Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 427 Cause and Effect Elimination!\r

"His growth rate is really fast!" Fuegoleon couldn't help but sigh. After all, he had been asleep since the last attack on the capital until he woke up now, so he saw that Asta was already on par with the original Magic Emperor. , Immediately with emotion.

"The black boy is thriving, this most disliked magic knight is climbing to the top of the strongest knight with his unique personality!" Nero can be said to have witnessed the rise of the black bull with his own eyes. The team members are full of various problems, and now everyone has stood up to a sky of justice. During this period, too many things have really happened.

"It's really touching. A poor boy from Haji Village has reached this level step by step. As his senior, and I'm also a lower-class person, why don't I work hard?" Magna was excited. Wiping the corners of his eyes, now he is very fortunate to have been born in the era under Nova Chrono's rule, and it was the Magic Emperor who gave them the opportunity to ascend.

"I must record this historic moment! 14" Gordon used memory magic to frantically scan the audience.

"Stupid Asta, it's really getting better and better!" Noell pouted, not daring to look directly at Asta.

"It's taller again!" Vanessa narrowed her eyes at Asta.

"I'll let you take the lead this time!" Yuno sighed. After fighting against Devil this time, he realized that his magic has a serious flaw, that is, the magic of the original world has a fatal flaw for Devil. , and according to his speculation, their main enemy in the future is probably the Devil, so if he doesn't want to solve this problem, the gap between him and Asta will get bigger and bigger!

"Yuno is the best!" Sylph encouraged.

"Richter, how are you doing over there?" Lemiel asked, looking at Richter.

"It's like heaven, except there's no sense of it," Richter laughed.

"I really want to go with you!" Lemiel exclaimed.

"Prince!" Nero panicked immediately.

"Don't worry, Nero, I'm not going to kill myself." Lemiel laughed.

"That's good, you are a very important combat power now!" Nero said.

"In such a catastrophe, the kingdom must be in chaos." Lemiel sighed.

"Sorry, my friend, for causing you trouble!" Richter said apologetically.

"It's all because Devil is too cunning, you elves are also victims." Lemiel said.

"Your name is Asta, this sword belongs to you now, it's called the Sword of Demon Extermination, but before that, we need to tell everyone the truth of the matter. Would you like to cast compound magic with me?" Richter suddenly Looking at Asta.

"Okay!" Asta nodded happily, then shook his hand with Richter, only to see Richter's other hand holding Lemiel again.

"Composite magic, the sword of annihilation, the light of recovery!" In an instant, the three of them turned into a sun-like radiance, and then countless energies carrying memories and anti-magic shone to every outside world with the light. Still on the genie of the wreaking havoc.

"What is this?" An elf was destroying the town, and suddenly saw countless beams of light scattered like fireworks, and one of them flew directly at him, and he found that he had nowhere to hide and could only watch looking at the beam of light shining on him.

"Am I going to die? Is this magic from the strongest human being?" The elf only had time to think so much when the light of restoration hit his body, but then he felt relieved because he saw The memory that Richter transmitted to them instantly understood that everything was Devil's conspiracy.

"Damn, we were all thrown around by a Devil!" At this moment, all the elves knew the truth of the matter, including the fact that Devil implanted evil hearts in their souls, and Asta's anti-magic was just eliminated. All the evil spirits in the elves were removed, and the elves returned to their original characters.

"Did I do all of this? I can't believe that I would actually do such a thing!" After a gentle elf removed the evil heart from his soul, he suddenly felt guilty.

"Since everything is a Devil's conspiracy, there is nothing to avenge." A resolute elf closed his eyes, and then flew towards Richter with his instinctive feeling, Asta's anti-magic was in While eliminating the evil heart, they also eliminated their reincarnation magic, so these elves got rid of the possessed people one after another.

Originally, Asta could not make this effect, but the Sword of Demon Extermination has the effect of cutting causality and eliminating magic, so it is logical to eliminate the reincarnation magic of all elves.

"What happened just now?" The possessed members of the Magic Knights woke up one after another, and the most surprised were those in the Shadow Palace.

"Why am I in this place, so many knight commanders!""

"Did this happen?

"I wipe, why am I injured!" For a while, everyone was in confusion.

"Everyone is quiet, something special happened just now, and now each of them returns to their respective Magic 880 Knights!" Fuegoleon began to maintain order.

"It would be great if the Magic Emperor was here at this time, but fortunately, Fuegoleon's prestige is not bad, and he managed to calm down the scene!" Mimosa couldn't help but said.

"Why am I here, isn't there another chaos in Wangdu? But, who is Asta standing with?" Charlotte said shyly.

"Aren't we floating in the magic palace, how did we get here!" Rill scratched his head, puzzled.

"Captain, you were possessed by an elves just now, you're old horror!" A member of the Aqua Magic Deer whispered.

"Really?" Rill's eyes widened immediately.

"Yuno, what happened to me just now, why do I suddenly have no memory?" Klaus asked, pushing his glasses.

"It's nothing, you might be too tired." Yuno didn't choose to tell Klaus the truth.

"Has the Eye of the Midnight Sun been resolved? How did we come to this place? And who are the two people with Asta?" Klaus asked a series of questions.

"The Eye of the Midnight Sun has been resolved. As for the one standing with Asta is the first-generation Magic Emperor, and the other is the elf Patriarch five hundred years ago." Yuno replied.

"The first Magic Emperor!?" Klaus was directly dumbfounded.

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