacks.

"What a lot of strength!" Nozel's face sank, and he saw Devil King relentlessly continued to attack.

"The human body is really weak and vulnerable!" The Devil king smirked and took another fork at Nozel, but at this moment, Fuegoleon's support arrived!

"Flame Elf Magic, Salamander's Claw!" Fuegoleon cut off King Devil's legs with a claws, but King Devil seemed to have no pain, just looked down and continued to flap his wings to attack Nozel. Go, and his slashed legs are slowly recovering.

"The number of Devil soldiers is too many! The people who were still superior in strength were instantly overwhelmed by the Devil soldiers. I saw that the ordinary Devil soldiers had an advantage against the ordinary members of the Magic Knights, and the Devil generals played against the Elite Magic Knights. The members of the group have the advantage again!

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