Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 519 Measuring Energy Stone, Explosive Combat Power!

"Miss Weiwei, please believe that our Knights headquarters attaches great importance to this commission from the Academy of Magical Sciences, so the Asta dispatched can definitely exceed the standard to complete the escort mission.

Marx quickly explained.

"What I need is a leader-level escort. Even if you insist on sending the black bull at the end of the crane, at least let their leader come!"

Weiwei said domineeringly.

"Miss Weiwei, what I need to remind you is that the Asta sent by the headquarters this time belongs to the leader-level strength!"

Marx said seriously.


Weiwei was shocked, she never thought that a rookie who had just joined the regiment for a year would have the strength of the regiment leader!

"You and your team have been immersed in the laboratory for too long, so it is normal to not know ~.

Marx said.

"I hope what you said is true, but it doesn't matter whether he has the strength of the leader level, you say it or I say it, he needs to pass one of my tests!

Vivi said.

"no problem!"

Asta walked in with a smile, and at the same time looked at Wei Wei, she is a very intellectual beauty, but there is always a touch of arrogance on her face that no strangers should enter.

"Are you Asta?"

Wei Wei looked at Asta without showing any weakness, she suddenly found that she had sensed a trace of unusual peace of mind in the man in front of her who was a head taller than her, but out of the caution of the research staff, Wei Wei still took out a pocket watch sized red gemstones.

"This is a gemstone for testing strength. There are five gears in total. The first gear is the strength of ordinary knights, the second is the strength of elite knights, and the third is the strength of members of the elite knights. The strength of the deputy head level, the fourth gear is the strength of the head level, and the fifth gear is the strength beyond the head level!"

Weiwei was stopped by Marx as soon as she finished speaking.

"Wait a minute, you are so unfair, Asta has no magic power at all, how can she speak with just a magic measuring stone!"

Marx said.

"Do you think I would be so stupid? This is an ancient pendant imitated by our Academy of Magic Sciences based on the books recorded by ancient scholars. In addition to detecting magic, it can also detect many unknown energies. How about it? Try it Bar!"

Weiwei looked at Asta provocatively and said.

"Try it and try it!"

Asta smiled and took the ancient penetrating stone from Weiwei's hand. During this period, the two hands inevitably touched each other, and Weiwei took her hand away instantly like an electric shock

"Academician Weiwei, what's wrong with you?"

The scholars of the Academy of Magical Sciences asked inexplicably.

"I'm fine!"

Weiwei was very gentle towards her colleagues, and Asta just smiled when she saw this, and then mobilized the chakra in her body to gather directly in the palm of her hand, and in an instant, the red psychrite burst into five red lights!

"Five red lights, this represents the most explosive combat power!"

Weiwei looked at this scene with shocking pupils, and then hurriedly took the power stone from Asta's hand, and the next moment, four red lights burst out from the power stone, which showed that Weiwei has the level of deputy leader of strength.

"According to what she said, this woman is actually at the deputy head level!"

Vanessa was shocked, she didn't expect Weiwei to be so powerful!

"Miss Weiwei deserves to be the leader of the royal family. If it wasn't for Miss Weiwei's love of scientific research, she would at least be a sub-regiment now, and it's still unknown if she can even directly create a new knight order!"

Marx couldn't help sighing.

"There is nothing wrong with the energy measuring stone, which means that you really have the strength beyond the leader level!"

Weiwei looked at Asta in amazement, and saw that the young man in front of her was not very old, but she felt an indescribable sense of heaviness. Weiwei suddenly felt that this mission was much more stable with Asta joining, so she immediately said, "You passed the assessment, but you have to cooperate with us throughout the process.

"No problem, when shall we leave?"

Asta asked.

"Tomorrow morning, we will bring all the equipment and meet here then!"

Weiwei said bluntly.


Asta nodded, immediately turned around and took Vanessa with her and left.

"What's the air!"

A male magic researcher said immediately.

"He has the capital to be proud of."

...asking for flowers...

Weiwei said with cold eyes, she really hates this colleague who is around her all day long, the purpose is too strong, if it is not because the other party is also from a very prominent nobleman, Weiwei would have kicked this person out of the Academy of Sciences long ago.

"The human brain circuits of these Academy of Magical Sciences seem to be abnormal!"

Vanessa couldn't help but spit after she left.

"However, it is precisely because of their lives that they are improving day by day. The mission of this scientific research is also to produce heavy-duty magic machines to help the people return to normal life. Speaking of which, in this magic world, it is really easy to destroy, but if you want to Restoration is extremely costly."

Asta sighed.

"It seems that little Asta has really grown up, and now she starts to worry about the country and the people!"

Vanessa couldn't help but praise.

"Never been a kid!"

Asta couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"By the way, they won't get up until tomorrow. Where are we going tonight?"

Vanessa complained, "Now the base is so far away, don't you say we have to fly back to the base!"

"Of course not, let's open a house!"

Asta laughed.


Vanessa's beautiful eyes widened immediately, what is she doing!


Asta didn't explain, and walked forward while pulling Vanessa's arm, and Vanessa was surprised, and suddenly leaned on Asta's shoulder.

"Little Asta, you are dishonest!"

Vanessa smiled charmingly, raising her eyebrows.

"Haha, big sister, you are overthinking, okay, let's go to Rebecca's restaurant, have a nice bowl of ramen, and then go to sleep, the next day, finish the task happily, and then I will take you Heart Kingdom is looking for Nuo Al and the others to play!"

Asta laughed.

"Cut! I really think you are brave!"

Vanessa rolled her eyes and flew towards Rebecca's restaurant with Asta, but she didn't remind Asta if she forgot something? But what is she expecting, even if Asta wants to send flowers, it is impossible to send them myself!

Vanessa patted herself on the head annoyed, and continued on her way up the mountain.


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