Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 439 The method of cracking!\r

"What's going on with this person?" Ladros stared at this incredible scene in shock.

"Hahaha, do you really think my barrier magic is used to protect us? It's actually used to protect Morris." Robert laughed proudly.

"Of course it's to prevent you from escaping, after all, resurrection takes time! Humpty Godlock added with a smirk.

"Are you so confident? I don't believe you can be resurrected forever, Mars, it seems that you have to use this trick!" Ladros quickly gathered with Mars and Lotus.

"What kind of tricks did you two research behind my back?" Lotus asked curiously.

"Isn't this not a mere back, we two have long been in the same mind, do we still need to study?" Ladros laughed proudly.

"Three apostles, you have to be careful, this Ladros is a scumbag, he can show such a smile to prove that things are not easy! Morris knows that Ladros is rotten, so he quickly reminded.

"Don't worry, what can you do with three wastes who are not even in the Nether Realm?" Robert said with contempt. After all, he can be resurrected infinitely, and has the protection of the purple barrier, the enemy can't even defend him. Break, let alone kill him.

897 "Since the three apostles know what they have in mind, then I won't say much more!" Morris was very obedient, which was the exact opposite of his unequivocal character in Diamond Kingdom.

"Although I don't know what you are going to do, how can I make you do what you want!" As the short fat Godlock spoke, the magic book beside him began to flip frantically, "Titan Magic Giant Transformation!

I saw the short and fat Godlock let out a roar, and his body suddenly grew to a height of more than ten meters, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he patted both Mars and Ladros.

"I've already told you that it's useless to attack me with fists and feet, not to mention that you've become so big now, isn't this a living target!" Ladros finished sarcastically, and then used a laser to move towards Godlock hit, but at this moment, a layer of purple barrier completely wrapped Godlock, which allowed Godlock to ignore Ladros' laser attack and punch directly.

"Bang!" After a burst of dust, Ladros, Mars, and Rota (bech) scattered.

"It turns out that his barrier magic can still be used like this, so wouldn't they be able to ignore the magic and attack like Asta?" Robert murmured.

"I really envy such an auxiliary magician!" Ladros said enviously.

"Their offense should be more than that!" Mars was extra cautious.

"Kill!" Malhas really did not miss this excellent attacking opportunity, but this time he did not choose Mars, because Mars has diamond magic defense, the defense is very powerful, he also did not choose Ladros, although Ladros's The defense is weak, but Ladros can use lasers to make up for the lack of defense, so Malhas directly aimed at Lotus this time!

"Suffer to death!" I saw that Malhas used all his strength without hesitation, trying to kill Lotus with one blow. In fact, he also successfully penetrated Lotus' body with his sharp eagle claws, but he did not have him. In the imagination, blood splattered everywhere, because Lotus's penetrated body suddenly turned into a cloud of smoke.

"It's so dangerous. If Uncle didn't predict that you would attack me in advance, and released a fog clone ahead of time, you would have killed him now!" Lotus reappeared behind Mars, and said with lingering fears.

"Are you mocking me?" Maljas exploded with rage, because he had released all of his 40% Devil power. At this time, he was at his peak, and he was still attacking just now. But even that didn't hurt Lotus.

"How dare I? After all, you are so powerful, uncle, I am just crushing my IQ!" Lotus smiled slowly, which made Malhas angry.

"Hahaha, I thought you guys were so powerful, but in fact it's just that, get ready to take over!" Ladros saw that his momentum was crushed to the opposite side, and immediately chose to cast compound magic with Mars.

"Composite magic・Crystal laser gun that penetrates everything!" The magic book of Mars and Ladros flipped to the same page, and then they saw that laser magic and diamond magic converged into a diamond laser gun that compressed the sparkle to the extreme!

As soon as these diamond laser guns were formed, they madly shot at Robert, Godlock, and Malhas. Robert's response was not slow. Although both Godlock and Malhas can be resurrected, resurrection is also It will take time, and they will also be in pain, so try not to get hurt as much as possible.

So Robert used his barrier magic to protect everyone for the first time.

However, what surprised Robert was that the composite magic diamond laser gun of Mars and Ladros ignored his barrier magic.

To know that his barrier magic can block 40% of the magic damage, it can be said that most of the magic attacks can't break his barrier magic, but this time the composite magic of Mars and Ladros severely penetrated his barrier magic. !

"Uh!" Both Goldlock and Malhas screamed, and saw that their bodies were penetrated by the diamond laser gun in an instant, but the more terrifying thing was still behind, I saw these being shot out The diamond laser gun was not disconnected from Ladros, but a rope-like laser was still connected to Ladros and these diamond laser guns.

So as long as Ladros's mind moves, the laser in his body will be continuously transmitted to these diamond laser guns!

That is to say, Godlock and Malhas have just been resurrected, and they will be electrocuted by Ladros again immediately!

"Ahhh! It hurts, Robert, hurry up and think of a way!" Maljas's defense was weak, so he screamed and screamed in pain.

Although Godlock has been clenching his teeth all the time and his physical resistance is also high, the situation at this time is not optimistic.

"They can still think of such a way!" Robert's expression was solemn, and he couldn't think of any way!

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