Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 548 Klaus And Asta Face Off!

"If Nuo Al is casting the spell at this time, I'm afraid this tactic may really be successful. After all, according to Nuo Al's strength, it is easy to create a water dragon that is hundreds of meters away.

Finral sighed.

"So Nuo Al's big brother and sister, the strategy is right, but the strength is not enough!"

Luck said.

"Sure enough, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse!"

En Lingard couldn't help but commented too.

"Don't be dazed, everyone, help them!"

Klaus suggested.

"Haha, God said there should be electricity in the water!"

Luck immediately released thunder and lightning with both hands, at this moment he is like a god of thunder!

From a distance of hundreds of meters, two thick blue thunder snakes shot directly from the palm of his hand and rushed into Solid's water snake.

The water snake originally released by Solid was just an ordinary water snake.

But at this time, due to the addition of Luck's thunder magic, it instantly became a violent thunder and lightning water snake!

Zizz zizz!

For a moment, there was lightning and thunder inside the water snake!

Be aware that water conducts electricity, and the current is dispersed, although not fatal.

697 But it can also turn enemies over instantly!

"Nest day!"

"Don't come here!"

Solid and Nebra were startled, they watched Luck's lightning strike towards them, but they could do nothing!

In the end, the two were directly smoked by Luck.

As Solid lost consciousness, the water snake he created also ruptured.

Nebra was also emitting black smoke, and the two of them fell straight down like this.

"£=('0`*))) Alas!"

Nuo Al sighed, it's okay for others not to be saved, but she is saved!

Finally, a waterspout was unleashed, bringing Nebra and Solid with him.

Mimosa hurried over to cast healing magic, but there was no way.

Although I hate these two people, they are still her cousin and sister.

Break the bones and connect the tendons, be saved!

Soon, Mimosa casts a gentle healing spell.

"elder sister!"

"younger brother!"

Nebra and Solid hugged each other with horrified faces just after waking up.

Nuo Al: "???"

(cbbe) Mimosa: "???"

What a shame!

But fortunately, everyone is more concerned now, whether Asta was overturned by electricity!

"These kids are really not to be underestimated!"

Fire elf guardian Floga couldn't help but said.

"Yeah, I just realized now that any combination of any of them can play an extremely wonderful coordination!"

The guardian of the wind elves, Smric, sighed.

"The point is, the strongest few people have never had any linkage. Can you imagine, if they are also combined together, what kind of reaction will erupt?"

Potrof, the plant spirit guardian, marveled.

"So, where did that boy named Asta go?"

Sarado, the guardian of the earth elves, wondered. He looked carefully at the battlefield, but he didn't find Asta!

Thunder Spirit Gadjah's eyes locked on an inconspicuous piece of wood on the battlefield. He just seemed to see that Asta's body changed into ten pieces of wood the moment the lightning poured in.

In other words, Asta has an extremely rare stand-in ability!

This substitute ability allows Asta to be in danger.

Quickly turn into a log and get out of the trap!

This ability is really a bit against the sky in the battle!

In addition, Asta is already extremely fast, and it is not easy to be hit by magic.

Even with that inevitable magic, Asta possesses the ability to resist magic.

No matter how you look at it, Asta is a bug-level existence in this world!

"Many magics in life have attribute restraints, such as water against fire, Rake water, etc. Even light magic, there are also uncommon magics such as dark magic to restrain, but Asta can restrain any magic in the world !"

Thinking of this, Gadjah couldn't help but also took a deep breath.

You know, the current Asta is still in the growth stage.

It hasn't fully grown yet, but even so, Asta has shown an invincible posture!

Will the future world really belong to the boy in front of me?

Gadjah couldn't help but wonder.

"The kid won't be electrocuted to slag, will he?"

Magna said with a slanted mouth.

"How is it possible, you didn't see Nuo Al's big brother and sister, are you all right?"

Luck retorted while looking around.

"It's really like this!"

Magna also felt that it was impossible to electrocute Asta just like that!

"Hey, you kid want to kill me!"

Solid stared at Magna involuntarily.

"Damn stuff!"

Nebra cursed too?

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Luck's eyes turned the color of lightning.

"Hehe, sister, the weather is nice today!"

Solid changed the subject immediately.


Nebra looked in other directions as well.

You know, this is not the kingdom of four-leaf clover!

If something goes wrong, Nozel can't help them!

So do as you can!

"It seems that everyone is practicing well!"

Asta came to Klaus with a flying Thunder God spell.

Now Klaus has paid great attention to melee skills.

Apart from Charlotte, one of the few beings who can fight Asta in melee!


Asta suddenly appeared behind Klaus, followed by a mountainous attack.

The huge Demon Severing Sword slammed down on Klaus' head like this.

And Klaus actually reacted between this kind of lightning and flint.

Turning his head to resist it with a rotating steel gun.

Although the steel gun in his hand was broken by Asta in an instant.

But Klaus also escaped Asta's blow with his own ability!

"That's right, Klaus!"

Asta nodded involuntarily.

"Asta, I'm not the same person I used to be anymore, let's fight with me openly!"

It can be said that Klaus's blood became hot in an instant, and he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

He trained himself so desperately, just to be able to fight against Asta at this moment, and then regain his dignity as a senior!

bang bang bang!

Soon, Asta's powder demon sword and Klaus' steel gun fought dozens of rounds.

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