Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 442 The duel of space mages!\r

This is actually what Morris intends to do, replacing the old man with dissent with a new man who is completely loyal to him.

Thus helping Morris take full control of the Diamond Kingdom.

Of course, when Maurice was in control of the Diamond Kingdom, his eyes also came into contact with the mysterious Spade Kingdom, and he learned of a greater power, the Devil's power!

After learning about Devil's power, Morris immediately lost interest in Diamond Kingdom and began to contact Spade Kingdom, which is the story just now.

Of course, it is precisely because Morris contacted Spade Kingdom in advance, otherwise his prepared backhand is really not enough to fight the alliance between Ladros and Mars.

"This boy Mars doesn't know where he is going. It is estimated that he can only be a general this time. He feels wronged, so he doesn't want to contribute. When I go back, I must sue him to Sir Morris!" One of the five generals Roko Ross sneered.

"And Ladros, I just watched the two of them flirting with each other. Could it be that he left the team and rushed forward to grab the credit?" Currose, one of the five generals, raised his eyebrows.

"14 Good guy, we have to speed up the marching route, otherwise the two of them will really take the credit for it!" Kaka Roji, one of the five generals, also said anxiously.

"Pass my order, the whole army will attack!" Dabbs was also anxious. After all, this was his first time in command. If the credit was taken away by Mars, his status would definitely be shaken, so for his own status , Dabbs also fought hard, but it was a pain for the Diamond Kingdom army, because the army was originally uneven, those with deep magic power had shallow magic power, and those with deep magic power could barely keep up with Dabbs and others. The speed, but the superficial magic obviously can't keep up.

This led to the Diamond Kingdom's army, which had not yet encountered the combat effectiveness of the four-leaf clover Kingdom's army, and there was also a situation where the team was separated from head to tail.

If they encounter the normal army of the four-leaf clover kingdom at this time, then the entire army will not be annihilated, and they will definitely flee in embarrassment.

"Master, how are the towns along the way? The brothers can't hold back when they see many rich towns!" At this moment, a young general dared to speak to Dabbs.

"It's really short-sighted. The combined wealth of these towns is not as much as that of the capital. The real treasure is in the capital!" Dabbs immediately scolded.

"Yes, coach!" After the young general was reprimanded, he hurriedly retired.

"No, Diamond Kingdom's army is attacking in a big way, I have to inform the Knights headquarters immediately!"" After seeing the mighty army of Diamond Kingdom, a member of the Ziyuan Killer Whale's eyes turned towards the nearest I ran to the contact point, where there is a communication magic device, which can be reported to the capital as soon as possible.

However, he hadn't gone far before he saw a dagger stabbed into his chest fiercely.

"Really, still thinking about tipping off, do you really think that our Anbu people don't exist? A member of the Diamond Kingdom Assassination Department pulled out a dagger and showed a sneer after speaking, and this scene is definitely more than one case, along the way they Anbu I don't know how many members of the Four-leaf Clover Knights who wanted to tip off have been assassinated.

At the same time, the command center of the four-leaf clover kingdom was basically paralyzed.

Asta and others are still involved in the rescue, not aware that the crisis has come.

As for the four of Mars, they have not yet flown out of the dividing line of the Diamond Kingdom, and a war is obviously inevitable.

"Why is the right eyelid jumping wildly?" Yami rubbed his sour eyes. Too many things happened tonight. The elves raided, the Magic Emperor died, and the reconstruction after the disaster took a huge toll on everyone. If it wasn't for the healing spring water given by Asta, there would be a lot of people lying down at the scene.

"I'm so tired..." Noell was out of breath. At this time, her hands were on her legs and she was bending over to rest, but when she raised her head, she was dumbfounded, because the sky in the distance was filled with people!

"Is this that force again?" Yami apparently also found something unusual, and saw that the sky in the distance suddenly brightened, and colorful magic seemed to frantically smash in the direction of the capital.

"These bastards, the rescue mission of the Royal Capital has finally been completed. This juncture is really unforgivable!" Magna couldn't help rushing out after saying that.

"Hahaha, it really suits me to fight!" Luck also did his part, as did the other militants in the Magic Knights, who rushed towards the Diamond Kingdom army one by one.

"You guys, don't rush up like a wanderer!" Nozel was anxious, because legion battles were strategic, so rushing to each other's camps would easily be eliminated.

"Haha, have you seen that, the kingdom of four-leaf clover has no decent resistance anymore, and the situation is very good for us!" Dabbs laughed excitedly, and when he waved his hand, a large area collapsed in front of him. The magician of the four-leaf clover kingdom. 897

"There is an attacking space magician on the opposite side, hurry up and hide!" A surviving member of the Magic Knights hurriedly shouted in horror.

"I still want to hide, what are you thinking of? Now let you all remember my name, I am Dabbs, the head coach of Diamond Kingdom!" Dabbs finished the magic book in front of him and began to flip, "Space Magic·Death Claws! 35

For a time, I saw a dense number of claws appearing in most of the sky. Since these claws are composed of space magic, they are extremely sharp, and basically even defensive magic and people can be directly torn apart!

In just a split second, the kingdom of four-leaf clover killed and injured hundreds of members of the Magic Knights.

"This bastard is really born for the battlefield, how many people can resist such a large-scale destructive magic?" Yami frowned, and then drew his flower knife from his waist, but he was about to prepare. When the time came, Finral and his younger brother Langris were already greeted.

"Langris!" Finral looked at his brother excitedly, if he remembered correctly, this was the first time he and Langris had fought together, which made Finral full of power!

"Don't think too much! Langris immediately distanced himself from the relationship, and looked to the side arrogantly!.

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