Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 429 The Mysterious Winter Country!\r

"The first, first generation Magic Emperor is actually so close to me!" Magna was sitting on pins and needles at this time, the distance between him and Lemiel was only less than five meters, and he even smelled the breath of ancient times on Lemiel!

"It should be a musty smell!" Asta couldn't help but complain.

"The first-generation Magic Emperor doesn't seem to have grown up yet, he looks like a teenager..." Vanessa scrutinized.

"Gudong! Asta sits next to me for Mao, and the first Magic Emperor did it here, so I'm so nervous right now!" Noell looked straight ahead, sitting in an extremely standard noble girl's sitting posture.

"As long as I'm the same as before, after all, everyone is accustomed to my iceberg beauty, so it doesn't matter if the scene is cold! Charlotte has carried forward her usual ostrich style, but a pair of beautiful eyes will see it intentionally or not. To Asta.

"As long as others don't talk, I don't talk!" Nozel closed his eyes.

"Are the legends about the first-generation Magic Emperor really true? When I was a child, I liked to listen to Mr. Tregeia's anecdotes about the first-generation Magic Emperor, especially when I heard that the first-generation Magic Emperor was very good at making some amazing things. The magic item! Fuegoleon can be said to be full of curiosity about Lemiel.

"Faced with the king in the epic, 880 I was rarely nervous!" Jack the Ripper was also miserable at this time.

"What should I do, suddenly facing so many big guys, I'm restless!" Finral was completely helpless at this time, he was usually cowardly enough, and now he doesn't even dare to take a breath.

"Everyone is silent!" Charmy also felt a little dull at this time.

"No, the current scene is too embarrassing, everyone is sitting on the sofa without saying a word, the atmosphere is too dull, and as the youngest leader of the Magic Knights in history, I must assume the role of activating the atmosphere, So be sure to think about a funny thing as soon as possible, such as who has the most distinctive appearance! Rill thought of this and began to scan the people present, and saw all the members of the Black Bulls and the leaders of the major knights in the hall, so who should he take? What to do first?

"Although I'm used to being carefree, it's inevitable that I will be a little nervous when facing the legendary characters. Why don't I find an excuse to go to the toilet first and go beyond the limit!" Yami clenched his fists nervously and kept hypnotizing himself. As usual, just get up and walk towards the toilet!

Thinking of this, Yami stood up (bech), and encouraged himself secretly, "Very good, just like this, as usual, take two steps to get out of the hall, so that you can flash people quickly!"

However, at this time, the entire temporary hall of the black bull was extremely quiet, so Yami suddenly stood up, and everyone suddenly looked at Yami, which instantly made Yami feel the feeling of being watched.

"That... Finral, pass it to the toilet for me!" Yami said calmly.

"Captain, the layout of the entire base has changed now, and I don't even know where the toilet is!" Finral scratched his head, looking innocent.

"Henry, where is the toilet?" Yami turned to look at Henry, who was separated from everyone by dozens of meters.

"The regiment... commander... I haven't had time to build the toilet!" Henry explained.

"How can such an important facility not be built, build it for me now, I want to go beyond the limit!" Yami found the feeling that he used to be the only one in the stronghold.

"Yes, Captain!" Henry hurriedly agreed.

"Although the elves are gone, the kingdom is almost destroyed. Many members of the Magic Knights were also injured or killed in this battle, which greatly weakened the strength of our kingdom. If Diamond Kingdom or Spade Kingdom is at this time. If we invade, we may be in danger of being destroyed! Meleoleona broke the silence first and began to discuss the recovery after the war.

"Isn't the Spade Kingdom a very peaceful kingdom? 33 Lemiel's cognition of this world is obviously still five hundred years ago.

"Prince, the Spade Kingdom was peaceful a few decades ago, but since the kingdom was usurped by the dark apostles, it has developed into an aggressive kingdom," Nero explained to Lemiel.

"So it is, so we will face the attack of the two kingdoms." Lemiel frowned.

"It's very possible, but why didn't you see Lord NovaChrono? If he knew that the first Magic Emperor was still alive, he must be very happy!" Fuegoleon said curiously, after all such a big thing happened, but NovaChrono was nowhere to be seen. This is somewhat counterintuitive.

And when Fuegoleon finished saying this, Yami and Jack's faces turned solemn at the same time.

"Obviously I can't hide it now. The news I say next may shock you, but it's true, that is... Boss NovaChrono has been... dead..." Yami took a breath Afterwards, he took a deep breath.

"What?" Everyone's eyes widened, Yami's words can be said to be amazing, Meleoleona and others have imagined all possibilities, but only did not think that NovaChrono would die!

"How is this possible!" Meleoleona stood up directly, NovaChrono is one of the few strong men she respects!

"Magic Emperor is dead?" Noell's pupils trembled, the peerless powerhouse in her eyes died so quietly?

"When did this happen?" Fuegoleon, Nozel, Charlotte, Rill and others all changed their faces at this moment, and William, who had been bowing his head since he came in, lowered his head even lower at this moment.

"What is the cause of death?" Asta frowned, a strong man who controls time, even he has to avoid three points, it is hard to imagine that such a strong man would receive a lunch at the beginning of the battle.

"When Jack and I rushed over, the Magic Emperor was already in a pool of blood. I don't know the reason for the time being, but I guess it has something to do with Patolli." Yami looked at William, who had been bowing his head, and everyone followed Yami. looked at William.

William noticed everyone's eyes, and he didn't hide it, he said bluntly, "I don't know when, I feel that there is still a self in my body, this is the elf Patolli, I have known him longer than the Magic Emperor, but the Magic Emperor is with him in me. The status in my heart is equally important, so I chose to leave the final battle to them. 35

Brothers, there are two news to tell you, one is that this book is about to enter the Devil chapter, and will write a turbulent Underworld, so the end of this book is not here, but in Asta relying on actual performance to become the first The 29th generation of Magic Emperor will end.

The second news is that my next book is also about the theme of four-leaf clover. It has been archived, and the two books will be updated together. The title of the book will be told to you soon.

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