Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 526 How Can A Hot-Blooded Man Back Down!

Asta naturally sensed the strangeness of Marx, but both of them tacitly did not speak, but went out after finding some oil.

"Asta did exactly what you said, Lina's memory was indeed altered, and it was encrypted to hide it, so there must be something wrong with what Lina said!"

Marx said in shock, because he originally felt that this was just a normal escort mission, and it was Asta who was on the mission. I can't say that I'm 100% sure about this matter, but at least there won't be any major changes, but now due to many With the exception of Linna, he couldn't help but worry about the safety of this operation.

"What I want to tamper with Linna's memory is the hidden existence in the mine valley. The reason why it let Linna out is to bring more people in!"

Asta speculated.

"Asta, you are too smart. The person who modified Linna's memory is definitely playing a long game. I will notify the Magic Emperor and let him re-evaluate this mission!"

Marx said excitedly.

"Well, I'll go to 21 first to appease the people from the Academy of Sciences."

Asta nodded, and immediately walked in, and as expected, the people from the Academy of Magical Sciences had become restless and were attacking Vanessa.

"How long do we need to spend in this boring ghost place? Do you know that our time is very precious, ten minutes is enough for me to conduct an experimental research!"

"Yes, I have already asked all the questions that should be asked. What is the situation if you are not on your way now? Do you have any dissatisfaction with us?"

"Do you know that the research on heavy-duty magic machines has reached the most important juncture, so we have disassembled the heavy-duty magic machines in order to be able to carry out experimental transformations on the spot!"

The staff of the Academy of Magical Sciences almost ate Vanessa at this point.

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly..."

Vanessa just feels powerless to fight at this time, who said that these Academy of Magical Sciences can only do research, and now they are also very cowhide when it comes to people!

"What are you talking about, if you didn't keep procrastinating, we should have already arrived at this meeting!"

The triangular-eyed Bangers once again fanned the flames.

"Could it be that talking nonsense with your eyes open is the driving force for your continuous magic research? From the king's capital to the strong magic zone, according to your speed, it would take at least half a day's flight time to get there, and since you arrived here, and now A total of less than 20 minutes has passed, I'm afraid you haven't even flown out of the capital with your instruments in these 20 minutes!"

Asta immediately rolled his eyes, blocked in front of Vanessa and turned on the mouth escape mode, and Vanessa only felt a sense of security at this moment!

"Academician Weiwei, since you are the representative of the Academy of Magical Sciences, I have something to say to you, please move on."

Asta looked at Weiwei and said.

"whats the matter?"

Weiwei stood up and was going to follow Asta to go out, but Bangers obviously refused to give up, but Vanessa is not a vegetarian, and a set of silk thread magic wrapped Bangrs into a strong pupa, and she was caring He sealed his mouth to Bangers.

"woo woo woo woo!"

Bangers was very emotional, and if he could speak, he would definitely scold badly.

"Little friend, you need to grow your eyes. The two generals are talking. Is it your turn to meddle?"

Vanessa rolled her beautiful eyes, and the other members of the Academy of Magical Sciences saw how powerful Vanessa was, and immediately chose to shut up. After all, it was a very embarrassing thing to be tied to the ground.

"Just say it here."

Weiwei looked at Asta coldly, relying on her intuition, she felt that there must be something wrong with this operation, otherwise it would be impossible to alarm Marx and others.

"Have you never doubted how Linna came out?"

Asta got straight to the point and brought the topic to the question. [055403321 Feilu 2130

"I did have doubts, but I didn't pursue it too deeply. After all, no matter how Linna recalled it, she couldn't think of that memory, and there are many real incidents in the market about magicians walking into the strong magic zone and then walking out in a daze. There are not hundreds of them every year, but dozens.”

"Just now, you asked Marx to come here because you want Marx to use memory magic to read the memory that Linna is missing?"

Weiwei looked at Asta with piercing eyes and said.

"Smart, but Marx failed to read Linna's memory, so Linna's memory has been tampered with and encrypted."

Asta appreciated that he appreciates intellectual beauties who are smart, beautiful and aloof, especially Weiwei is also wearing a well-tailored, exquisite white coat, which adds a lot of points to this beauty who is already skinny.

"So you suspect that Linna was put back on purpose, with the purpose of luring more people over?"

Weiwei said in shock, if this is the case, then they are now equivalent to a sheep in the mouth of a tiger!

"That's right, Marx has gone to consult the Magic Emperor, and my suggestion is to reduce the number of scientific researchers going to the Gray Forest, preferably only five, so that no matter what happens, I can ensure that you are safe and sound before I die. 623

Asta said directly.

"So, when you knew that going to the gray forest this time was likely to be a trap, what you thought of was not to retreat, but to move on?"

Weiwei said with trembling pupils, she worshiped those lonely heroes since she was a child, even in the face of criticism, she still has the courage to go forward, but the more she grows up, the more she realizes that the story of the hero saving the princess seems to only happen in fairy tales in the story.

But now... Her heart, which had been frozen for a long time, suddenly jumped, and of course it was just a jump...

"Do we still have a way out? Right now in the whole kingdom, the towns close to the royal city are better, but how many of the people who are far away from the royal city are still hiding under the ruins in half-clothed clothing? Winter is coming soon, If you don’t build houses for them, the result of waiting for these people is only the word death. I admire the research you researchers do for the people, so let me consider the safety, no matter what is hidden in the gray forest. No matter what, people or demons, even gods can't stop us!"

Asta finished speaking with enthusiasm, and found that Weiwei's whole body was short of breath. This kind of scene made Asta wonder, why does this girl look more excited than him?

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