“Mr. Mond, how is the performance of this Flying Fortress? Can it be put into use? ”

“It’s still a little worse, although it can move across, but Your Excellency Ars, you have to know that this is just a small fortress for experimentation, once the size increases, all the data will be different…”

High in the sky, two figures stand in front of the windshield of the fortress.

As a subject of the Kingdom of Spades, it is natural to have upward and downward effects.

Strong demon zone, this is a hurdle that has always hindered and troubled their progress.

To this end, a lot of manpower and material resources were spent on the development and construction of the Flying Fortress.

In order to be able to lead a large number of troops across the strong demon zone to carry out other countries’ raids after success.

“Although the lives of those guys in the lower domain are not worth much, but the consumption rate of this kind of mana is too fast, I am afraid that it will not last long if you really replace it with a large fortress…”

Unleashing his magic, Mond immediately harvested the relevant data.

His magic is very partial and peculiar, without any attack power or defense.

But it builds things.

From tables and chairs, to houses, palaces.

And this small flying fortress is his masterpiece.

But the bigger the thing, the more magic it takes.

With his current strength, he could only build a fortress that was in vain.

As for the operation of it, it has to start from other aspects.

“Cut, a group of ants, how many and how many, Mr. Mond, you just need to update the data, huh?” That’s down there…” Ace looked through the windproof glass and was stunned as he looked at him.

On the edge of that strong demon zone, a carriage stopped by.

And there was another person next to the carriage who kept waving at them.

“Come down and see…

Without much hesitation, Ars gave the order.

This is the junction between the Kingdom of Hearts and the Kingdom of Spades.

It has been uninhabited for many years.

The sudden appearance of one person and one car made him curious.

The fortress slowly fell in Jiang Hao’s line of sight, and Jiang Hao, who had already thought of words, did not hesitate and walked over.

“Hello, you are the Kingdom of Spades, right? Below is the free trade merchant Uchiha, who has just finished trading in the Kingdom of Hearts and currently wants to travel to your country, can he piggyback on the next journey? ”

Listening to Jiang Hao’s words, Ars, who had just come down from the fortress, did not reply, but looked Jiang Hao up and down.

He had heard the name free trade merchant.

Just Uchiha spots?

The name is so strange.

Why does it give me the feeling that I want to dance?

“This is my merchant testimonial, you can see… While speaking, Jiang Hao felt out a certificate-like thing from his satchel.

Do the play and do the full set, it just so happens that the Kingdom of Hearts has people who do free trade.

Borrowing and using it can also be regarded as contributing to the country.

“Well, it is, but…”

“Trouble adults come down specially to go down, not to mention that this big guy should spend resources to drive, a little meaning is not respect!” Before Ars could finish speaking, Jiang Hao felt out a magic guide spar and pretended to stuff it.

This immediately made Ars smile, “Good, good, come up!” ”

Seeing this, Jiang Hao laughed in his heart.

It seems that people in any world like to eat kickbacks.

The fantasy world of swords and sorcery is no exception!

Step into the fortress and follow behind Arz.

Jiang Hao silently looked at everything inside.


The structure is extremely delicate.

And there were quite a few soldiers staying inside.

Preliminary estimates are around 500.


“Your Excellency Ars, these voices are…”

Along the way, there would be a desperate wail in his ears from time to time, which made Jiang Hao feel inexplicable.

“It’s nothing, a bunch of trash from the lower domains has contributed its due value.”

Hearing this, Jiang Hao no longer asked, after all, he was a businessman and not a spy.

What you say and do must be in line with your own personality.

“By the way, I heard that your free trade merchants are all exclusive boutiques, I wonder what you brought this time?” As soon as the conversation turned, Ars asked with a slight interest.

“Magic guide spar, a large number of magic guide spars, enough to equip a magic guide group!”

Hiss! …

Hearing this, Ars gasped.

Although the title of the arms is different in each country.

But the Demon Guide Soldier Corps is similar.

The standing strength of a magic guide regiment is generally about 1,000 to 2,000 people.

And a country will not have more than ten regiments of magic guide soldiers.

Even if it is super, the extra is just a top-up.

You must know that although everyone in this world can magic, it is not good to use it, and whether it is powerful or not is another matter.

In their Kingdom of Spades, only those in the Middle Domain (above the Seven Domains) are eligible to enter the Corps, while those in the Lower Domain (below the Seven Domains) are not.

This guy actually brought materials that can equip one-tenth of the kingdom’s troops?

“Where did the things come from, don’t ask, I won’t say, you know, business secrets, this time I plan to give all of them to your country, you see…”

After pondering for a while, Ars spoke: “I can’t make a decision on this, I must report it to the soldier master, come here, take Mr. Madara down to rest…”

Nodding, Jiang Hao replied, “Okay, then wait for your Excellency’s news.” ”

When Jiang Hao left his sight, Mond, who had not spoken on the side, looked at the place where Jiang Hao disappeared and spoke, “Your Excellency Ars, is this guy really a free trade merchant?” ”

“I think it should, but it doesn’t matter if it’s or not,” Ars smiled.

As the person in charge of the Flying Fortress program, he naturally would not believe it just by the other party’s own words.

Although this businessman named Uchiha was able to come up with strong evidence to prove himself.

The rhetoric is also logical.

However, doubts remain.

But no amount is a problem.

He had sensed that the magic power of this Uchiha was only the fifth domain.

If you honestly be a businessman and sell them something, then everyone will be happy.

If you want to do things behind your back…

“Notice, monitor him closely 24 hours a day, and report it to me immediately if he behaves strangely…”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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